[PATCH 1/20] Move the Blivet class into its own module

vpodzime installerbot-noreply at redhat.com
Fri Feb 27 15:31:52 UTC 2015

From: Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime at redhat.com>

The __init__.py file should not contain such a big class with a lot of code. And
importing anything from the 'blivet' package shouldn't require importing all the
things that the 'Blivet' class requires.
 blivet/__init__.py                  | 1879 +----------------------------------
 blivet/blivet.py                    | 1858 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/pylint/pylint-false-positives |    4 +-
 3 files changed, 1890 insertions(+), 1851 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 blivet/blivet.py

diff --git a/blivet/__init__.py b/blivet/__init__.py
index c685eef..5b95ce5 100644
--- a/blivet/__init__.py
+++ b/blivet/__init__.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 # Red Hat, Inc.
 # Red Hat Author(s): Dave Lehman <dlehman at redhat.com>
+#                    Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime at redhat.com>
 __version__ = '1.0'
@@ -48,38 +49,11 @@ def cb(self, exn):
 ## end installer stubs
-import os
-import time
-import copy
-import tempfile
-import re
+import sys
+import importlib
-import parted
-from .storage_log import log_exception_info, log_method_call
-from .errors import StorageError
-from .devices import BTRFSDevice, BTRFSSubVolumeDevice, BTRFSVolumeDevice, LVMLogicalVolumeDevice, LVMThinLogicalVolumeDevice, LVMThinPoolDevice, LVMVolumeGroupDevice, MDRaidArrayDevice, PartitionDevice, TmpFSDevice, devicePathToName
-from .devicetree import DeviceTree
-from .deviceaction import ActionCreateDevice, ActionCreateFormat, ActionDestroyDevice, ActionDestroyFormat, ActionResizeDevice, ActionResizeFormat
-from .formats import getFormat
-from .formats import get_default_filesystem_type
-from . import devicefactory
-from .devicelibs.edd import get_edd_dict
-from .devicelibs.dasd import make_dasd_list, write_dasd_conf
-from . import iscsi
-from . import fcoe
-from . import zfcp
 from . import util
-from . import arch
 from .flags import flags
-from .platform import platform as _platform
-from .size import Size
-from .i18n import _
-import shelve
-import contextlib
 import logging
 log = logging.getLogger("blivet")
@@ -143,1833 +117,40 @@ def setSysroot(storageRoot, sysroot=None):
     if sysroot is not None:
         _sysroot = sysroot
-def empty_device(device, devicetree):
-    empty = True
-    if device.partitioned:
-        partitions = devicetree.getChildren(device)
-        empty = all([p.isMagic for p in partitions])
-    else:
-        empty = (device.format.type is None)
-    return empty
-class StorageDiscoveryConfig(object):
-    """ Class to encapsulate various detection/initialization parameters. """
-    def __init__(self):
-        # storage configuration variables
-        self.ignoreDiskInteractive = False
-        self.ignoredDisks = []
-        self.exclusiveDisks = []
-        self.clearPartType = None
-        self.clearPartDisks = []
-        self.clearPartDevices = []
-        self.initializeDisks = False
-        self.protectedDevSpecs = []
-        self.diskImages = {}
-        self.zeroMbr = False
-        # Whether clearPartitions removes scheduled/non-existent devices and
-        # disklabels depends on this flag.
-        self.clearNonExistent = False
-    def update(self, ksdata):
-        """ Update configuration from ksdata source.
-            :param ksdata: kickstart data used as data source
-            :type ksdata: :class:`pykickstart.Handler`
-        """
-        self.ignoredDisks = ksdata.ignoredisk.ignoredisk[:]
-        self.exclusiveDisks = ksdata.ignoredisk.onlyuse[:]
-        self.clearPartType = ksdata.clearpart.type
-        self.clearPartDisks = ksdata.clearpart.drives[:]
-        self.clearPartDevices = ksdata.clearpart.devices[:]
-        self.initializeDisks = ksdata.clearpart.initAll
-        self.zeroMbr = ksdata.zerombr.zerombr
-class Blivet(object):
-    """ Top-level class for managing storage configuration. """
-    def __init__(self, ksdata=None):
-        """
-            :keyword ksdata: kickstart data store
-            :type ksdata: :class:`pykickstart.Handler`
-        """
-        # XXX: this cannot be imported globally as it would create a dependency
-        # cycle in the imports
-        from .osinstall import FSSet
-        self.ksdata = ksdata
-        self._bootloader = None
-        self.config = StorageDiscoveryConfig()
-        # storage configuration variables
-        self.doAutoPart = False
-        self.clearPartChoice = None
-        self.encryptedAutoPart = False
-        self.autoPartType = AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM
-        self.encryptionPassphrase = None
-        self.encryptionCipher = None
-        self.escrowCertificates = {}
-        self.autoPartEscrowCert = None
-        self.autoPartAddBackupPassphrase = False
-        self.autoPartitionRequests = []
-        self.eddDict = {}
-        self.dasd = []
-        self.__luksDevs = {}
-        self.size_sets = []
-        self.setDefaultFSType(get_default_filesystem_type())
-        self._defaultBootFSType = None
-        self.iscsi = iscsi.iscsi()
-        self.fcoe = fcoe.fcoe()
-        self.zfcp = zfcp.ZFCP()
-        self._nextID = 0
-        self._dumpFile = "%s/storage.state" % tempfile.gettempdir()
-        # these will both be empty until our reset method gets called
-        self.devicetree = DeviceTree(conf=self.config,
-                                     passphrase=self.encryptionPassphrase,
-                                     luksDict=self.__luksDevs,
-                                     iscsi=self.iscsi,
-                                     dasd=self.dasd)
-        self.fsset = FSSet(self.devicetree)
-        self.roots = []
-        self.services = set()
-        self._free_space_snapshot = None
-    def doIt(self, callbacks=None):
-        """
-        Commit queued changes to disk.
-        :param callbacks: callbacks to be invoked when actions are executed
-        :type callbacks: return value of the :func:`~.callbacks.create_new_callbacks_register`
-        """
-        self.devicetree.processActions(callbacks)
-        if not flags.installer_mode:
-            return
-        # now set the boot partition's flag
-        if self.bootloader and not self.bootloader.skip_bootloader:
-            if self.bootloader.stage2_bootable:
-                boot = self.bootDevice
-            else:
-                boot = self.bootLoaderDevice
-            if boot.type == "mdarray":
-                bootDevs = boot.parents
-            else:
-                bootDevs = [boot]
-            for dev in bootDevs:
-                if not hasattr(dev, "bootable"):
-                    log.info("Skipping %s, not bootable", dev)
-                    continue
-                # Dos labels can only have one partition marked as active
-                # and unmarking ie the windows partition is not a good idea
-                skip = False
-                if dev.disk.format.partedDisk.type == "msdos":
-                    for p in dev.disk.format.partedDisk.partitions:
-                        if p.type == parted.PARTITION_NORMAL and \
-                           p.getFlag(parted.PARTITION_BOOT):
-                            skip = True
-                            break
-                # GPT labeled disks should only have bootable set on the
-                # EFI system partition (parted sets the EFI System GUID on
-                # GPT partitions with the boot flag)
-                if dev.disk.format.labelType == "gpt" and \
-                   dev.format.type not in ["efi", "macefi"]:
-                    skip = True
-                if skip:
-                    log.info("Skipping %s", dev.name)
-                    continue
-                # hfs+ partitions on gpt can't be marked bootable via parted
-                if dev.disk.format.partedDisk.type != "gpt" or \
-                        dev.format.type not in ["hfs+", "macefi"]:
-                    log.info("setting boot flag on %s", dev.name)
-                    dev.bootable = True
-                # Set the boot partition's name on disk labels that support it
-                if dev.partedPartition.disk.supportsFeature(parted.DISK_TYPE_PARTITION_NAME):
-                    ped_partition = dev.partedPartition.getPedPartition()
-                    ped_partition.set_name(dev.format.name)
-                    log.info("Setting label on %s to '%s'", dev, dev.format.name)
-                dev.disk.setup()
-                dev.disk.format.commitToDisk()
-        if flags.installer_mode:
-            self.dumpState("final")
-    @property
-    def nextID(self):
-        """ Used for creating unique placeholder names. """
-        newid = self._nextID
-        self._nextID += 1
-        return newid
-    def shutdown(self):
-        """ Deactivate all devices (installer_mode only). """
-        if not flags.installer_mode:
-            return
-        try:
-            self.devicetree.teardownAll()
-        except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
-            log_exception_info(log.error, "failure tearing down device tree")
-    def reset(self, cleanupOnly=False):
-        """ Reset storage configuration to reflect actual system state.
-            This will cancel any queued actions and rescan from scratch but not
-            clobber user-obtained information like passphrases, iscsi config, &c
-            :keyword cleanupOnly: prepare the tree only to deactivate devices
-            :type cleanupOnly: bool
-            See :meth:`devicetree.Devicetree.populate` for more information
-            about the cleanupOnly keyword argument.
-        """
-        # XXX: this cannot be imported globally as it would create a dependency
-        # cycle in the imports
-        from .osinstall import findExistingInstallations, FSSet
-        log.info("resetting Blivet (version %s) instance %s", __version__, self)
-        if flags.installer_mode:
-            # save passphrases for luks devices so we don't have to reprompt
-            self.encryptionPassphrase = None
-            for device in self.devices:
-                if device.format.type == "luks" and device.format.exists:
-                    self.__luksDevs[device.format.uuid] = device.format._LUKS__passphrase
-        if self.ksdata:
-            self.config.update(self.ksdata)
-        if flags.installer_mode and not flags.image_install:
-            self.iscsi.startup()
-            self.fcoe.startup()
-            self.zfcp.startup()
-            self.dasd = make_dasd_list(self.dasd, self.devices)
-        if self.dasd:
-            # Reset the internal dasd list (823534)
-            self.dasd = []
-        self.devicetree.reset(conf=self.config,
-                              passphrase=self.encryptionPassphrase,
-                              luksDict=self.__luksDevs,
-                              iscsi=self.iscsi,
-                              dasd=self.dasd)
-        self.devicetree.populate(cleanupOnly=cleanupOnly)
-        self.fsset = FSSet(self.devicetree)
-        self.eddDict = get_edd_dict(self.partitioned)
-        if self.bootloader:
-            # clear out bootloader attributes that refer to devices that are
-            # no longer in the tree
-            self.bootloader.reset()
-        self.roots = []
-        if flags.installer_mode:
-            try:
-                self.roots = findExistingInstallations(self.devicetree)
-            except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
-                log_exception_info(log.info, "failure detecting existing installations")
-            self.dumpState("initial")
-        if not flags.installer_mode:
-            self.devicetree.getActiveMounts()
-        self.updateBootLoaderDiskList()
-    @property
-    def unusedDevices(self):
-        used_devices = []
-        for root in self.roots:
-            for device in list(root.mounts.values()) + root.swaps:
-                if device not in self.devices:
-                    continue
-                used_devices.extend(device.ancestors)
-        for new in [d for d in self.devicetree.leaves if not d.format.exists]:
-            if new.format.mountable and not new.format.mountpoint:
-                continue
-            used_devices.extend(new.ancestors)
-        for device in self.partitions:
-            if getattr(device, "isLogical", False):
-                extended = device.disk.format.extendedPartition.path
-                used_devices.append(self.devicetree.getDeviceByPath(extended))
-        used = set(used_devices)
-        _all = set(self.devices)
-        return list(_all.difference(used))
-    @property
-    def devices(self):
-        """ A list of all the devices in the device tree. """
-        devices = self.devicetree.devices
-        devices.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return devices
-    @property
-    def disks(self):
-        """ A list of the disks in the device tree.
