[master 1/2] Create md.py

cinquecento installerbot-noreply at redhat.com
Tue Jul 28 20:00:38 UTC 2015

From: cinquecento <pomidorabelisima at gmail.com>

The EXTLINUX MD RAID1 metadata 1.0 support, complements
 the EXTLINUX MD RAID1 support in the Anaconda installer.
For those running the machines on the BIOSes, baremetal and virtual.
 devices/md.py | 703 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 703 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 devices/md.py

diff --git a/devices/md.py b/devices/md.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f2fd5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devices/md.py
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+# devices/md.py
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2014  Red Hat, Inc.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
+# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
+# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
+# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.  Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
+# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
+# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
+# Red Hat, Inc.
+# Red Hat Author(s): David Lehman <dlehman at redhat.com>
+import os
+import six
+import gi
+gi.require_version("BlockDev", "1.0")
+from gi.repository import BlockDev as blockdev
+from ..devicelibs import mdraid, raid
+from .. import errors
+from .. import util
+from ..flags import flags
+from ..storage_log import log_method_call
+from .. import udev
+from ..size import Size
+from ..tasks import availability
+from ..util import open # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger("blivet")
+from .storage import StorageDevice
+from .container import ContainerDevice
+from .raid import RaidDevice
+class MDRaidArrayDevice(ContainerDevice, RaidDevice):
+    """ An mdraid (Linux RAID) device. """
+    _type = "mdarray"
+    _packages = ["mdadm"]
+    _devDir = "/dev/md"
+    _formatClassName = property(lambda s: "mdmember")
+    _formatUUIDAttr = property(lambda s: "mdUuid")
+    _external_dependencies = [availability.BLOCKDEV_MDRAID_PLUGIN]
+    def __init__(self, name, level=None, major=None, minor=None, size=None,
+                 memberDevices=None, totalDevices=None,
+                 uuid=None, fmt=None, exists=False, metadataVersion=None,
+                 parents=None, sysfsPath=''):
+        """
+            :param name: the device name (generally a device node's basename)
+            :type name: str
+            :keyword exists: does this device exist?
+            :type exists: bool
+            :keyword size: the device's size
+            :type size: :class:`~.size.Size`
+            :keyword parents: a list of parent devices
+            :type parents: list of :class:`StorageDevice`
+            :keyword fmt: this device's formatting
+            :type fmt: :class:`~.formats.DeviceFormat` or a subclass of it
+            :keyword sysfsPath: sysfs device path
+            :type sysfsPath: str
+            :keyword uuid: the device UUID
+            :type uuid: str
+            :keyword level: the device's RAID level
+            :type level: any valid RAID level descriptor
+            :keyword int memberDevices: the number of active member devices
+            :keyword int totalDevices: the total number of member devices
+            :keyword metadataVersion: the version of the device's md metadata
+            :type metadataVersion: str (eg: "0.90")
+            :keyword minor: the device minor (obsolete?)
+            :type minor: int
+            .. note::
+                An instance of this class whose :attr:`exists` attribute is
+                True and whose parent/member devices are all partitionable is
+                also considered to be partitionable.
+            .. note::
+                An instance of this class whose :attr:`exists` attribute is
+                True and whose parent/member devices are all disks is also
+                treated like a disk.
+        """
+        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+        # These attributes are used by _addParent, so they must be initialized
+        # prior to instantiating the superclass.
+        self._memberDevices = 0     # the number of active (non-spare) members
+        self._totalDevices = 0      # the total number of members
+        # avoid attribute-defined-outside-init pylint warning
+        self._level = None
+        super(MDRaidArrayDevice, self).__init__(name, uuid=uuid,
+                                                exists=exists, size=size,
+                                                parents=parents,
+                                                sysfsPath=sysfsPath)
+        try:
+            self.level = level
+        except errors.DeviceError as e:
+            # Could not set the level, so set loose the parents that were
+            # added in superclass constructor.
+            for dev in self.parents:
+                dev.removeChild()
+            raise e
+        self.uuid = uuid
+        self._totalDevices = util.numeric_type(totalDevices)
+        self.memberDevices = util.numeric_type(memberDevices)
+        self.chunkSize = mdraid.MD_CHUNK_SIZE
+        if not self.exists and not isinstance(metadataVersion, str):
+            self.metadataVersion = "default"
+        else:
+            self.metadataVersion = metadataVersion
+        self.format = fmt
+        if self.parents and self.parents[0].type == "mdcontainer" and self.type != "mdbiosraidarray":
+            raise errors.DeviceError("A device with mdcontainer member must be mdbiosraidarray.")
