[PATCH 2/6] Switch translation support to fedora.zanata.org

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Wed May 20 14:43:24 UTC 2015

From: "Brian C. Lane" <bcl at redhat.com>

This commit adjusts the Makefile targets to use zanata, and makebumpver
to check the zanata.xml for the correct branch.

Related: rhbz#1196721
 .tx/config          |   9 ----
 Makefile.am         |  10 ++--
 scripts/makebumpver | 134 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 zanata.xml          | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .tx/config
 create mode 100644 zanata.xml

diff --git a/.tx/config b/.tx/config
deleted file mode 100644
index db3663c..0000000
--- a/.tx/config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-file_filter = po/<lang>.po
-source_file = po/anaconda.pot
-source_lang = en
-type = PO
-host = https://www.transifex.com
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index dcc6eed..6b4214d 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ dist_sbin_SCRIPTS     = anaconda
-TX_PULL_ARGS = -a -f
+ZANATA_PULL_ARGS = --transdir $(srcdir)/po/
+ZANATA_PUSH_ARGS = --srcdir $(srcdir)/po/ --push-type source --force
 INSTALLATION_GUIDE_REPO_URL = git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/install-guide.git
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ tag:
 	@echo "Tagged as $(ARCHIVE_TAG)"
-	rpm -q transifex-client &>/dev/null || ( echo "need to run: yum install transifex-client"; exit 1 )
-	tx pull $(TX_PULL_ARGS)
+	rpm -q zanata-python-client &>/dev/null || ( echo "need to run: yum install zanata-python-client"; exit 1 )
+	zanata pull $(ZANATA_PULL_ARGS)
 	for lingua in $$(grep -v '^#' $(srcdir)/po/LINGUAS) ; do \
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ bumpver: po-pull
 	fi ; \
 	( cd $(srcdir) && scripts/makebumpver $${opts} ) || exit 1 ; \
 	$(MAKE) -C po $(PACKAGE_NAME).pot-update && \
-	tx push $(TX_PUSH_ARGS)
+	zanata push $(ZANATA_PUSH_ARGS)
 # Install all packages specified as BuildRequires in the Anaconda specfile
 # -> installs packages needed to build Anaconda
diff --git a/scripts/makebumpver b/scripts/makebumpver
index 1d56129..722984b 100755
--- a/scripts/makebumpver
+++ b/scripts/makebumpver
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import re
 import subprocess
 import sys
 import textwrap
+import urllib
 class MakeBumpVer:
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -78,8 +79,19 @@ class MakeBumpVer:
         self.configure = kwargs.get('configure')
         self.spec = kwargs.get('spec')
         self.skip_acks = kwargs.get('skip_acks', False)
+        self.skip_all = kwargs.get('skip_all', False)
+        self.zanata_config = kwargs.get('zanata_config')
+        self.skip_zanata = kwargs.get("skip_zanata", False)
+        self.skip_jenkins = kwargs.get("skip_jenkins", False)
-        # RHEL release number or None
+        if self.skip_all:
+            self.skip_acks = True
+            self.skip_jenkins = True
+            self.skip_zanata = True
+        self.git_branch = None
+        # RHEL release number or None (also fills in self.git_branch)
         self.rhel = self._isRHEL()
     def _gitConfig(self, field):
@@ -286,22 +298,23 @@ class MakeBumpVer:
                             author = tmp
                     ckbug = self.bugmap.get(bug, bug)
-                    valid = self._isRHELBug(ckbug, commit, summary)
+                    valid = self.skip_all or self._isRHELBug(ckbug, commit, summary)
                     if valid:
                         summary = summary.replace(fullbug, "(%s)" % author)
                         rhbz.add("Resolves: rhbz#%s" % ckbug)
-                        if not self._isRHELBugInCorrectState(ckbug, commit,
-                                                             summary):
-                            bad = True
+                        if not self.skip_all:
+                            if not self._isRHELBugInCorrectState(ckbug, commit,
+                                                                 summary):
+                                bad = True
-                        if not self._isRHELBugFixedInVersion(ckbug, commit,
-                                                             summary, fixedIn):
-                            bad = True
+                            if not self._isRHELBugFixedInVersion(ckbug, commit,
+                                                                 summary, fixedIn):
+                                bad = True
-                        if not self._isRHELBugAcked(ckbug, commit, summary):
-                            bad = True
+                            if not self._isRHELBugAcked(ckbug, commit, summary):
+                                bad = True
                         bad = True
                     summary_bug = ckbug
@@ -323,7 +336,7 @@ class MakeBumpVer:
                         action = actionre.group()
                         bug = bugre.group()