-            Ignored disks are excluded, as are disks with no media present.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        disks = []
-        for device in self.devicetree.devices:
-            if device.isDisk:
-                if not device.mediaPresent:
-                    log.info("Skipping disk: %s: No media present", device.name)
-                    continue
-                disks.append(device)
-        disks.sort(key=lambda d: d.name, cmp=self.compareDisks)
-        return disks
-    @property
-    def partitioned(self):
-        """ A list of the partitioned devices in the device tree.
-            Ignored devices are not included, nor disks with no media present.
-            Devices of types for which partitioning is not supported are also
-            not included.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        partitioned = []
-        for device in self.devicetree.devices:
-            if not device.partitioned:
-                continue
-            if not device.mediaPresent:
-                log.info("Skipping device: %s: No media present", device.name)
-                continue
-            partitioned.append(device)
-        partitioned.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return partitioned
-    @property
-    def partitions(self):
-        """ A list of the partitions in the device tree.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        partitions = self.devicetree.getDevicesByInstance(PartitionDevice)
-        partitions.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return partitions
-    @property
-    def vgs(self):
-        """ A list of the LVM Volume Groups in the device tree.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        vgs = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("lvmvg")
-        vgs.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return vgs
-    @property
-    def lvs(self):
-        """ A list of the LVM Logical Volumes in the device tree.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        lvs = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("lvmlv")
-        lvs.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return lvs
-    @property
-    def thinlvs(self):
-        """ A list of the LVM Thin Logical Volumes in the device tree.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        thin = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("lvmthinlv")
-        thin.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return thin
-    @property
-    def thinpools(self):
-        """ A list of the LVM Thin Pool Logical Volumes in the device tree.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        pools = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("lvmthinpool")
-        pools.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return pools
-    @property
-    def pvs(self):
-        """ A list of the LVM Physical Volumes in the device tree.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        devices = self.devicetree.devices
-        pvs = [d for d in devices if d.format.type == "lvmpv"]
-        pvs.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return pvs
-    @property
-    def mdarrays(self):
-        """ A list of the MD arrays in the device tree.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        arrays = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("mdarray")
-        arrays.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return arrays
-    @property
-    def mdcontainers(self):
-        """ A list of the MD containers in the device tree. """
-        arrays = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("mdcontainer")
-        arrays.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return arrays
-    @property
-    def mdmembers(self):
-        """ A list of the MD member devices in the device tree.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        devices = self.devicetree.devices
-        members = [d for d in devices if d.format.type == "mdmember"]
-        members.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return members
-    @property
-    def btrfsVolumes(self):
-        """ A list of the BTRFS volumes in the device tree.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        return sorted(self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("btrfs volume"),
-                      key=lambda d: d.name)
-    @property
-    def swaps(self):
-        """ A list of the swap devices in the device tree.
-            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
-            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
-            system's disks.
-        """
-        devices = self.devicetree.devices
-        swaps = [d for d in devices if d.format.type == "swap"]
-        swaps.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
-        return swaps
-    def shouldClear(self, device, **kwargs):
-        """ Return True if a clearpart settings say a device should be cleared.
-            :param device: the device (required)
-            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
-            :keyword clearPartType: overrides :attr:`self.config.clearPartType`
-            :type clearPartType: int
-            :keyword clearPartDisks: overrides
-                                     :attr:`self.config.clearPartDisks`
-            :type clearPartDisks: list
-            :keyword clearPartDevices: overrides
-                                       :attr:`self.config.clearPartDevices`
-            :type clearPartDevices: list
-            :returns: whether or not clearPartitions should remove this device
-            :rtype: bool
-        """
-        clearPartType = kwargs.get("clearPartType", self.config.clearPartType)
-        clearPartDisks = kwargs.get("clearPartDisks",
-                                    self.config.clearPartDisks)
-        clearPartDevices = kwargs.get("clearPartDevices",
-                                      self.config.clearPartDevices)
-        for disk in device.disks:
-            # this will not include disks with hidden formats like multipath
-            # and firmware raid member disks
-            if clearPartDisks and disk.name not in clearPartDisks:
-                return False
-        if not self.config.clearNonExistent:
-            if (device.isDisk and not device.format.exists) or \
-               (not device.isDisk and not device.exists):
-                return False
-        # the only devices we want to clear when clearPartType is
-        # CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE are uninitialized disks, or disks with no
-        # partitions, in clearPartDisks, and then only when we have been asked
-        # to initialize disks as needed
-        if clearPartType in [CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE, None]:
-            if not self.config.initializeDisks or not device.isDisk:
-                return False
-            if not empty_device(device, self.devicetree):
-                return False
-        if isinstance(device, PartitionDevice):
-            # Never clear the special first partition on a Mac disk label, as
-            # that holds the partition table itself.
-            # Something similar for the third partition on a Sun disklabel.
-            if device.isMagic:
-                return False
-            # We don't want to fool with extended partitions, freespace, &c
-            if not device.isPrimary and not device.isLogical:
-                return False
-            if clearPartType == CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX and \
-               not device.format.linuxNative and \
-               not device.getFlag(parted.PARTITION_LVM) and \
-               not device.getFlag(parted.PARTITION_RAID) and \
-               not device.getFlag(parted.PARTITION_SWAP):
-                return False
-        elif device.isDisk:
-            if device.partitioned and clearPartType != CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL:
-                # if clearPartType is not CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL but we'll still be
-                # removing every partition from the disk, return True since we
-                # will want to be able to create a new disklabel on this disk
-                if not empty_device(device, self.devicetree):
-                    return False
-            # Never clear disks with hidden formats
-            if device.format.hidden:
-                return False
-            # When clearPartType is CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX and a disk has non-
-            # linux whole-disk formatting, do not clear it. The exception is
-            # the case of an uninitialized disk when we've been asked to
-            # initialize disks as needed
-            if (clearPartType == CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX and
-                not ((self.config.initializeDisks and
-                      empty_device(device, self.devicetree)) or
-                     (not device.partitioned and device.format.linuxNative))):
-                return False
-        # Don't clear devices holding install media.
-        descendants = self.devicetree.getDependentDevices(device)
-        if device.protected or any(d.protected for d in descendants):
-            return False
-        if clearPartType == CLEARPART_TYPE_LIST and \
-           device.name not in clearPartDevices:
-            return False
-        return True
-    def recursiveRemove(self, device):
-        """ Remove a device after removing its dependent devices.
-            If the device is not a leaf, all of its dependents are removed
-            recursively until it is a leaf device. At that point the device is
-            removed, unless it is a disk. If the device is a disk, its
-            formatting is removed by no attempt is made to actually remove the
-            disk device.
-        """
-        log.debug("removing %s", device.name)
-        devices = self.deviceDeps(device)
-        # this isn't strictly necessary, but it makes the action list easier to
-        # read when removing logical partitions because of the automatic
-        # renumbering that happens if you remove them in ascending numerical
-        # order
-        devices.reverse()
-        while devices:
-            log.debug("devices to remove: %s", [d.name for d in devices])
-            leaves = [d for d in devices if d.isleaf]
-            log.debug("leaves to remove: %s", [d.name for d in leaves])
-            for leaf in leaves:
-                self.destroyDevice(leaf)
-                devices.remove(leaf)
-        if device.isDisk:
-            self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionDestroyFormat(device))
-        else:
-            self.destroyDevice(device)
-    def clearPartitions(self):
-        """ Clear partitions and dependent devices from disks.
-            This is also where zerombr is handled.
-        """
-        # Sort partitions by descending partition number to minimize confusing
-        # things like multiple "destroy sda5" actions due to parted renumbering
-        # partitions. This can still happen through the UI but it makes sense to
-        # avoid it where possible.
-        partitions = sorted(self.partitions,
-                            key=lambda p: p.partedPartition.number,
-                            reverse=True)
-        for part in partitions:
-            log.debug("clearpart: looking at %s", part.name)
-            if not self.shouldClear(part):
-                continue
-            self.recursiveRemove(part)
-            log.debug("partitions: %s", [p.getDeviceNodeName() for p in part.partedPartition.disk.partitions])
-        # now remove any empty extended partitions
-        self.removeEmptyExtendedPartitions()
-        # ensure all disks have appropriate disklabels
-        for disk in self.disks:
-            zerombr = (self.config.zeroMbr and disk.format.type is None)
-            should_clear = self.shouldClear(disk)
-            if should_clear:
-                self.recursiveRemove(disk)
-            if zerombr or should_clear:
-                log.debug("clearpart: initializing %s", disk.name)
-                self.initializeDisk(disk)
-        self.updateBootLoaderDiskList()
-    def initializeDisk(self, disk):
-        """ (Re)initialize a disk by creating a disklabel on it.
-            The disk should not contain any partitions except perhaps for a
-            magic partitions on mac and sun disklabels. If the disk does contain
-            partitions other than the disklabel-type-specific "magic" partitions
-            ValueError will be raised.
-            :param disk: the disk to initialize
-            :type disk: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
-            :returns None:
-            :raises: ValueError
-        """
-        # first, remove magic mac/sun partitions from the parted Disk
-        if disk.partitioned:
-            magic = disk.format.magicPartitionNumber
-            expected = 0
-            if magic:
-                expected = 1
-                # remove the magic partition
-                for part in self.devicetree.getChildren(disk):
-                    if part.partedPartition.number == magic:
-                        log.debug("removing %s", part.name)
-                        # We can't schedule the magic partition for removal
-                        # because parted will not allow us to remove it from the
-                        # disk. Still, we need it out of the devicetree.