+        if self.exists and self.mdadmFormatUUID and not flags.testing:
+            # this is a hack to work around mdadm's insistence on giving
+            # really high minors to arrays it has no config entry for
+            with open("/etc/mdadm.conf", "a") as c:
+                c.write("ARRAY %s UUID=%s\n" % (self.path, self.mdadmFormatUUID))
+    @property
+    def mdadmFormatUUID(self):
+        """ This array's UUID, formatted for external use.
+            :returns: the array's UUID in mdadm format, if available
+            :rtype: str or NoneType
+        """
+        formatted_uuid = None
+        if self.uuid is not None:
+            try:
+                formatted_uuid = blockdev.md.get_md_uuid(self.uuid)
+            except blockdev.MDRaidError:
+                pass
+        return formatted_uuid
+    @property
+    def level(self):
+        """ Return the raid level
+            :returns: raid level value
+            :rtype:   an object that represents a RAID level
+        """
+        return self._level
+    @property
+    def _levels(self):
+        """ Allowed RAID level for this type of device."""
+        return mdraid.RAID_levels
+    @level.setter
+    def level(self, value):
+        """ Set the RAID level and enforce restrictions based on it.
+            :param value: new raid level
+            :param type:  object
+            :raises :class:`~.errors.DeviceError`: if value does not describe
+            a valid RAID level
+            :returns:     None
+        """
+        try:
+            level = self._getLevel(value, self._levels)
+        except ValueError as e:
+            raise errors.DeviceError(e)
+        self._level = level
+    @property
+    def createBitmap(self):
+        """ Whether or not a bitmap should be created on the array.
+            If the the array is sufficiently small, a bitmap yields no benefit.
+            If the array has no redundancy, a bitmap is just pointless.
+        """
+        try:
+            return self.level.has_redundancy() and self.size >= Size(1000) and  self.format.type != "swap"
+        except errors.RaidError:
+            # If has_redundancy() raises an exception then this device has
+            # a level for which the redundancy question is meaningless. In
+            # that case, creating a write-intent bitmap would be a meaningless
+            # action.
+            return False
+    def getSuperBlockSize(self, raw_array_size):
+        """Estimate the superblock size for a member of an array,
+           given the total available memory for this array and raid level.
+           :param raw_array_size: total available for this array and level
+           :type raw_array_size: :class:`~.size.Size`
+           :returns: estimated superblock size
+           :rtype: :class:`~.size.Size`
+        """
+        return blockdev.md.get_superblock_size(raw_array_size,
+                                               version=self.metadataVersion)
+    @property
+    def size(self):
+        """Returns the actual or estimated size depending on whether or
+           not the array exists.
+        """
+        if not self.exists or not self.mediaPresent:
+            try:
+                size = self.level.get_size([d.size for d in self.members],
+                    self.memberDevices,
+                    self.chunkSize,
+                    self.getSuperBlockSize)
+            except (blockdev.MDRaidError, errors.RaidError) as e:
+                log.info("could not calculate size of device %s for raid level %s: %s", self.name, self.level, e)
+                size = Size(0)
+            log.debug("non-existent RAID %s size == %s", self.level, size)
+        else:
+            size = self.currentSize
+            log.debug("existing RAID %s size == %s", self.level, size)
+        return size
+    def updateSize(self):
+        # pylint: disable=bad-super-call
+        super(ContainerDevice, self).updateSize()
+    @property
+    def description(self):
+        levelstr = self.level.nick if self.level.nick else self.level.name
+        return "MDRAID set (%s)" % levelstr
+    def __repr__(self):
+        s = StorageDevice.__repr__(self)
+        s += ("  level = %(level)s  spares = %(spares)s\n"
+              "  members = %(memberDevices)s\n"
+              "  total devices = %(totalDevices)s"
+              "  metadata version = %(metadataVersion)s" %
+              {"level": self.level, "spares": self.spares,
+               "memberDevices": self.memberDevices,
+               "totalDevices": self.totalDevices,
+               "metadataVersion": self.metadataVersion})
+        return s
+    @property
+    def dict(self):
+        d = super(MDRaidArrayDevice, self).dict
+        d.update({"level": str(self.level),
+                  "spares": self.spares, "memberDevices": self.memberDevices,
+                  "totalDevices": self.totalDevices,
+                  "metadataVersion": self.metadataVersion})
+        return d
+    @property
+    def mdadmConfEntry(self):
+        """ This array's mdadm.conf entry. """
+        uuid = self.mdadmFormatUUID
+        if self.memberDevices is None or not uuid:
+            raise errors.DeviceError("array is not fully defined", self.name)
+        fmt = "ARRAY %s level=%s num-devices=%d UUID=%s\n"