                         ckbug = self.bugmap.get(bug, bug)
-                        valid = self._isRHELBug(ckbug, commit, summary)
+                        valid = self.skip_all or self._isRHELBug(ckbug, commit, summary)
                         if valid:
                             rhbz.add("%s: rhbz#%s" % (action, ckbug))
@@ -336,6 +349,10 @@ class MakeBumpVer:
                             bad = True
+                        if self.skip_all:
+                            print "*** Bug %s Related commit %s is allowed\n" % (bug, commit)
+                            continue
                         if valid and action == 'Resolves' and \
                            (not self._isRHELBugInCorrectState(ckbug, commit,
                                                               summary) or \
@@ -350,7 +367,7 @@ class MakeBumpVer:
                             # Related bugs only need to be valid and have an ack
                             bad = False
-                if len(rhbz) == 0:
+                if len(rhbz) == 0 and not self.skip_all:
                     print("*** No bugs referenced in commit %s\n" % commit)
                     bad = True
@@ -417,7 +434,83 @@ class MakeBumpVer:
+    def check_jenkins(self):
+        if not self.git_branch:
+            log.error("No git branch, cannot check jenkins")
+            return False
+        if not self.jenkins:
+            log.warning("No jenkins defined, skipping")
+            return True
+        ret = False
+        if self.jenkins_proxy:
+            proxies = { "http": self.jenkins_proxy }
+        else:
+            proxies = {}
+        try:
+            with closing(urllib.urlopen(self.jenkins, proxies=proxies)) as f:
+                contents = f.readlines()
+                try:
+                    j = json.loads(contents[0])
+                except (TypeError, ValueError):
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    # Get the name of the job we should be looking for in jenkins.
+                    # This name is composed from the name of the project, plus the
+                    # branch of the project without any "-branch" stuff at the end.
+                    targetJob = self.name + "-" + self.git_branch
+                    if targetJob.endswith("-branch"):
+                        targetJob = targetJob[:-7]
+                    for job in j["jobs"]:
+                        if job["name"] == targetJob:
+                            ret = job["color"] == "blue"
+                            break
+        except IOError as e:
+            log.error("Jenkins check failed: %s", e)
+            return False
+        return ret
+    def check_zanata(self):
+        """
+        Make sure that the zanata project-version matches the current git branch
+        This is to prevent accidentally pushing translations to the wrong branch,
+        eg. when branching for a new release and zanata.xml hasn't been updated
+        """
+        if not self.git_branch:
+            log.error("No git branch, cannot check zanata config")
+            return False
+        version_re = re.compile("<project-version>(.*)</project-version>")
+        ret = False
+        with open(self.zanata_config, "r") as f:
+            for line in f:
+                m = version_re.match(line.strip())
+                if m and m.group(1) == self.git_branch:
+                    ret = True
+                    break
+                elif m:
+                    log.error("zanata.xml branch (%s) does not match current branch: %s", m.group(1), self.git_branch)
+                    break
+            else:
+                log.error("zanata.xml does not have a project-version")
+        return ret
     def run(self):
+        if not self.skip_zanata and not self.check_zanata():
+            sys.exit(1)
+        # For now, jenkins is in an advisory role so do not require it to pass.
+        if not self.skip_jenkins and not self.check_jenkins():
+            log.warning("jenkins test results do not pass; ignoring for now")
         newVersion = self._incrementVersion()
         fixedIn = "%s-%s-%s" % (self.name, newVersion, self.release)
         rpmlog = self._rpmLog(fixedIn)
@@ -436,6 +529,8 @@ def usage(cmd):
     sys.stdout.write("    -m, --map        Comma separated list of FEDORA_BZ=RHEL_BZ mappings.\n")
     sys.stdout.write("    -s, --skip-acks  Skip checking for rhel-X.X.X ack flag\n")
     sys.stdout.write("    -d, --debug      Turn on debug logging to stdout\n")
+    sys.stdout.write("    --skip-zanata    Skip checking Zanata config for branch name\n")
+    sys.stdout.write("    --skip-jenkins   Skip checking Jenkins for test results\n")
     sys.stdout.write("\nThe -i switch is intended for use with utility commits that we do not need to\n")
     sys.stdout.write("reference in the spec file changelog.  The -m switch is used to map a Fedora\n")