-                        self.devicetree._removeDevice(part, modparent=False)
-            if len(disk.format.partitions) > expected:
-                raise ValueError("cannot initialize a disk that has partitions")
-        # remove existing formatting from the disk
-        destroy_action = ActionDestroyFormat(disk)
-        self.devicetree.registerAction(destroy_action)
-        labelType = _platform.bestDiskLabelType(disk)
-        # create a new disklabel on the disk
-        newLabel = getFormat("disklabel", device=disk.path,
-                             labelType=labelType)
-        create_action = ActionCreateFormat(disk, fmt=newLabel)
-        self.devicetree.registerAction(create_action)
-    def removeEmptyExtendedPartitions(self):
-        for disk in self.partitioned:
-            log.debug("checking whether disk %s has an empty extended", disk.name)
-            extended = disk.format.extendedPartition
-            logical_parts = disk.format.logicalPartitions
-            log.debug("extended is %s ; logicals is %s", extended, [p.getDeviceNodeName() for p in logical_parts])
-            if extended and not logical_parts:
-                log.debug("removing empty extended partition from %s", disk.name)
-                extended_name = devicePathToName(extended.getDeviceNodeName())
-                extended = self.devicetree.getDeviceByName(extended_name)
-                self.destroyDevice(extended)
-    def getFreeSpace(self, disks=None, clearPartType=None):
-        """ Return a dict with free space info for each disk.
-            The dict values are 2-tuples: (disk_free, fs_free). fs_free is
-            space available by shrinking filesystems. disk_free is space not
-            allocated to any partition.
-            disks and clearPartType allow specifying a set of disks other than
-            self.disks and a clearPartType value other than
-            self.config.clearPartType.
-            :keyword disks: overrides :attr:`disks`
-            :type disks: list
-            :keyword clearPartType: overrides :attr:`self.config.clearPartType`
-            :type clearPartType: int
-            :returns: dict with disk name keys and tuple (disk, fs) free values
-            :rtype: dict
-            .. note::
-                The free space values are :class:`~.size.Size` instances.
-        """
-        if disks is None:
-            disks = self.disks
-        if clearPartType is None:
-            clearPartType = self.config.clearPartType
-        free = {}
-        for disk in disks:
-            should_clear = self.shouldClear(disk, clearPartType=clearPartType,
-                                            clearPartDisks=[disk.name])
-            if should_clear:
-                free[disk.name] = (disk.size, Size(0))
-                continue
-            disk_free = Size(0)
-            fs_free = Size(0)
-            if disk.partitioned:
-                disk_free = disk.format.free
-                for partition in [p for p in self.partitions if p.disk == disk]:
-                    # only check actual filesystems since lvm &c require a bunch of
-                    # operations to translate free filesystem space into free disk
-                    # space
-                    should_clear = self.shouldClear(partition,
-                                                    clearPartType=clearPartType,
-                                                    clearPartDisks=[disk.name])
-                    if should_clear:
-                        disk_free += partition.size
-                    elif hasattr(partition.format, "free"):
-                        fs_free += partition.format.free
-            elif hasattr(disk.format, "free"):
-                fs_free = disk.format.free
-            elif disk.format.type is None:
-                disk_free = disk.size
-            free[disk.name] = (disk_free, fs_free)
-        return free
-    @property
-    def names(self):
-        """ A list of all of the known in-use device names. """
-        return self.devicetree.names
-    def deviceDeps(self, device):
-        """ Return a list of the devices that depend on the specified device.
-            :param device: the subtree root device
-            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
-            :returns: list of dependent devices
-            :rtype: list
-        """
-        return self.devicetree.getDependentDevices(device)
-    def newPartition(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """ Return a new (unallocated) PartitionDevice instance.
-            :keyword fmt_type: format type
-            :type fmt_type: str
-            :keyword fmt_args: arguments for format constructor
-            :type fmt_args: dict
-            :keyword mountpoint: mountpoint for format (filesystem)
-            :type mountpoint: str
-            All other arguments are passed on to the
-            :class:`~.devices.PartitionDevice` constructor.
-        """
-        if 'fmt_type' in kwargs:
-            kwargs["fmt"] = getFormat(kwargs.pop("fmt_type"),
-                                         mountpoint=kwargs.pop("mountpoint",
-                                                               None),
-                                         **kwargs.pop("fmt_args", {}))
-        if 'name' in kwargs:
-            name = kwargs.pop("name")
-        else:
-            name = "req%d" % self.nextID
-        if "weight" not in kwargs:
-            fmt = kwargs.get("fmt")
-            if fmt:
-                mountpoint = getattr(fmt, "mountpoint", None)
-                kwargs["weight"] = _platform.weight(mountpoint=mountpoint,
-                                                        fstype=fmt.type)
-        return PartitionDevice(name, *args, **kwargs)
-    def newMDArray(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """ Return a new MDRaidArrayDevice instance.
-            :keyword fmt_type: format type
-            :type fmt_type: str
-            :keyword fmt_args: arguments for format constructor
-            :type fmt_args: dict
-            :keyword mountpoint: mountpoint for format (filesystem)
-            :type mountpoint: str
-            :returns: the new md array device
-            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.MDRaidArrayDevice`
-            All other arguments are passed on to the
-            :class:`~.devices.MDRaidArrayDevice` constructor.
-            If a name is not specified, one will be generated based on the
-            format type, mountpoint, hostname, and/or product name.
-        """
-        if 'fmt_type' in kwargs:
-            kwargs["fmt"] = getFormat(kwargs.pop("fmt_type"),
-                                         mountpoint=kwargs.pop("mountpoint",
-                                                               None),
-                                         **kwargs.pop("fmt_args", {}))
-        name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
-        if name:
-            safe_name = self.safeDeviceName(name)
-            if safe_name != name:
-                log.warning("using '%s' instead of specified name '%s'",
-                                safe_name, name)
-                name = safe_name
-        else:
-            swap = getattr(kwargs.get("fmt"), "type", None) == "swap"
-            mountpoint = getattr(kwargs.get("fmt"), "mountpoint", None)
-            name = self.suggestDeviceName(prefix=shortProductName,
-                                          swap=swap,
-                                          mountpoint=mountpoint)
-        return MDRaidArrayDevice(name, *args, **kwargs)
-    def newVG(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """ Return a new LVMVolumeGroupDevice instance.
-            :returns: the new volume group device
-            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.LVMVolumeGroupDevice`
-            All arguments are passed on to the
-            :class:`~.devices.LVMVolumeGroupDevice` constructor.
-            If a name is not specified, one will be generated based on the
-            hostname, and/or product name.
-        """
-        pvs = kwargs.pop("parents", [])
-        for pv in pvs:
-            if pv not in self.devices:
-                raise ValueError("pv is not in the device tree")
-        name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
-        if name:
-            safe_name = self.safeDeviceName(name)
-            if safe_name != name:
-                log.warning("using '%s' instead of specified name '%s'",
-                                safe_name, name)
-                name = safe_name
-        else:
-            hostname = ""
-            if self.ksdata and self.ksdata.network.hostname is not None:
-                hostname = self.ksdata.network.hostname
-            name = self.suggestContainerName(hostname=hostname)
-        if name in self.names:
-            raise ValueError("name already in use")
-        return LVMVolumeGroupDevice(name, pvs, *args, **kwargs)
-    def newLV(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """ Return a new LVMLogicalVolumeDevice instance.
-            :keyword fmt_type: format type
-            :type fmt_type: str
-            :keyword fmt_args: arguments for format constructor
-            :type fmt_args: dict
-            :keyword mountpoint: mountpoint for format (filesystem)
-            :type mountpoint: str
-            :keyword thin_pool: whether to create a thin pool
-            :type thin_pool: bool
-            :keyword thin_volume: whether to create a thin volume
-            :type thin_volume: bool
-            :returns: the new device
-            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.LVMLogicalVolumeDevice`
-            All other arguments are passed on to the appropriate
-            :class:`~.devices.LVMLogicalVolumeDevice` constructor.
-            If a name is not specified, one will be generated based on the
-            format type and/or mountpoint.
-            .. note::
-                If you are creating a thin volume, the parents kwarg should
-                contain the pool -- not the vg.
-        """
-        thin_volume = kwargs.pop("thin_volume", False)
-        thin_pool = kwargs.pop("thin_pool", False)
-        vg = kwargs.get("parents", [None])[0]
-        if thin_volume and vg:
-            # kwargs["parents"] will contain the pool device, so...
-            vg = vg.vg
-        mountpoint = kwargs.pop("mountpoint", None)
-        if 'fmt_type' in kwargs:
-            kwargs["fmt"] = getFormat(kwargs.pop("fmt_type"),
-                                         mountpoint=mountpoint,
-                                         **kwargs.pop("fmt_args", {}))
-        name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
-        if name:
-            # make sure the specified name is sensible
-            safe_vg_name = self.safeDeviceName(vg.name)
-            full_name = "%s-%s" % (safe_vg_name, name)
-            safe_name = self.safeDeviceName(full_name)
-            if safe_name != full_name:
-                new_name = safe_name[len(safe_vg_name)+1:]
-                log.warning("using '%s' instead of specified name '%s'",
-                                new_name, name)
-                name = new_name
-        else:
-            if kwargs.get("fmt") and kwargs["fmt"].type == "swap":
-                swap = True
-            else:
-                swap = False
-            prefix = ""
-            if thin_pool:
-                prefix = "pool"
-            name = self.suggestDeviceName(parent=vg,
-                                          swap=swap,
-                                          mountpoint=mountpoint,
-                                          prefix=prefix)
-        if "%s-%s" % (vg.name, name) in self.names:
-            raise ValueError("name already in use")
-        if thin_pool:
-            device_class = LVMThinPoolDevice
-        elif thin_volume:
-            device_class = LVMThinLogicalVolumeDevice
-        else:
-            device_class = LVMLogicalVolumeDevice
-        return device_class(name, *args, **kwargs)
-    def newBTRFS(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """ Return a new BTRFSVolumeDevice or BRFSSubVolumeDevice.
-            :keyword fmt_args: arguments for format constructor
-            :type fmt_args: dict
-            :keyword mountpoint: mountpoint for format (filesystem)
-            :type mountpoint: str
-            :keyword subvol: whether this is a subvol (as opposed to a volume)
-            :type subvol: bool
-            :returns: the new device
-            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.BTRFSDevice`
-            All other arguments are passed on to the appropriate
-            :class:`~.devices.BTRFSDevice` constructor.
-            For volumes, the label is the same as the name. If a name/label is
-            not specified, one will be generated based on the hostname and/or
-            product name.
-            .. note::
-                If you are creating a subvolume, the parents kwarg should
-                contain the volume you want to contain the subvolume.
-        """
-        log.debug("newBTRFS: args = %s ; kwargs = %s", args, kwargs)
-        name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
-        if args:
-            name = args[0]
-        mountpoint = kwargs.pop("mountpoint", None)
-        fmt_args = kwargs.pop("fmt_args", {})
-        fmt_args.update({"mountpoint": mountpoint})
-        if kwargs.pop("subvol", False):
-            dev_class = BTRFSSubVolumeDevice
-            # set up the subvol name, using mountpoint if necessary
-            if not name:
-                # for btrfs this only needs to ensure the subvol name is not
-                # already in use within the parent volume
-                name = self.suggestDeviceName(mountpoint=mountpoint)
-            fmt_args["mountopts"] = "subvol=%s" % name
-            kwargs.pop("metaDataLevel", None)
-            kwargs.pop("dataLevel", None)
-        else:
-            dev_class = BTRFSVolumeDevice
-            # set up the volume label, using hostname if necessary
-            if not name:
-                hostname = ""
-                if self.ksdata and self.ksdata.network.hostname is not None:
-                    hostname = self.ksdata.network.hostname
-                name = self.suggestContainerName(hostname=hostname)
-            if "label" not in fmt_args:
-                fmt_args["label"] = name
-        # discard fmt_type since it's btrfs always
-        kwargs.pop("fmt_type", None)
-        # this is to avoid auto-scheduled format create actions
-        device = dev_class(name, **kwargs)
-        device.format = getFormat("btrfs", **fmt_args)
-        return device
-    def newBTRFSSubVolume(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """ Return a new BRFSSubVolumeDevice.