+        return fmt % (self.path, self.level, self.memberDevices, uuid)
+    @property
+    def totalDevices(self):
+        """ Total number of devices in the array, including spares. """
+        if not self.exists:
+            return self._totalDevices
+        else:
+            return len(self.parents)
+    def _getMemberDevices(self):
+        return self._memberDevices
+    def _setMemberDevices(self, number):
+        if not isinstance(number, six.integer_types):
+            raise ValueError("memberDevices must be an integer")
+        if not self.exists and number > self.totalDevices:
+            raise ValueError("memberDevices cannot be greater than totalDevices")
+        self._memberDevices = number
+    memberDevices = property(lambda d: d._getMemberDevices(),
+                             lambda d, m: d._setMemberDevices(m),
+                             doc="number of member devices")
+    def _getSpares(self):
+        spares = 0
+        if self.memberDevices is not None:
+            if self.totalDevices is not None and \
+               self.totalDevices > self.memberDevices:
+                spares = self.totalDevices - self.memberDevices
+            elif self.totalDevices is None:
+                spares = self.memberDevices
+                self._totalDevices = self.memberDevices
+        return spares
+    def _setSpares(self, spares):
+        max_spares = self.level.get_max_spares(len(self.parents))
+        if spares > max_spares:
+            log.debug("failed to set new spares value %d (max is %d)",
+                      spares, max_spares)
+            raise errors.DeviceError("new spares value is too large")
+        if self.totalDevices > spares:
+            self.memberDevices = self.totalDevices - spares
+    spares = property(_getSpares, _setSpares)
+    def _addParent(self, member):
+        super(MDRaidArrayDevice, self)._addParent(member)
+        if self.status and member.format.exists:
+            # we always probe since the device may not be set up when we want
+            # information about it
+            self._size = self.currentSize
+        # These should be incremented when adding new member devices except
+        # during devicetree.populate. When detecting existing arrays we will
+        # have gotten these values from udev and will use them to determine
+        # whether we found all of the members, so we shouldn't change them in
+        # that case.
+        if not member.format.exists:
+            self._totalDevices += 1
+            self.memberDevices += 1
+        # The new member hasn't been added yet, so account for it explicitly.
+        is_disk = self.isDisk and member.isDisk
+        for p in self.parents:
+            p.format._hidden = is_disk
+        member.format._hidden = is_disk
+    def _removeParent(self, member):
+        error_msg = self._validateParentRemoval(self.level, member)
+        if error_msg:
+            raise errors.DeviceError(error_msg)
+        super(MDRaidArrayDevice, self)._removeParent(member)
+        self.memberDevices -= 1
+    @property
+    def _trueStatusStrings(self):
+        """ Strings in state file for which status() should return True."""
+        return ("clean", "active", "active-idle", "readonly", "read-auto")
+    @property
+    def status(self):
+        """ This device's status.
+            For now, this should return a boolean:
+                True    the device is open and ready for use
+                False   the device is not open
+        """
+        # check the status in sysfs
+        status = False
+        if not self.exists:
+            return status
+        if os.path.exists(self.path) and not self.sysfsPath:
+            # the array has been activated from outside of blivet
+            self.updateSysfsPath()
+            # make sure the active array is the one we expect
+            info = udev.get_device(self.sysfsPath)
+            uuid = udev.device_get_md_uuid(info)
+            if uuid and uuid != self.uuid:
+                log.warning("md array %s is active, but has UUID %s -- not %s",
+                            self.path, uuid, self.uuid)
+                self.sysfsPath = ""
+                return status
+        state_file = "%s/md/array_state" % self.sysfsPath
+        try:
+            state = open(state_file).read().strip()
+            if state in self._trueStatusStrings:
+                status = True
+        except IOError:
+            status = False
+        return status
+    def memberStatus(self, member):
+        if not (self.status and member.status):
+            return
+        member_name = os.path.basename(member.sysfsPath)
+        path = "/sys/%s/md/dev-%s/state" % (self.sysfsPath, member_name)
+        try:
+            state = open(path).read().strip()
+        except IOError:
+            state = None
+        return state
+    @property
+    def degraded(self):
+        """ Return True if the array is running in degraded mode. """
+        rc = False
+        degraded_file = "%s/md/degraded" % self.sysfsPath
+        if os.access(degraded_file, os.R_OK):
+            val = open(degraded_file).read().strip()
+            if val == "1":
+                rc = True
+        return rc
+    @property
+    def members(self):
+        """ Returns this array's members.
