[Beaker-devel] Reorganising the system page

Jaroslav Kortus jkortus at redhat.com
Mon Dec 2 09:29:46 UTC 2013

On 12/02/2013 05:58 AM, Dan Callaghan wrote:
> For bug 1014438 I am working on reorganising the system page to use
> space more efficiently and to make things easier to find.
> Attached are two screenshots of my ideas.

Hi Dan,

the design looks a bit more clean than the previous black/white version.
I've spotted two things that I'd like to fit better. First is that "Report problem" and 
"Reserve" buttons are not aligned. Second is that "3 out of 72 recipes..." text could use 
some form of "4% aborted recipes (3 out of 72)".

I don't have a feeling that the space is used more efficiently. Especially on wide 
monitors top-down design is worse than the width-aligned menu previously. Also note the 
white space on the right (next to "System" and "CPU" tables). White space = not efficient. 
Comparing to the previous version I saw a lot more info in less clicks in the old version.

I'll share a raw thoughts on how to make the page look more efficent. It's a pity that you 
did not include the landing page for the system link, as I think that matters most.

My idea would be to have the basic/health info in one column (HP z200, intel, memory, 
disk) together with owner and current user. Next to it (second column), I'd like to have 
all actions that are allowed with the system (reserve, provision, power on/off/cycle, 
loan...). That would allow me to do most frequently actions in less clicks.

It would also be cool to have it customizable in a sense of blocks that would be displayed 
by default (but that's more like admin sugar then any widely-used functionality).


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