-            :keyword fmt_args: arguments for format constructor
-            :type fmt_args: dict
-            :keyword mountpoint: mountpoint for format (filesystem)
-            :type mountpoint: str
-            :returns: the new device
-            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.BTRFSSubVolumeDevice`
-            All other arguments are passed on to the
-            :class:`~.devices.BTRFSSubVolumeDevice` constructor.
-            .. note::
-                Since you are creating a subvolume, the parents kwarg should
-                contain the volume you want to contain the subvolume.
-        """
-        kwargs["subvol"] = True
-        return self.newBTRFS(*args, **kwargs)
-    def newTmpFS(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """ Return a new TmpFSDevice. """
-        return TmpFSDevice(*args, **kwargs)
-    def createDevice(self, device):
-        """ Schedule creation of a device.
-            :param device: the device to schedule creation of
-            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
-            :rtype: None
-        """
-        self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionCreateDevice(device))
-        if device.format.type and not device.formatImmutable:
-            self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionCreateFormat(device))
-    def destroyDevice(self, device):
-        """ Schedule destruction of a device.
-            :param device: the device to schedule destruction of
-            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
-            :rtype: None
-        """
-        if device.protected:
-            raise ValueError("cannot modify protected device")
-        if device.format.exists and device.format.type and \
-           not device.formatImmutable:
-            # schedule destruction of any formatting while we're at it
-            self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionDestroyFormat(device))
-        action = ActionDestroyDevice(device)
-        self.devicetree.registerAction(action)
-    def formatDevice(self, device, fmt):
-        """ Schedule formatting of a device.
-            :param device: the device to create the formatting on
-            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
-            :param fmt: the format to create on the device
-            :type format: :class:`~.formats.DeviceFormat`
-            :rtype: None
-            A format destroy action will be scheduled first, so it is not
-            necessary to create and schedule an
-            :class:`~.deviceaction.ActionDestroyFormat` prior to calling this
-            method.
-        """
-        if device.protected:
-            raise ValueError("cannot modify protected device")
-        self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionDestroyFormat(device))
-        self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionCreateFormat(device, fmt))
-    def resetDevice(self, device):
-        """ Cancel all scheduled actions and reset formatting.
-            :param device: the device to reset
-            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
-            :rtype: None
-        """
-        actions = self.devicetree.findActions(device=device)
-        for action in reversed(actions):
-            self.devicetree.cancelAction(action)
-        # make sure any random overridden attributes are reset
-        device.format = copy.copy(device.originalFormat)
-    def resizeDevice(self, device, new_size):
-        """ Schedule a resize of a device and its formatting, if any.
-            :param device: the device to resize
-            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
-            :param new_size: the new target size for the device
-            :type new_size: :class:`~.size.Size`
-            :rtype: None
-            If the device has formatting that is recognized as being resizable
-            an action will be scheduled to resize it as well.
-        """
-        if device.protected:
-            raise ValueError("cannot modify protected device")
-        classes = []
-        if device.resizable:
-            classes.append(ActionResizeDevice)
-        if device.format.resizable:
-            classes.append(ActionResizeFormat)
-        if not classes:
-            raise ValueError("device cannot be resized")
-        # if this is a shrink, schedule the format resize first
-        if new_size < device.size:
-            classes.reverse()
-        for action_class in classes:
-            self.devicetree.registerAction(action_class(device, new_size))
-    def formatByDefault(self, device):
-        """Return whether the device should be reformatted by default."""
-        formatlist = ['/boot', '/var', '/tmp', '/usr']
-        exceptlist = ['/usr/local', '/var/www']
-        if not device.format.linuxNative:
-            return False
-        if device.format.mountable:
-            if not device.format.mountpoint:
-                return False
-            if device.format.mountpoint == "/" or \
-               device.format.mountpoint in formatlist:
-                return True
-            for p in formatlist:
-                if device.format.mountpoint.startswith(p):
-                    for q in exceptlist:
-                        if device.format.mountpoint.startswith(q):
-                            return False
-                    return True
-        elif device.format.type == "swap":
-            return True
-        # be safe for anything else and default to off
-        return False
-    def mustFormat(self, device):
-        """ Return a string explaining why the device must be reformatted.
-            Return None if the device need not be reformatted.
-        """
-        if device.format.mountable and device.format.mountpoint == "/":
-            return _("You must create a new filesystem on the root device.")
-        return None
-    def safeDeviceName(self, name):
-        """ Convert a device name to something safe and return that.
-            LVM limits lv names to 128 characters. I don't know the limits for
-            the other various device types, so I'm going to pick a number so
-            that we don't have to have an entire fucking library to determine
-            device name limits.
-        """
-        max_len = 96    # No, you don't need longer names than this. Really.
-        tmp = name.strip()
-        tmp = tmp.replace("/", "_")
-        tmp = re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z._-]", "", tmp)
-        # Remove any '-' or '_' prefixes
-        tmp = re.sub("^[-_]*", "", tmp)
-        # If all that's left is . or .., give up
-        if tmp == "." or tmp == "..":
-            return ""
-        if len(tmp) > max_len:
-            tmp = tmp[:max_len]
-        return tmp
-    def suggestContainerName(self, hostname=None, prefix=""):
-        """ Return a reasonable, unused device name.
-            :keyword hostname: the system's hostname
-            :keyword prefix: a prefix for the container name
-            :returns: the suggested name
-            :rtype: str
-        """
-        if not prefix:
-            prefix = shortProductName
-        # try to create a device name incorporating the hostname
-        if hostname not in (None, "", 'localhost', 'localhost.localdomain'):
-            template = "%s_%s" % (prefix, hostname.split('.')[0].lower())
-            template = self.safeDeviceName(template)
-        else:
-            template = prefix
-        if flags.image_install:
-            template = "%s_image" % template
-        names = self.names
-        name = template
-        if name in names:
-            name = None
-            for i in range(100):
-                tmpname = "%s%02d" % (template, i,)
-                if tmpname not in names:
-                    name = tmpname
-                    break
-            if not name:
-                log.error("failed to create device name based on prefix "
-                          "'%s' and hostname '%s'", prefix, hostname)
-                raise RuntimeError("unable to find suitable device name")
-        return name
-    def suggestDeviceName(self, parent=None, swap=None,
-                                  mountpoint=None, prefix=""):
-        """ Return a suitable, unused name for a new device.
-            :keyword parent: the parent device
-            :type parent: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
-            :keyword swap: will this be a swap device
-            :type swap: bool
-            :keyword mountpoint: the device's mountpoint
-            :type mountpoint: str
-            :keyword prefix: device name prefix
-            :type prefix: str
-            :returns: the suggested name
-            :rtype: str
-        """
-        body = ""
-        if mountpoint:
-            if mountpoint == "/":
-                body = "root"
-            else:
-                body = mountpoint[1:].replace("/", "_")
-        elif swap:
-            body = "swap"
-        if prefix and body:
-            body = "_" + body
-        template = self.safeDeviceName(prefix + body)
-        names = self.names
-        name = template
-        def full_name(name, parent):
-            full = ""
-            if parent:
-                full = "%s-" % parent.name
-            full += name
-            return full
-        # also include names of any lvs in the parent for the case of the
-        # temporary vg in the lvm dialogs, which can contain lvs that are
-        # not yet in the devicetree and therefore not in self.names
-        if full_name(name, parent) in names or not body:
-            for i in range(100):
-                name = "%s%02d" % (template, i)
-                if full_name(name, parent) not in names:
-                    break
-                else:
-                    name = ""
-            if not name:
-                log.error("failed to create device name based on parent '%s', "
-                          "prefix '%s', mountpoint '%s', swap '%s'",
-                          parent.name, prefix, mountpoint, swap)
-                raise RuntimeError("unable to find suitable device name")
-        return name
-    def savePassphrase(self, device):
-        """ Save a device's LUKS passphrase in case of reset. """
-        passphrase = device.format._LUKS__passphrase
-        self.__luksDevs[device.format.uuid] = passphrase
-        self.devicetree._DeviceTree__luksDevs[device.format.uuid] = passphrase
-        self.devicetree._DeviceTree__passphrases.append(passphrase)
-    def setupDiskImages(self):
-        self.devicetree.setDiskImages(self.config.diskImages)
-        self.devicetree.setupDiskImages()
-    @property
-    def fileSystemFreeSpace(self):
-        """ Combined free space in / and /usr as :class:`~.size.Size`. """
-        mountpoints = ["/", "/usr"]
-        free = Size(0)
-        btrfs_volumes = []
-        for mountpoint in mountpoints:
-            device = self.mountpoints.get(mountpoint)
-            if not device:
-                continue
-            # don't count the size of btrfs volumes repeatedly when multiple
-            # subvolumes are present
-            if isinstance(device, BTRFSSubVolumeDevice):
-                if device.volume in btrfs_volumes:
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    btrfs_volumes.append(device.volume)
-            if device.format.exists:
-                free += device.format.free
-            else:
-                free += device.size
-        return free
-    def dumpState(self, suffix):
-        """ Dump the current device list to the storage shelf. """
-        key = "devices.%d.%s" % (time.time(), suffix)
-        with contextlib.closing(shelve.open(self._dumpFile)) as shelf:
-            try:
-                shelf[key] = [d.dict for d in self.devices]
-            except AttributeError:
-                log_exception_info()
-    @property
-    def packages(self):
-        pkgs = set()
-        pkgs.update(_platform.packages)
-        # install support packages for all devices in the system
-        for device in self.devices:
-            # this takes care of device and filesystem packages
-            pkgs.update(device.packages)
-        return list(pkgs)
-    def write(self):
-        """ Write out all storage-related configuration files. """
-        if not os.path.isdir("%s/etc" % _sysroot):
-            os.mkdir("%s/etc" % _sysroot)
-        self.fsset.write()
-        self.makeMtab()
-        self.iscsi.write(_sysroot, self)
-        self.fcoe.write(_sysroot)
-        self.zfcp.write(_sysroot)
-        write_dasd_conf(self.dasd, _sysroot)
-    def turnOnSwap(self):
-        self.fsset.turnOnSwap(rootPath=_sysroot)
-    def mountFilesystems(self, readOnly=None, skipRoot=False):
-        self.fsset.mountFilesystems(rootPath=_sysroot,
-                                    readOnly=readOnly, skipRoot=skipRoot)
-    def umountFilesystems(self, swapoff=True):
-        self.fsset.umountFilesystems(swapoff=swapoff)
-    def parseFSTab(self, chroot=None):
-        self.fsset.parseFSTab(chroot=chroot)
-    def mkDevRoot(self):
-        self.fsset.mkDevRoot()
-    def createSwapFile(self, device, size):
-        self.fsset.createSwapFile(device, size)
-    @property
-    def bootloader(self):
-        if self._bootloader is None and flags.installer_mode:
-            self._bootloader = get_bootloader()
-        return self._bootloader
-    def updateBootLoaderDiskList(self):
-        if not self.bootloader:
-            return
-        boot_disks = [d for d in self.disks if d.partitioned]
-        boot_disks.sort(cmp=self.compareDisks, key=lambda d: d.name)
-        self.bootloader.set_disk_list(boot_disks)
-    def setUpBootLoader(self, early=False):
-        """ Propagate ksdata into BootLoader.
