[master 1/1] find valid mounted boot stage1 parts on any disk (#1168118)

AdamWill installerbot-noreply at redhat.com
Mon Mar 2 23:42:21 UTC 2015

In reply to line 444 of pyanaconda/kickstart.py:

I kept this in from Anne's version, but I'm not sure why we couldn't just simplify it to:

    if s1disks:

or even simply drop the whole conditional and just do:

    self.bootDrive = next((d for d in disks if d in s1disks), disks[0]).name

in all cases, because it'll just wind up picking `disks[0]` any time `s1disks` is `None` and the time it takes is surely negligible.

To view this comment on github, visit https://github.com/AdamWill/anaconda/commit/1cd250a706ffb4a10a0013c8f76f9189b04fce36#commitcomment-9996502

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