[PATCH 3/3] Don't show the EULA spoke in reconfig mode if license is already accepted (#1110439)

Martin Kolman mkolman at redhat.com
Wed Jul 1 12:01:56 UTC 2015

It doesn't make sense to show it again if the license has already been
accepted during a previous Initial Setup run.

Related: rhbz#1110439
Signed-off-by: Martin Kolman <mkolman at redhat.com>
 initial_setup/gui/spokes/eula.py | 7 ++++++-
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/initial_setup/gui/spokes/eula.py b/initial_setup/gui/spokes/eula.py
index 342910f..fa08538 100644
--- a/initial_setup/gui/spokes/eula.py
+++ b/initial_setup/gui/spokes/eula.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import logging
 from pyanaconda.ui.common import FirstbootOnlySpokeMixIn
 from pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes import NormalSpoke
 from pyanaconda.constants import FIRSTBOOT_ENVIRON
+from pykickstart.constants import FIRSTBOOT_RECONFIG
 from initial_setup.product import get_license_file_name
 from initial_setup.common import LicensingCategory
@@ -96,8 +97,12 @@ class EULAspoke(FirstbootOnlySpokeMixIn, NormalSpoke):
     def should_run(cls, environment, data):
-        # the EULA spoke should always run, but only in Initial Setup
+        # the EULA spoke should only run in Initial Setup
         if environment == FIRSTBOOT_ENVIRON:
+            # don't run if we are in reconfig mode and the EULA has already been accepted
+            if data and data.firstboot.firstboot == FIRSTBOOT_RECONFIG and data.eula.agreed:
+                log.debug("not running license spoke: reconfig mode & license already accepted")
+                return False
             return True
     def on_check_button_toggled(self, checkbutton, *args):

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