-            :keyword bool early: Set to True to skip stage1_device setup
-            :raises BootloaderError: if stage1 setup fails
-            If this needs to be run early, eg. to setup stage1_disk but
-            not stage1_device 'early' should be set True to prevent
-            it from raising BootloaderError
-        """
-        if not self.bootloader or not self.ksdata:
-            log.warning("either ksdata or bootloader data missing")
-            return
-        if self.bootloader.skip_bootloader:
-            log.info("user specified that bootloader install be skipped")
-            return
-        # Need to make sure bootDrive has been setup from the latest information
-        self.ksdata.bootloader.execute(self, self.ksdata, None)
-        self.bootloader.stage1_disk = self.devicetree.resolveDevice(self.ksdata.bootloader.bootDrive)
-        self.bootloader.stage2_device = self.bootDevice
-        if not early:
-            self.bootloader.set_stage1_device(self.devices)
-    @property
-    def bootDisk(self):
-        disk = None
-        if self.ksdata:
-            spec = self.ksdata.bootloader.bootDrive
-            disk = self.devicetree.resolveDevice(spec)
-        return disk
-    @property
-    def bootDevice(self):
-        dev = None
-        if self.fsset:
-            dev = self.mountpoints.get("/boot", self.rootDevice)
-        return dev
-    @property
-    def bootLoaderDevice(self):
-        return getattr(self.bootloader, "stage1_device", None)
-    @property
-    def bootFSTypes(self):
-        """A list of all valid filesystem types for the boot partition."""
-        fstypes = []
-        if self.bootloader:
-            fstypes = self.bootloader.stage2_format_types
-        return fstypes
-    @property
-    def defaultBootFSType(self):
-        """The default filesystem type for the boot partition."""
-        if self._defaultBootFSType:
-            return self._defaultBootFSType
-        fstype = None
-        if self.bootloader:
-            fstype = self.bootFSTypes[0]
-        return fstype
-    def _check_valid_fstype(self, newtype):
-        """ Check the fstype to see if it is valid
-            Raise ValueError on invalid input.
-        """
-        fmt = getFormat(newtype)
-        if fmt.type is None:
-            raise ValueError("unrecognized value %s for new default fs type" % newtype)
-        if (not fmt.mountable or not fmt.formattable or not fmt.supported or
-            not fmt.linuxNative):
-            log.debug("invalid default fstype: %r", fmt)
-            raise ValueError("new value %s is not valid as a default fs type" % fmt)
-        self._defaultFSType = newtype # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
-    def setDefaultBootFSType(self, newtype):
-        """ Set the default /boot fstype for this instance.
-            Raise ValueError on invalid input.
-        """
-        log.debug("trying to set new default /boot fstype to '%s'", newtype)
-        # This will raise ValueError if it isn't valid
-        self._check_valid_fstype(newtype)
-        self._defaultBootFSType = newtype
-    @property
-    def defaultFSType(self):
-        return self._defaultFSType
-    def setDefaultFSType(self, newtype):
-        """ Set the default fstype for this instance.
-            Raise ValueError on invalid input.
-        """
-        log.debug("trying to set new default fstype to '%s'", newtype)
-        # This will raise ValueError if it isn't valid
-        self._check_valid_fstype(newtype)
-        self._defaultFSType = newtype # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
-    @property
-    def mountpoints(self):
-        return self.fsset.mountpoints
-    @property
-    def rootDevice(self):
-        return self.fsset.rootDevice
-    def makeMtab(self):
-        path = "/etc/mtab"
-        target = "/proc/self/mounts"
-        path = os.path.normpath("%s/%s" % (_sysroot, path))
-        if os.path.islink(path):
-            # return early if the mtab symlink is already how we like it
-            current_target = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(path) +
-                                              "/" + os.readlink(path))
-            if current_target == target:
-                return
-        if os.path.exists(path):
-            os.unlink(path)
-        os.symlink(target, path)
-    def compareDisks(self, first, second):
-        if first in self.eddDict and second in self.eddDict:
-            one = self.eddDict[first]
-            two = self.eddDict[second]
-            if (one < two):
-                return -1
-            elif (one > two):
-                return 1
-        # if one is in the BIOS and the other not prefer the one in the BIOS
-        if first in self.eddDict:
-            return -1
-        if second in self.eddDict:
-            return 1
-        if first.startswith("hd"):
-            type1 = 0
-        elif first.startswith("sd"):
-            type1 = 1
-        elif (first.startswith("vd") or first.startswith("xvd")):
-            type1 = -1
-        else:
-            type1 = 2
-        if second.startswith("hd"):
-            type2 = 0
-        elif second.startswith("sd"):
-            type2 = 1
-        elif (second.startswith("vd") or second.startswith("xvd")):
-            type2 = -1
-        else:
-            type2 = 2
-        if (type1 < type2):
-            return -1
-        elif (type1 > type2):
-            return 1
-        else:
-            len1 = len(first)
-            len2 = len(second)
-            if (len1 < len2):
-                return -1
-            elif (len1 > len2):
-                return 1
-            else:
-                if (first < second):
-                    return -1
-                elif (first > second):
-                    return 1
-        return 0
-    def getFSType(self, mountpoint=None):
-        """ Return the default filesystem type based on mountpoint. """
-        fstype = self.defaultFSType
-        if not mountpoint:
-            # just return the default
-            pass
-        elif mountpoint.lower() in ("swap", "biosboot", "prepboot"):
-            fstype = mountpoint.lower()
-        elif mountpoint == "/boot":
-            fstype = self.defaultBootFSType
-        elif mountpoint == "/boot/efi":
-            if arch.isMactel():
-                fstype = "macefi"
-            else:
-                fstype = "efi"
-        return fstype
-    def factoryDevice(self, device_type, size, **kwargs):
-        """ Schedule creation of a device based on a top-down specification.
-            :param device_type: device type constant
-            :type device_type: int (:const:`~.devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_*`)
-            :param size: requested size
-            :type size: :class:`~.size.Size`
-            :returns: the newly configured device
-            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
-            See :class:`~.devicefactory.DeviceFactory` for possible kwargs.
-        """
-        log_method_call(self, device_type, size, **kwargs)
-        # we can't do anything with existing devices
-        #if device and device.exists:
-        #    log.info("factoryDevice refusing to change device %s", device)
-        #    return
-        if not kwargs.get("fstype"):
-            kwargs["fstype"] = self.getFSType(mountpoint=kwargs.get("mountpoint"))
-            if kwargs["fstype"] == "swap":
-                kwargs["mountpoint"] = None
-        if kwargs["fstype"] == "swap" and \
-           device_type == devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_BTRFS:
-            device_type = devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_PARTITION
-        factory = devicefactory.get_device_factory(self, device_type, size,
-                                                   **kwargs)
-        if not factory.disks:
-            raise StorageError("no disks specified for new device")
-        self.size_sets = [] # clear this since there are no growable reqs now
-        factory.configure()
-        return factory.device
-    def copy(self):
-        log.debug("starting Blivet copy")
-        new = copy.deepcopy(self)
-        # go through and re-get partedPartitions from the disks since they
-        # don't get deep-copied
-        hidden_partitions = [d for d in new.devicetree._hidden
-                                if isinstance(d, PartitionDevice)]
-        for partition in new.partitions + hidden_partitions:
-            if not partition._partedPartition:
-                continue
-            # update the refs in req_disks as well
-            req_disks = (new.devicetree.getDeviceByID(disk.id) for disk in partition.req_disks)
-            partition.req_disks = [disk for disk in req_disks if disk is not None]
-            p = partition.disk.format.partedDisk.getPartitionByPath(partition.path)
-            partition.partedPartition = p
-        for root in new.roots:
-            root.swaps = [new.devicetree.getDeviceByID(d.id, hidden=True) for d in root.swaps]
-            root.swaps = [s for s in root.swaps if s]
-            for (mountpoint, old_dev) in root.mounts.items():
-                if old_dev is None:
-                    continue
-                new_dev = new.devicetree.getDeviceByID(old_dev.id, hidden=True)
-                if new_dev is None:
-                    # if the device has been removed don't include this
-                    # mountpoint at all
-                    del root.mounts[mountpoint]
-                else:
-                    root.mounts[mountpoint] = new_dev
-        log.debug("finished Blivet copy")
-        return new
-    def updateKSData(self):
-        """ Update ksdata to reflect the settings of this Blivet instance. """
-        if not self.ksdata or not self.mountpoints:
-            return
-        # clear out whatever was there before
-        self.ksdata.partition.partitions = []
-        self.ksdata.logvol.lvList = []
-        self.ksdata.raid.raidList = []
-        self.ksdata.volgroup.vgList = []
-        self.ksdata.btrfs.btrfsList = []
-        # iscsi?
-        # fcoe?
-        # zfcp?
-        # dmraid?
-        # bootloader
-        # ignoredisk
-        if self.config.ignoredDisks:
-            self.ksdata.ignoredisk.drives = self.config.ignoredDisks[:]
-        elif self.config.exclusiveDisks:
-            self.ksdata.ignoredisk.onlyuse = self.config.exclusiveDisks[:]
-        # autopart
-        self.ksdata.autopart.autopart = self.doAutoPart
-        self.ksdata.autopart.type = self.autoPartType
-        self.ksdata.autopart.encrypted = self.encryptedAutoPart
-        # clearpart
-        self.ksdata.clearpart.type = self.config.clearPartType
-        self.ksdata.clearpart.drives = self.config.clearPartDisks[:]
-        self.ksdata.clearpart.devices = self.config.clearPartDevices[:]
-        self.ksdata.clearpart.initAll = self.config.initializeDisks
-        if self.ksdata.clearpart.type == CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE:
-            # Make a list of initialized disks and of removed partitions. If any
-            # partitions were removed from disks that were not completely
-            # cleared we'll have to use CLEARPART_TYPE_LIST and provide a list
-            # of all removed partitions. If no partitions were removed from a
-            # disk that was not cleared/reinitialized we can use
-            # CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL.