     sys.stdout.write("BZ number to a RHEL BZ number for the spec file changelog.  Use -m if you have\n")
@@ -447,16 +542,17 @@ def main(argv):
     cwd = os.getcwd()
     configure = os.path.realpath(cwd + '/configure.ac')
     spec = os.path.realpath(cwd + '/anaconda.spec.in')
+    zanata_config = os.path.realpath(cwd + '/zanata.xml')
     name, version, release, bugreport = None, None, None, None
     ignore, bugmap = None, None
-    show_help, unknown, skip_acks = False, False, False
+    show_help, unknown, skip_acks, skip_all, skip_zanata, skip_jenkins = False, False, False, False, False, False
     opts = []
         opts, _args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'n:v:r:b:i:m:d?',
                                    ['name=', 'version=', 'release=',
                                     'bugreport=', 'ignore=', 'map=',
-                                    'debug', 'help'])
+                                    'debug', 'help', 'skip-zanata', 'skip-jenkins'])
     except getopt.GetoptError:
         show_help = True
@@ -475,8 +571,14 @@ def main(argv):
             bugmap = a
         elif o in ('-s', '--skip-acks'):
             skip_acks = True
+        elif o in ('-S', '--skip-all'):
+            skip_all = True
         elif o in ('-d', '--debug'):
+        elif o in ('--skip-zanata'):
+            skip_zanata = True
+        elif o in ('--skip-jenkins'):
+            skip_jenkins = True
         elif o in ('-?', '--help'):
             show_help = True
@@ -512,7 +614,9 @@ def main(argv):
     mbv = MakeBumpVer(name=name, version=version, release=release,
                       bugreport=bugreport, ignore=ignore, bugmap=bugmap,
-                      configure=configure, spec=spec, skip_acks=skip_acks)
+                      configure=configure, spec=spec, skip_acks=skip_acks,
+                      skip_all=skip_all, zanata_config=zanata_config, skip_zanata=skip_zanata,
+                      skip_jenkins=skip_jenkins)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/zanata.xml b/zanata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6da60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zanata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+<config xmlns="http://zanata.org/namespace/config/">
+  <url>https://fedora.zanata.org/</url>
+  <project>anaconda</project>
+  <project-version>rhel7-branch</project-version>
+  <project-type>gettext</project-type>
+  <locales>
+    <locale>sq</locale>
+    <locale>ar</locale>
+    <locale>as</locale>
+    <locale>ast</locale>
+    <locale>bal</locale>
+    <locale>eu</locale>
+    <locale>bn</locale>
+    <locale>bn-IN</locale>
+    <locale>brx</locale>
+    <locale>bs</locale>
+    <locale>br</locale>
+    <locale>bg</locale>
+    <locale>ca</locale>
+    <locale>zh-CN</locale>
+    <locale>zh-HK</locale>
+    <locale>zh-TW</locale>
+    <locale>kw</locale>
+    <locale>kw-GB</locale>
+    <locale>cs</locale>
+    <locale>da</locale>
+    <locale>nl</locale>
+    <locale>en-GB</locale>
+    <locale>eo</locale>
+    <locale>et</locale>
+    <locale>fi</locale>
+    <locale>fr</locale>
+    <locale>gl</locale>
+    <locale>ka</locale>
+    <locale>de</locale>
+    <locale>el</locale>
+    <locale>gu</locale>
+    <locale>he</locale>
+    <locale>hi</locale>
+    <locale>hu</locale>
+    <locale>is</locale>
+    <locale>id</locale>
+    <locale>ia</locale>
+    <locale>it</locale>
+    <locale>ja</locale>
+    <locale>kn</locale>
+    <locale>kk</locale>
+    <locale>km</locale>
+    <locale>ky</locale>
+    <locale>ko</locale>
+    <locale>lt</locale>
+    <locale>nds</locale>
+    <locale>mk</locale>
+    <locale>mai</locale>
+    <locale>ms</locale>
+    <locale>ml</locale>
+    <locale>mr</locale>
+    <locale>mn</locale>
+    <locale>ne</locale>
+    <locale>nb</locale>
+    <locale>nn</locale>
+    <locale>or</locale>
+    <locale>pa</locale>
+    <locale>fa</locale>
+    <locale>pl</locale>
+    <locale>pt</locale>
+    <locale>pt-BR</locale>
+    <locale>ro</locale>
+    <locale>ru</locale>
+    <locale>sr</locale>
+    <locale>sr at latin</locale>
+    <locale>si</locale>
+    <locale>sk</locale>
+    <locale>sl</locale>
+    <locale>es</locale>
+    <locale>sv</locale>
+    <locale>tg</locale>
+    <locale>ta</locale>
+    <locale>te</locale>
+    <locale>bo</locale>
+    <locale>tr</locale>
+    <locale>uk</locale>
+    <locale>ur</locale>
+    <locale>wba</locale>
+    <locale>cy</locale>
+    <locale>lv</locale>
+    <locale>kw at uccor</locale>
+    <locale>kw at kkcor</locale>
+    <locale>af</locale>
+    <locale>am</locale>
+    <locale>be</locale>
+    <locale>hr</locale>
+    <locale>de-CH</locale>
+    <locale>th</locale>
+    <locale>vi</locale>
+    <locale>zu</locale>
+    <locale>ilo</locale>
+    <locale>nso</locale>
+    <locale>tw</locale>
+    <locale>yo</locale>
+    <locale>anp</locale>
+  </locales>

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