[anaconda][rhel7-branch][PATCH] Leave the titlebar blank (if any)

Martin Kolman mkolman at redhat.com
Fri Oct 2 13:14:15 UTC 2015

Since 1231856 has been fixed we no longer run the Anaconda window in fullscreen.
This has the side effect of showing the titlebar unless disabled by a configuration
hack in the window manager. This works for Anaconda running in the installation environment
but Initial Setup, which is running after the installation on the installed system
still has the titlebar with the ugly "__init__.py" default text.

The patch sets the titlebar text to "", so while the titlebar will still be there in Initial Setup,
it at least won't have the ugly default text text.

BTW, I thin that also any attempt to run the Anaconda GUI manually, such as for image building,
will also result in the ugly titlebar text. So the patch should also help for this use case.

Martin Kolman (1):
  Disable text on titlebar (#1267203)

 pyanaconda/ui/gui/__init__.py | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)


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