-            self.ksdata.clearpart.devices = []
-            self.ksdata.clearpart.drives = []
-            fresh_disks = [d.name for d in self.disks if d.partitioned and
-                                                         not d.format.exists]
-            destroy_actions = self.devicetree.findActions(action_type="destroy",
-                                                          object_type="device")
-            cleared_partitions = []
-            partial = False
-            for action in destroy_actions:
-                if action.device.type == "partition":
-                    if action.device.disk.name not in fresh_disks:
-                        partial = True
-                    cleared_partitions.append(action.device.name)
-            if not destroy_actions:
-                pass
-            elif partial:
-                # make a list of removed partitions
-                self.ksdata.clearpart.type = CLEARPART_TYPE_LIST
-                self.ksdata.clearpart.devices = cleared_partitions
-            else:
-                # if they didn't partially clear any disks, use the shorthand
-                self.ksdata.clearpart.type = CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL
-                self.ksdata.clearpart.drives = fresh_disks
-        if self.doAutoPart:
-            return
-        # custom storage
-        ksMap = {PartitionDevice: ("PartData", "partition"),
-                 TmpFSDevice: ("PartData", "partition"),
-                 LVMLogicalVolumeDevice: ("LogVolData", "logvol"),
-                 LVMVolumeGroupDevice: ("VolGroupData", "volgroup"),
-                 MDRaidArrayDevice: ("RaidData", "raid"),
-                 BTRFSDevice: ("BTRFSData", "btrfs")}
-        # make a list of ancestors of all used devices
-        devices = list(set(a for d in list(self.mountpoints.values()) + self.swaps
-                                for a in d.ancestors))
-        devices.sort(key=lambda d: len(d.ancestors))
-        for device in devices:
-            cls = next((c for c in ksMap if isinstance(device, c)), None)
-            if cls is None:
-                log.info("omitting ksdata: %s", device)
-                continue
-            class_attr, list_attr = ksMap[cls]
-            cls = getattr(self.ksdata, class_attr)
-            data = cls()    # all defaults
-            device.populateKSData(data)
-            parent = getattr(self.ksdata, list_attr)
-            parent.dataList().append(data)
-    @property
-    def freeSpaceSnapshot(self):
-        # if no snapshot is available, do it now and return it
-        self._free_space_snapshot = self._free_space_snapshot or self.getFreeSpace()
-        return self._free_space_snapshot
-    def createFreeSpaceSnapshot(self):
-        self._free_space_snapshot = self.getFreeSpace()
-        return self._free_space_snapshot
-    def addFstabSwap(self, device):
-        """
-        Add swap device to the list of swaps that should appear in the fstab.
-        :param device: swap device that should be added to the list
-        :type device: blivet.devices.StorageDevice instance holding a swap format
-        """
-        self.fsset.addFstabSwap(device)
-    def removeFstabSwap(self, device):
-        """
-        Remove swap device from the list of swaps that should appear in the fstab.
-        :param device: swap device that should be removed from the list
-        :type device: blivet.devices.StorageDevice instance holding a swap format
-        """
+class _LazyImportObject(object):
+    """
+    A simple class that uses sys.modules and importlib to implement a
+    lazy-imported object. Once it is called (or instantiated) or an attribute of
+    it is requested, the real object is imported and an appropriate method is
+    called on it with all the passed arguments.
-        self.fsset.removeFstabSwap(device)
+    """
-    def setFstabSwaps(self, devices):
+    def __init__(self, name, real_mod):
-        Set swap devices that should appear in the fstab.
+        Create a new instance of a lazy-imported object.
-        :param devices: iterable providing devices that should appear in the fstab
-        :type devices: iterable providing blivet.devices.StorageDevice instances holding
-                       a swap format
+        :param str name: name of the real object/class
+        :param str real_mod: the real module the real object lives in
-        self.fsset.setFstabSwaps(devices)
+        self._name = name
+        self._real_mod = real_mod
-def mountExistingSystem(fsset, rootDevice, readOnly=None):
-    """ Mount filesystems specified in rootDevice's /etc/fstab file. """
-    rootPath = _sysroot
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        mod = importlib.import_module(__package__+"."+self._real_mod)
+        val = getattr(mod, self._name)
+        sys.modules["%s.%s" % (__package__, self._name)] = val
+        return val(*args, **kwargs)
-    if readOnly:
-        readOnly = "ro"
-    else:
-        readOnly = ""
-    if rootDevice.protected and os.path.ismount("/mnt/install/isodir"):
-        util.mount("/mnt/install/isodir",
-                   rootPath,
-                   fstype=rootDevice.format.type,
-                   options="bind")
-    else:
-        rootDevice.setup()
-        rootDevice.format.mount(chroot=rootPath,
-                                mountpoint="/",
-                                options=readOnly)
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        mod = importlib.import_module(__package__+"."+self._real_mod)
+        val = getattr(mod, self._name)
+        sys.modules["%s.%s" % (__package__, self._name)] = val
+        return getattr(val, attr)
-    fsset.parseFSTab()
-    fsset.mountFilesystems(rootPath=_sysroot, readOnly=readOnly, skipRoot=True)
+# this way things like 'from blivet import Blivet' work without an overhead of
+# importing of everything the Blivet class needs whenever anything from the
+# 'blivet' package is imported (e.g. the 'arch' module)
+Blivet = _LazyImportObject("Blivet", "blivet")
diff --git a/blivet/blivet.py b/blivet/blivet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49a380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blivet/blivet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1858 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2015  Red Hat, Inc.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
+# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
+# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
+# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.  Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
+# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
+# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
+# Red Hat, Inc.
+# Red Hat Author(s): Dave Lehman <dlehman at redhat.com>
+import os
+import copy
+import tempfile
+import re
+import shelve
+import contextlib
+import time
+import parted
+from .storage_log import log_method_call, log_exception_info
+from .devices import BTRFSDevice, BTRFSSubVolumeDevice, BTRFSVolumeDevice
+from .devices import LVMLogicalVolumeDevice, LVMThinLogicalVolumeDevice, LVMThinPoolDevice, LVMVolumeGroupDevice
+from .devices import MDRaidArrayDevice, PartitionDevice, TmpFSDevice, devicePathToName
+from .deviceaction import ActionCreateDevice, ActionCreateFormat, ActionDestroyDevice
+from .deviceaction import ActionDestroyFormat, ActionResizeDevice, ActionResizeFormat
+from .devicelibs.edd import get_edd_dict
+from .devicelibs.dasd import make_dasd_list, write_dasd_conf
+from .errors import StorageError
+from .size import Size
+from .devicetree import DeviceTree
+from .formats import get_default_filesystem_type
+from .flags import flags
+from .platform import platform as _platform
+from .formats import getFormat
+from .osinstall import FSSet, findExistingInstallations
+from . import arch
+from . import iscsi
+from . import fcoe
+from . import zfcp
+from . import devicefactory
+from . import get_bootloader, getSysroot, shortProductName, __version__
+from .i18n import _
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger("blivet")
+def empty_device(device, devicetree):
+    empty = True
+    if device.partitioned:
+        partitions = devicetree.getChildren(device)
+        empty = all([p.isMagic for p in partitions])
+    else:
+        empty = (device.format.type is None)
+    return empty
+class StorageDiscoveryConfig(object):
+    """ Class to encapsulate various detection/initialization parameters. """
+    def __init__(self):
+        # storage configuration variables
+        self.ignoreDiskInteractive = False
+        self.ignoredDisks = []
+        self.exclusiveDisks = []
+        self.clearPartType = None
+        self.clearPartDisks = []
+        self.clearPartDevices = []
+        self.initializeDisks = False
+        self.protectedDevSpecs = []
+        self.diskImages = {}
+        self.zeroMbr = False
+        # Whether clearPartitions removes scheduled/non-existent devices and
+        # disklabels depends on this flag.
+        self.clearNonExistent = False
+    def update(self, ksdata):
+        """ Update configuration from ksdata source.
+            :param ksdata: kickstart data used as data source
+            :type ksdata: :class:`pykickstart.Handler`
+        """
+        self.ignoredDisks = ksdata.ignoredisk.ignoredisk[:]
+        self.exclusiveDisks = ksdata.ignoredisk.onlyuse[:]
+        self.clearPartType = ksdata.clearpart.type
+        self.clearPartDisks = ksdata.clearpart.drives[:]
+        self.clearPartDevices = ksdata.clearpart.devices[:]
+        self.initializeDisks = ksdata.clearpart.initAll
+        self.zeroMbr = ksdata.zerombr.zerombr
+class Blivet(object):
+    """ Top-level class for managing storage configuration. """
+    def __init__(self, ksdata=None):
+        """
+            :keyword ksdata: kickstart data store
+            :type ksdata: :class:`pykickstart.Handler`
+        """
+        self.ksdata = ksdata
+        self._bootloader = None
+        self.config = StorageDiscoveryConfig()
+        # storage configuration variables
+        self.doAutoPart = False
+        self.clearPartChoice = None
+        self.encryptedAutoPart = False
+        self.autoPartType = AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM
+        self.encryptionPassphrase = None
+        self.encryptionCipher = None
+        self.escrowCertificates = {}
+        self.autoPartEscrowCert = None
+        self.autoPartAddBackupPassphrase = False
+        self.autoPartitionRequests = []
+        self.eddDict = {}
+        self.dasd = []
+        self.__luksDevs = {}
+        self.size_sets = []
+        self.setDefaultFSType(get_default_filesystem_type())
+        self._defaultBootFSType = None
+        self.iscsi = iscsi.iscsi()
+        self.fcoe = fcoe.fcoe()
+        self.zfcp = zfcp.ZFCP()
+        self._nextID = 0
+        self._dumpFile = "%s/storage.state" % tempfile.gettempdir()
+        # these will both be empty until our reset method gets called
+        self.devicetree = DeviceTree(conf=self.config,
+                                     passphrase=self.encryptionPassphrase,
+                                     luksDict=self.__luksDevs,
+                                     iscsi=self.iscsi,
+                                     dasd=self.dasd)
+        self.fsset = FSSet(self.devicetree)
+        self.roots = []
+        self.services = set()
+        self._free_space_snapshot = None
+    def doIt(self, callbacks=None):
+        """
+        Commit queued changes to disk.
