[PATCH 1/2 livemedia-creator] Override services kickstart setting from interactive-defaults.ks

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Tue Jan 13 19:51:00 UTC 2015

> Last time I tried this the semantics of %include in kickstart with "services --{enabled,disabled}",
> it didn't quite work as you'd expect; the --enabled always won, last I tried  See:

Yeah, that's how it works:

    def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
        for svc in self.disabled:
            if not svc.endswith(".service"):
                svc += ".service"

            iutil.execInSysroot("systemctl", ["disable", svc])

        for svc in self.enabled:
            if not svc.endswith(".service"):
                svc += ".service"

            iutil.execInSysroot("systemctl", ["enable", svc])

All the includes get smashed together into a single ksdata object (which
is by design and allows for overriding things decided elsewhere), thus
all the disables and enables end up in two single lists.

I'd be interested in any refinements that could be done here.

- Chris

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