Updated: [rhinstaller/blivet/pulls/45 master] Split up DeviceTree

dwlehman installerbot-noreply at redhat.com
Tue Mar 17 17:40:31 UTC 2015

DeviceTree has gotten to be a huge class. This patch set moves methods used to populate the DeviceTree into blivet.populator.Populator. It also moves action list/queue management into blivet.actionlist.ActionList.

Notes on ActionList:
- I kept processActions and findActions wrappers in DeviceTree to preserve API, but I plan to remove them
  both in blivet-2.0.
- I wanted to call it ActionQueue, but it's not a proper queue. Could/should I call it that anyway?

Notes on Populator:
- I'm not crazy about the name. Previously it was discoverer.Discoverer. Any opinions on which is better?
- It's a little goofy that Populator has a DeviceTree instance as an attribute and vice-versa. I'd be open to
  fixing that in a better way if people are uneasy about, or disgusted by, it.

To view this pull request on github, visit https://github.com/rhinstaller/blivet/pull/45

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