[rhinstaller/blivet/pulls/151 master] Parameterize Makefile test targets on Python version.

mulkieran installerbot-noreply at redhat.com
Mon Jun 8 21:19:09 UTC 2015

This is a slightly amended version of #120.

The only difference is that test dependencies are stored in variable TEST_DEPENDENCIES and that sort and uniq are used to drop duplicates while non-recursive assignment is used to calculate value of TEST_DEPENDENCIES. This is marginally better because it reports _all_ uninstalled packages in an orderly way. The upside of storing this all in a variable is that the test dependencies only need to be calculated once; the downside is that they need to be calculated at least once always.

Note that even if running tests for python 2, python 3 dependencies are checked. It's hard to get around that w/out doing something really different than grepping the spec file for '^Requires:' lines, and I'm not sure what that really different thing would be.
To view this pull request on github, visit https://github.com/rhinstaller/blivet/pull/151

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