Support for LDL DASD detection (s390x) (for real this time)

Samantha N. Bueno sbueno+anaconda at
Fri Jun 19 14:59:29 UTC 2015

Similar to the code that went into rhel06, this adds a new function to
devicelibs.dasd in order to detect LDL DASDs. There is also some code in
the gui/tui storage spokes to create a list of any LDL DASDs and prompt
the user to run dasdfmt against them.

The cleaerpart --cdl option basically says, if there are any LDL DASDs
on my system detected during my ks install, run dasdfmt on them.

I will say that I have not had a chance to really test the
clearpart --cdl option, so bear that in mind, but I think that it should
be ok.

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