[PATCH 17/22] Fix the last member of the struct_time struct

David Shea dshea at redhat.com
Wed Jun 3 16:03:41 UTC 2015

From: Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime at redhat.com>

It's not UTC/local, it's DST and according to the Python docs: "A -1 argument
as the daylight savings flag, passed to mktime() will usually result in the
correct daylight savings state to be filled in."

(cherry picked from commit 3d3d7b1bdf30a5022a75740aaf4ce797098afa38)

Related: rhbz#1188287
 pyanaconda/isys/__init__.py | 9 +++------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pyanaconda/isys/__init__.py b/pyanaconda/isys/__init__.py
index 44f6144..d31656c 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/isys/__init__.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/isys/__init__.py
@@ -120,20 +120,17 @@ def set_system_time(secs):
     log.info("System time set to %s", time.ctime(secs))
 def set_system_date_time(year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None,
-                         second=None, utc=False):
+                         second=None):
     Set system date and time given by the parameters as numbers. If some
     parameter is missing or None, the current system date/time field is used
     instead (i.e. the value is not changed by this function).
     :type year, month, ..., second: int
-    :param utc: wheter the other parameters specify UTC or local time
-    :type utc: bool
     # get the right values
-    local = 0 if utc else 1
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     year = year or now.year
     month = month or now.month
@@ -142,8 +139,8 @@ def set_system_date_time(year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None
     minute = minute or now.minute
     second = second or now.second
-    # struct fields -> year, month, day, hour, minute, second, week_day, year_day, local
-    time_struct = time.struct_time((year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0, 0, local))
+    # struct fields -> year, month, day, hour, minute, second, week_day, year_day, dst
+    time_struct = time.struct_time((year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0, 0, -1))
 def total_memory():

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