+        :param callbacks: callbacks to be invoked when actions are executed
+        :type callbacks: return value of the :func:`~.callbacks.create_new_callbacks_register`
+        """
+        self.devicetree.processActions(callbacks)
+        if not flags.installer_mode:
+            return
+        # now set the boot partition's flag
+        if self.bootloader and not self.bootloader.skip_bootloader:
+            if self.bootloader.stage2_bootable:
+                boot = self.bootDevice
+            else:
+                boot = self.bootLoaderDevice
+            if boot.type == "mdarray":
+                bootDevs = boot.parents
+            else:
+                bootDevs = [boot]
+            for dev in bootDevs:
+                if not hasattr(dev, "bootable"):
+                    log.info("Skipping %s, not bootable", dev)
+                    continue
+                # Dos labels can only have one partition marked as active
+                # and unmarking ie the windows partition is not a good idea
+                skip = False
+                if dev.disk.format.partedDisk.type == "msdos":
+                    for p in dev.disk.format.partedDisk.partitions:
+                        if p.type == parted.PARTITION_NORMAL and \
+                           p.getFlag(parted.PARTITION_BOOT):
+                            skip = True
+                            break
+                # GPT labeled disks should only have bootable set on the
+                # EFI system partition (parted sets the EFI System GUID on
+                # GPT partitions with the boot flag)
+                if dev.disk.format.labelType == "gpt" and \
+                   dev.format.type not in ["efi", "macefi"]:
+                    skip = True
+                if skip:
+                    log.info("Skipping %s", dev.name)
+                    continue
+                # hfs+ partitions on gpt can't be marked bootable via parted
+                if dev.disk.format.partedDisk.type != "gpt" or \
+                        dev.format.type not in ["hfs+", "macefi"]:
+                    log.info("setting boot flag on %s", dev.name)
+                    dev.bootable = True
+                # Set the boot partition's name on disk labels that support it
+                if dev.partedPartition.disk.supportsFeature(parted.DISK_TYPE_PARTITION_NAME):
+                    ped_partition = dev.partedPartition.getPedPartition()
+                    ped_partition.set_name(dev.format.name)
+                    log.info("Setting label on %s to '%s'", dev, dev.format.name)
+                dev.disk.setup()
+                dev.disk.format.commitToDisk()
+        if flags.installer_mode:
+            self.dumpState("final")
+    @property
+    def nextID(self):
+        """ Used for creating unique placeholder names. """
+        newid = self._nextID
+        self._nextID += 1
+        return newid
+    def shutdown(self):
+        """ Deactivate all devices (installer_mode only). """
+        if not flags.installer_mode:
+            return
+        try:
+            self.devicetree.teardownAll()
+        except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+            log_exception_info(log.error, "failure tearing down device tree")
+    def reset(self, cleanupOnly=False):
+        """ Reset storage configuration to reflect actual system state.
+            This will cancel any queued actions and rescan from scratch but not
+            clobber user-obtained information like passphrases, iscsi config, &c
+            :keyword cleanupOnly: prepare the tree only to deactivate devices
+            :type cleanupOnly: bool
+            See :meth:`devicetree.Devicetree.populate` for more information
+            about the cleanupOnly keyword argument.
+        """
+        log.info("resetting Blivet (version %s) instance %s", __version__, self)
+        if flags.installer_mode:
+            # save passphrases for luks devices so we don't have to reprompt
+            self.encryptionPassphrase = None
+            for device in self.devices:
+                if device.format.type == "luks" and device.format.exists:
+                    self.__luksDevs[device.format.uuid] = device.format._LUKS__passphrase
+        if self.ksdata:
+            self.config.update(self.ksdata)
+        if flags.installer_mode and not flags.image_install:
+            self.iscsi.startup()
+            self.fcoe.startup()
+            self.zfcp.startup()
+            self.dasd = make_dasd_list(self.dasd, self.devices)
+        if self.dasd:
+            # Reset the internal dasd list (823534)
+            self.dasd = []
+        self.devicetree.reset(conf=self.config,
+                              passphrase=self.encryptionPassphrase,
+                              luksDict=self.__luksDevs,
+                              iscsi=self.iscsi,
+                              dasd=self.dasd)
+        self.devicetree.populate(cleanupOnly=cleanupOnly)
+        self.fsset = FSSet(self.devicetree)
+        self.eddDict = get_edd_dict(self.partitioned)
+        if self.bootloader:
+            # clear out bootloader attributes that refer to devices that are
+            # no longer in the tree
+            self.bootloader.reset()
+        self.roots = []
+        if flags.installer_mode:
+            try:
+                self.roots = findExistingInstallations(self.devicetree)
+            except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+                log_exception_info(log.info, "failure detecting existing installations")
+            self.dumpState("initial")
+        if not flags.installer_mode:
+            self.devicetree.getActiveMounts()
+        self.updateBootLoaderDiskList()
+    @property
+    def unusedDevices(self):
+        used_devices = []
+        for root in self.roots:
+            for device in list(root.mounts.values()) + root.swaps:
+                if device not in self.devices:
+                    continue
+                used_devices.extend(device.ancestors)
+        for new in [d for d in self.devicetree.leaves if not d.format.exists]:
+            if new.format.mountable and not new.format.mountpoint:
+                continue
+            used_devices.extend(new.ancestors)
+        for device in self.partitions:
+            if getattr(device, "isLogical", False):
+                extended = device.disk.format.extendedPartition.path
+                used_devices.append(self.devicetree.getDeviceByPath(extended))
+        used = set(used_devices)
+        _all = set(self.devices)
+        return list(_all.difference(used))
+    @property
+    def devices(self):
+        """ A list of all the devices in the device tree. """
+        devices = self.devicetree.devices
+        devices.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return devices
+    @property
+    def disks(self):
+        """ A list of the disks in the device tree.
+            Ignored disks are excluded, as are disks with no media present.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        disks = []
+        for device in self.devicetree.devices:
+            if device.isDisk:
+                if not device.mediaPresent:
+                    log.info("Skipping disk: %s: No media present", device.name)
+                    continue
+                disks.append(device)
+        disks.sort(key=lambda d: d.name, cmp=self.compareDisks)
+        return disks
+    @property
+    def partitioned(self):
+        """ A list of the partitioned devices in the device tree.
+            Ignored devices are not included, nor disks with no media present.
+            Devices of types for which partitioning is not supported are also
+            not included.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        partitioned = []
+        for device in self.devicetree.devices:
+            if not device.partitioned:
+                continue
+            if not device.mediaPresent:
+                log.info("Skipping device: %s: No media present", device.name)
+                continue
+            partitioned.append(device)
+        partitioned.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return partitioned
+    @property
+    def partitions(self):
+        """ A list of the partitions in the device tree.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        partitions = self.devicetree.getDevicesByInstance(PartitionDevice)
+        partitions.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return partitions
+    @property
+    def vgs(self):
+        """ A list of the LVM Volume Groups in the device tree.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        vgs = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("lvmvg")
+        vgs.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return vgs
+    @property
+    def lvs(self):
+        """ A list of the LVM Logical Volumes in the device tree.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        lvs = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("lvmlv")
+        lvs.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return lvs
+    @property
+    def thinlvs(self):
+        """ A list of the LVM Thin Logical Volumes in the device tree.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        thin = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("lvmthinlv")
+        thin.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return thin
+    @property
+    def thinpools(self):
+        """ A list of the LVM Thin Pool Logical Volumes in the device tree.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        pools = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("lvmthinpool")
+        pools.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return pools
+    @property
+    def pvs(self):
+        """ A list of the LVM Physical Volumes in the device tree.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        devices = self.devicetree.devices
+        pvs = [d for d in devices if d.format.type == "lvmpv"]
+        pvs.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return pvs
+    @property
+    def mdarrays(self):
+        """ A list of the MD arrays in the device tree.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        arrays = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("mdarray")
+        arrays.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return arrays
+    @property
+    def mdcontainers(self):
+        """ A list of the MD containers in the device tree. """
+        arrays = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("mdcontainer")
+        arrays.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return arrays
+    @property
+    def mdmembers(self):
+        """ A list of the MD member devices in the device tree.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        devices = self.devicetree.devices
+        members = [d for d in devices if d.format.type == "mdmember"]
+        members.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return members
+    @property
+    def btrfsVolumes(self):
+        """ A list of the BTRFS volumes in the device tree.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        return sorted(self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("btrfs volume"),
+                      key=lambda d: d.name)
+    @property
+    def swaps(self):
+        """ A list of the swap devices in the device tree.
+            This is based on the current state of the device tree and
+            does not necessarily reflect the actual on-disk state of the
+            system's disks.
+        """
+        devices = self.devicetree.devices
+        swaps = [d for d in devices if d.format.type == "swap"]
+        swaps.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+        return swaps
+    def shouldClear(self, device, **kwargs):
+        """ Return True if a clearpart settings say a device should be cleared.
+            :param device: the device (required)
+            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+            :keyword clearPartType: overrides :attr:`self.config.clearPartType`
+            :type clearPartType: int
+            :keyword clearPartDisks: overrides
+                                     :attr:`self.config.clearPartDisks`
+            :type clearPartDisks: list
+            :keyword clearPartDevices: overrides
+                                       :attr:`self.config.clearPartDevices`
+            :type clearPartDevices: list
+            :returns: whether or not clearPartitions should remove this device
+            :rtype: bool
+        """
+        clearPartType = kwargs.get("clearPartType", self.config.clearPartType)
+        clearPartDisks = kwargs.get("clearPartDisks",
+                                    self.config.clearPartDisks)
+        clearPartDevices = kwargs.get("clearPartDevices",
+                                      self.config.clearPartDevices)
+        for disk in device.disks:
+            # this will not include disks with hidden formats like multipath
+            # and firmware raid member disks
+            if clearPartDisks and disk.name not in clearPartDisks:
+                return False
+        if not self.config.clearNonExistent:
+            if (device.isDisk and not device.format.exists) or \
+               (not device.isDisk and not device.exists):
+                return False
+        # the only devices we want to clear when clearPartType is
+        # CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE are uninitialized disks, or disks with no
+        # partitions, in clearPartDisks, and then only when we have been asked
+        # to initialize disks as needed
+        if clearPartType in [CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE, None]:
+            if not self.config.initializeDisks or not device.isDisk:
+                return False
+            if not empty_device(device, self.devicetree):
+                return False
+        if isinstance(device, PartitionDevice):
+            # Never clear the special first partition on a Mac disk label, as
+            # that holds the partition table itself.
+            # Something similar for the third partition on a Sun disklabel.
+            if device.isMagic:
+                return False
+            # We don't want to fool with extended partitions, freespace, &c
+            if not device.isPrimary and not device.isLogical:
+                return False
+            if clearPartType == CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX and \
+               not device.format.linuxNative and \
+               not device.getFlag(parted.PARTITION_LVM) and \
+               not device.getFlag(parted.PARTITION_RAID) and \
+               not device.getFlag(parted.PARTITION_SWAP):
+                return False
+        elif device.isDisk:
+            if device.partitioned and clearPartType != CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL:
+                # if clearPartType is not CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL but we'll still be
+                # removing every partition from the disk, return True since we
+                # will want to be able to create a new disklabel on this disk
+                if not empty_device(device, self.devicetree):
+                    return False
+            # Never clear disks with hidden formats
+            if device.format.hidden:
+                return False
+            # When clearPartType is CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX and a disk has non-
+            # linux whole-disk formatting, do not clear it. The exception is
+            # the case of an uninitialized disk when we've been asked to
+            # initialize disks as needed
+            if (clearPartType == CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX and
+                not ((self.config.initializeDisks and
+                      empty_device(device, self.devicetree)) or
+                     (not device.partitioned and device.format.linuxNative))):
+                return False
+        # Don't clear devices holding install media.
