Updated: [rhinstaller/blivet/pulls/156 master] LVM cache detection, manipulation and reporting

vpodzime installerbot-noreply at redhat.com
Thu Jun 18 13:40:05 UTC 2015

**All but the last three commits of this can be ignored as they are part of the PR #149.**

The last three commits add generic classes for Cache monitoring, manipulation and reporting, the implementation for the LVM Cache and pieces of code needed for the ``LVMLogicalVolumeDevice`` class to support cached LVs.

The reason why cached LV is not a new, separate class is that when the cache is detached, such (formerly) cached LV becomes a normal LV like any other and its not possible to change the type/class of an existing object. Thus the ``LVMCache`` class is added instead the instances of which are referenced by cached LVs and provide the cache-related functionality to them. The same approach will be later used for ``BcacheDevice`` and ``BcacheCache`` classes (a device can be formatted as a ``BcacheDevice`` with no cache attached to it).
To view this pull request on github, visit https://github.com/rhinstaller/blivet/pull/156

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