New: [rhinstaller/anaconda/pulls/427 f23-branch] rpmostreepayload: Fix two issues with mounting

cgwalters installerbot-noreply at
Sun Oct 25 13:17:31 UTC 2015

This makes the internal mounts show up a lot more cleanly
in the output of `mount` at least after installation.

This might fix:
as it's possible Blivet/systemd will be less confused.

Basically I believe that becuase later mounts were traversing the
`/mnt/sysroot` -> `$deploy/sysroot` bind mount, they were being
`canonicalized` to point into the target.  This messed up the

That's one bug - the other silly bug is that we were missing a `-o
remount` option for the `/usr` bind mount, causing it to be mounted
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