[Beaker-devel] Recent developments in Beaker team's lshw fork

Amit Saha asaha at redhat.com
Tue May 6 03:10:09 UTC 2014

The Beaker team's lshw fork [1] - had some recent notable commits:

1. A "chroot" (fakeroot/fakechroot) based testing framework
2. Better support for retrieving CPU information on ARM and s390x systems
3. We also have a travis CI YAML file now so every merge will trigger a travis 
build which runs the tests added in (1).

I also have a patch up on Gerrit which will allow running the tests on different distros
using Docker [2].

These should all help implement the changes to the inventory task described in [3].

[1] http://git.beaker-project.org/cgit/lshw
[2] http://gerrit.beaker-project.org/#/c/3043/
[3] https://beaker-project.org/dev/proposals/inventory-lshw-migration.html


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