+            :rtype: list of :class:`StorageDevice`
+        """
+        return list(self.parents)
+    @property
+    def complete(self):
+        """ An MDRaidArrayDevice is complete if it has at least as many
+            component devices as its count of active devices.
+        """
+        return (self.memberDevices <= len(self.members)) or not self.exists
+    def _postSetup(self):
+        super(MDRaidArrayDevice, self)._postSetup()
+        self.updateSysfsPath()
+    def _setup(self, orig=False):
+        """ Open, or set up, a device. """
+        log_method_call(self, self.name, orig=orig, status=self.status,
+                        controllable=self.controllable)
+        disks = []
+        for member in self.members:
+            member.setup(orig=orig)
+            disks.append(member.path)
+        blockdev.md.activate(self.path, members=disks, uuid=self.mdadmFormatUUID)
+    def _postTeardown(self, recursive=False):
+        super(MDRaidArrayDevice, self)._postTeardown(recursive=recursive)
+        # mdadm reuses minors indiscriminantly when there is no mdadm.conf, so
+        # we need to clear the sysfs path now so our status method continues to
+        # give valid results
+        self.sysfsPath = ''
+    def teardown(self, recursive=None):
+        """ Close, or tear down, a device. """
+        log_method_call(self, self.name, status=self.status,
+                        controllable=self.controllable)
+        # we don't really care about the return value of _preTeardown here.
+        # see comment just above md_deactivate call
+        self._preTeardown(recursive=recursive)
+        if self.isDisk:
+            # treat arrays whose members are disks as partitionable disks
+            return
+        # We don't really care what the array's state is. If the device
+        # file exists, we want to deactivate it. mdraid has too many
+        # states.
+        if self.exists and os.path.exists(self.path):
+            blockdev.md.deactivate(self.path)
+        self._postTeardown(recursive=recursive)
+    def preCommitFixup(self):
+        """ Determine create parameters for this set """
+        log_method_call(self, self.name)
+        # UEFI firmware/bootloader cannot read 1.1 or 1.2 metadata arrays
+        # The EXTLINUX can read 0.9 or 1.0 RAID1 metadata
+        if getattr(self.format, "mountpoint", None) == "/boot/efi" or \
+           getattr(self.format, "mountpoint", None) == "/boot":
+            self.metadataVersion = "1.0"
+    def _postCreate(self):
+        # this is critical since our status method requires a valid sysfs path
+        self.exists = True  # this is needed to run updateSysfsPath
+        self.updateSysfsPath()
+        StorageDevice._postCreate(self)
+        # update our uuid attribute with the new array's UUID
+        # XXX this won't work for containers since no UUID is reported for them
+        info = blockdev.md.detail(self.path)
+        self.uuid = info.uuid
+        for member in self.members:
+            member.format.mdUuid = self.uuid
+    def _create(self):
+        """ Create the device. """
+        log_method_call(self, self.name, status=self.status)
+        disks = [disk.path for disk in self.members]
+        spares = len(self.members) - self.memberDevices
+        level = None
+        if self.level:
+            level = str(self.level)
+        blockdev.md.create(self.path, level, disks, spares,
+                           version=self.metadataVersion,
+                           bitmap=self.createBitmap)
+        udev.settle()
+    def _remove(self, member):
+        self.setup()
+        # see if the device must be marked as failed before it can be removed
+        fail = (self.memberStatus(member) == "in_sync")
+        blockdev.md.remove(self.path, member.path, fail)
+    def _add(self, member):
+        """ Add a member device to an array.
+           :param str member: the member's path
+           :raises: blockdev.MDRaidError
+        """
+        self.setup()
+        raid_devices = None
+        try:
+            if not self.level.has_redundancy():
+                if self.level is not raid.Linear:
+                    raid_devices = int(blockdev.md.detail(self.name).raid_devices) + 1
+        except errors.RaidError:
+            pass
+        blockdev.md.add(self.path, member.path, raid_devs=raid_devices)
+    @property
+    def formatArgs(self):
+        formatArgs = []
+        if self.format.type == "ext2":
+            recommended_stride = self.level.get_recommended_stride(self.memberDevices)
+            if recommended_stride:
+                formatArgs = ['-R', 'stride=%d' % recommended_stride ]
+        return formatArgs
+    @property
+    def model(self):
+        return self.description
+    @property
+    def partitionable(self):
+        return self.exists and self.parents and all(p.partitionable for p in self.members)
+    @property
+    def isDisk(self):
+        return self.exists and self.parents and all(p.isDisk for p in self.members)
+    def dracutSetupArgs(self):
+        return set(["rd.md.uuid=%s" % self.mdadmFormatUUID])
+    def populateKSData(self, data):
+        if self.isDisk:
+            return
+        super(MDRaidArrayDevice, self).populateKSData(data)
+        data.level = self.level.name
+        data.spares = self.spares
+        data.members = ["raid.%d" % p.id for p in self.parents]
+        data.preexist = self.exists
+        data.device = self.name
+class MDContainerDevice(MDRaidArrayDevice):
+    _type = "mdcontainer"
+    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
+        kwargs['level'] = raid.Container
+        super(MDContainerDevice, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
+    @property
+    def _levels(self):
+        return mdraid.MDRaidLevels(["container"])
+    @property
+    def description(self):
+        return "BIOS RAID container"
+    @property
+    def mdadmConfEntry(self):
+        uuid = self.mdadmFormatUUID
+        if not uuid:
+            raise errors.DeviceError("array is not fully defined", self.name)
+        return "ARRAY %s UUID=%s\n" % (self.path, uuid)
+    @property
+    def _trueStatusStrings(self):
+        return ("clean", "active", "active-idle", "readonly", "read-auto", "inactive")
+    def teardown(self, recursive=None):
+        log_method_call(self, self.name, status=self.status,
+                        controllable=self.controllable)
+        # we don't really care about the return value of _preTeardown here.
+        # see comment just above md_deactivate call
+        self._preTeardown(recursive=recursive)
+        # Since BIOS RAID sets (containers in mdraid terminology) never change
+        # there is no need to stop them and later restart them. Not stopping
+        # (and thus also not starting) them also works around bug 523334
+        return
+    @property
+    def mediaPresent(self):
+        # Containers should not get any format handling done
+        # (the device node does not allow read / write calls)
+        return False
+class MDBiosRaidArrayDevice(MDRaidArrayDevice):
+    _type = "mdbiosraidarray"
+    _formatClassName = property(lambda s: None)
+    _isDisk = True
+    _partitionable = True
+    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
+        super(MDBiosRaidArrayDevice, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
+        # For container members probe size now, as we cannot determine it
+        # when teared down.
+        self._size = self.currentSize
+    @property
+    def size(self):
+        # For container members return probed size, as we cannot determine it
+        # when teared down.
+        return self._size
+    @property
+    def description(self):
+        levelstr = self.level.nick if self.level.nick else self.level.name
+        return "BIOS RAID set (%s)" % levelstr
+    @property
+    def mdadmConfEntry(self):
+        uuid = self.mdadmFormatUUID
+        if not uuid:
+            raise errors.DeviceError("array is not fully defined", self.name)
+        return "ARRAY %s UUID=%s\n" % (self.path, uuid)
+    @property
+    def members(self):
+        # If the array is a BIOS RAID array then its unique parent
+        # is a container and its actual member devices are the
+        # container's parents.
+        return self.parents[0].members
+    @property
+    def devices(self):
+        return self.parents[0].devices
+    @property
+    def totalDevices(self):
+        return self.parents[0].totalDevices
+    def _getMemberDevices(self):
+        return self.parents[0].memberDevices
+    def _addParent(self, member):
+        # pylint: disable=bad-super-call
+        super(MDRaidArrayDevice, self)._addParent(member)
+        if self.status and member.format.exists:
+            # we always probe since the device may not be set up when we want
+            # information about it
+            self._size = self.currentSize
+    def _removeParent(self, member):
+        error_msg = self._validateParentRemoval(self.level, member)
+        if error_msg:
+            raise errors.DeviceError(error_msg)
+        # pylint: disable=bad-super-call
+        super(MDRaidArrayDevice, self)._removeParent(member)
+    def teardown(self, recursive=None):
+        log_method_call(self, self.name, status=self.status,
+                        controllable=self.controllable)
+        # we don't really care about the return value of _preTeardown here.
+        # see comment just above md_deactivate call
+        self._preTeardown(recursive=recursive)
+        # Since BIOS RAID sets (containers in mdraid terminology) never change
+        # there is no need to stop them and later restart them. Not stopping
+        # (and thus also not starting) them also works around bug 523334
+        return

To view this commit on github, visit https://github.com/rhinstaller/blivet/commit/44d814818224e3a50447aa7782984acb2cd069e2

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