+        descendants = self.devicetree.getDependentDevices(device)
+        if device.protected or any(d.protected for d in descendants):
+            return False
+        if clearPartType == CLEARPART_TYPE_LIST and \
+           device.name not in clearPartDevices:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def recursiveRemove(self, device):
+        """ Remove a device after removing its dependent devices.
+            If the device is not a leaf, all of its dependents are removed
+            recursively until it is a leaf device. At that point the device is
+            removed, unless it is a disk. If the device is a disk, its
+            formatting is removed by no attempt is made to actually remove the
+            disk device.
+        """
+        log.debug("removing %s", device.name)
+        devices = self.deviceDeps(device)
+        # this isn't strictly necessary, but it makes the action list easier to
+        # read when removing logical partitions because of the automatic
+        # renumbering that happens if you remove them in ascending numerical
+        # order
+        devices.reverse()
+        while devices:
+            log.debug("devices to remove: %s", [d.name for d in devices])
+            leaves = [d for d in devices if d.isleaf]
+            log.debug("leaves to remove: %s", [d.name for d in leaves])
+            for leaf in leaves:
+                self.destroyDevice(leaf)
+                devices.remove(leaf)
+        if device.isDisk:
+            self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionDestroyFormat(device))
+        else:
+            self.destroyDevice(device)
+    def clearPartitions(self):
+        """ Clear partitions and dependent devices from disks.
+            This is also where zerombr is handled.
+        """
+        # Sort partitions by descending partition number to minimize confusing
+        # things like multiple "destroy sda5" actions due to parted renumbering
+        # partitions. This can still happen through the UI but it makes sense to
+        # avoid it where possible.
+        partitions = sorted(self.partitions,
+                            key=lambda p: p.partedPartition.number,
+                            reverse=True)
+        for part in partitions:
+            log.debug("clearpart: looking at %s", part.name)
+            if not self.shouldClear(part):
+                continue
+            self.recursiveRemove(part)
+            log.debug("partitions: %s", [p.getDeviceNodeName() for p in part.partedPartition.disk.partitions])
+        # now remove any empty extended partitions
+        self.removeEmptyExtendedPartitions()
+        # ensure all disks have appropriate disklabels
+        for disk in self.disks:
+            zerombr = (self.config.zeroMbr and disk.format.type is None)
+            should_clear = self.shouldClear(disk)
+            if should_clear:
+                self.recursiveRemove(disk)
+            if zerombr or should_clear:
+                log.debug("clearpart: initializing %s", disk.name)
+                self.initializeDisk(disk)
+        self.updateBootLoaderDiskList()
+    def initializeDisk(self, disk):
+        """ (Re)initialize a disk by creating a disklabel on it.
+            The disk should not contain any partitions except perhaps for a
+            magic partitions on mac and sun disklabels. If the disk does contain
+            partitions other than the disklabel-type-specific "magic" partitions
+            ValueError will be raised.
+            :param disk: the disk to initialize
+            :type disk: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+            :returns None:
+            :raises: ValueError
+        """
+        # first, remove magic mac/sun partitions from the parted Disk
+        if disk.partitioned:
+            magic = disk.format.magicPartitionNumber
+            expected = 0
+            if magic:
+                expected = 1
+                # remove the magic partition
+                for part in self.devicetree.getChildren(disk):
+                    if part.partedPartition.number == magic:
+                        log.debug("removing %s", part.name)
+                        # We can't schedule the magic partition for removal
+                        # because parted will not allow us to remove it from the
+                        # disk. Still, we need it out of the devicetree.
+                        self.devicetree._removeDevice(part, modparent=False)
+            if len(disk.format.partitions) > expected:
+                raise ValueError("cannot initialize a disk that has partitions")
+        # remove existing formatting from the disk
+        destroy_action = ActionDestroyFormat(disk)
+        self.devicetree.registerAction(destroy_action)
+        labelType = _platform.bestDiskLabelType(disk)
+        # create a new disklabel on the disk
+        newLabel = getFormat("disklabel", device=disk.path,
+                             labelType=labelType)
+        create_action = ActionCreateFormat(disk, fmt=newLabel)
+        self.devicetree.registerAction(create_action)
+    def removeEmptyExtendedPartitions(self):
+        for disk in self.partitioned:
+            log.debug("checking whether disk %s has an empty extended", disk.name)
+            extended = disk.format.extendedPartition
+            logical_parts = disk.format.logicalPartitions
+            log.debug("extended is %s ; logicals is %s", extended, [p.getDeviceNodeName() for p in logical_parts])
+            if extended and not logical_parts:
+                log.debug("removing empty extended partition from %s", disk.name)
+                extended_name = devicePathToName(extended.getDeviceNodeName())
+                extended = self.devicetree.getDeviceByName(extended_name)
+                self.destroyDevice(extended)
+    def getFreeSpace(self, disks=None, clearPartType=None):
+        """ Return a dict with free space info for each disk.
+            The dict values are 2-tuples: (disk_free, fs_free). fs_free is
+            space available by shrinking filesystems. disk_free is space not
+            allocated to any partition.
+            disks and clearPartType allow specifying a set of disks other than
+            self.disks and a clearPartType value other than
+            self.config.clearPartType.
+            :keyword disks: overrides :attr:`disks`
+            :type disks: list
+            :keyword clearPartType: overrides :attr:`self.config.clearPartType`
+            :type clearPartType: int
+            :returns: dict with disk name keys and tuple (disk, fs) free values
+            :rtype: dict
+            .. note::
+                The free space values are :class:`~.size.Size` instances.
+        """
+        if disks is None:
+            disks = self.disks
+        if clearPartType is None:
+            clearPartType = self.config.clearPartType
+        free = {}
+        for disk in disks:
+            should_clear = self.shouldClear(disk, clearPartType=clearPartType,
+                                            clearPartDisks=[disk.name])
+            if should_clear:
+                free[disk.name] = (disk.size, Size(0))
+                continue
+            disk_free = Size(0)
+            fs_free = Size(0)
+            if disk.partitioned:
+                disk_free = disk.format.free
+                for partition in [p for p in self.partitions if p.disk == disk]:
+                    # only check actual filesystems since lvm &c require a bunch of
+                    # operations to translate free filesystem space into free disk
+                    # space
+                    should_clear = self.shouldClear(partition,
+                                                    clearPartType=clearPartType,
+                                                    clearPartDisks=[disk.name])
+                    if should_clear:
+                        disk_free += partition.size
+                    elif hasattr(partition.format, "free"):
+                        fs_free += partition.format.free
+            elif hasattr(disk.format, "free"):
+                fs_free = disk.format.free
+            elif disk.format.type is None:
+                disk_free = disk.size
+            free[disk.name] = (disk_free, fs_free)
+        return free
+    @property
+    def names(self):
+        """ A list of all of the known in-use device names. """
+        return self.devicetree.names
+    def deviceDeps(self, device):
+        """ Return a list of the devices that depend on the specified device.
+            :param device: the subtree root device
+            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+            :returns: list of dependent devices
+            :rtype: list
+        """
+        return self.devicetree.getDependentDevices(device)
+    def newPartition(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """ Return a new (unallocated) PartitionDevice instance.
+            :keyword fmt_type: format type
+            :type fmt_type: str
+            :keyword fmt_args: arguments for format constructor
+            :type fmt_args: dict
+            :keyword mountpoint: mountpoint for format (filesystem)
+            :type mountpoint: str
+            All other arguments are passed on to the
+            :class:`~.devices.PartitionDevice` constructor.
+        """
+        if 'fmt_type' in kwargs:
+            kwargs["fmt"] = getFormat(kwargs.pop("fmt_type"),
+                                         mountpoint=kwargs.pop("mountpoint",
+                                                               None),
+                                         **kwargs.pop("fmt_args", {}))
+        if 'name' in kwargs:
+            name = kwargs.pop("name")
+        else:
+            name = "req%d" % self.nextID
+        if "weight" not in kwargs:
+            fmt = kwargs.get("fmt")
+            if fmt:
+                mountpoint = getattr(fmt, "mountpoint", None)
+                kwargs["weight"] = _platform.weight(mountpoint=mountpoint,
+                                                        fstype=fmt.type)
+        return PartitionDevice(name, *args, **kwargs)
+    def newMDArray(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """ Return a new MDRaidArrayDevice instance.
+            :keyword fmt_type: format type
+            :type fmt_type: str
+            :keyword fmt_args: arguments for format constructor
+            :type fmt_args: dict
+            :keyword mountpoint: mountpoint for format (filesystem)
+            :type mountpoint: str
+            :returns: the new md array device
+            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.MDRaidArrayDevice`
+            All other arguments are passed on to the
+            :class:`~.devices.MDRaidArrayDevice` constructor.
+            If a name is not specified, one will be generated based on the
+            format type, mountpoint, hostname, and/or product name.
+        """
+        if 'fmt_type' in kwargs:
+            kwargs["fmt"] = getFormat(kwargs.pop("fmt_type"),
+                                         mountpoint=kwargs.pop("mountpoint",
+                                                               None),
+                                         **kwargs.pop("fmt_args", {}))
+        name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
+        if name:
+            safe_name = self.safeDeviceName(name)
+            if safe_name != name:
+                log.warning("using '%s' instead of specified name '%s'",
+                                safe_name, name)
+                name = safe_name
+        else:
+            swap = getattr(kwargs.get("fmt"), "type", None) == "swap"
+            mountpoint = getattr(kwargs.get("fmt"), "mountpoint", None)
+            name = self.suggestDeviceName(prefix=shortProductName,
+                                          swap=swap,
+                                          mountpoint=mountpoint)
+        return MDRaidArrayDevice(name, *args, **kwargs)
+    def newVG(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """ Return a new LVMVolumeGroupDevice instance.
+            :returns: the new volume group device
+            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.LVMVolumeGroupDevice`
+            All arguments are passed on to the
+            :class:`~.devices.LVMVolumeGroupDevice` constructor.
+            If a name is not specified, one will be generated based on the
+            hostname, and/or product name.
+        """
+        pvs = kwargs.pop("parents", [])
+        for pv in pvs:
+            if pv not in self.devices:
+                raise ValueError("pv is not in the device tree")
+        name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
+        if name:
+            safe_name = self.safeDeviceName(name)
+            if safe_name != name:
+                log.warning("using '%s' instead of specified name '%s'",
+                                safe_name, name)
+                name = safe_name
+        else:
+            hostname = ""
+            if self.ksdata and self.ksdata.network.hostname is not None:
+                hostname = self.ksdata.network.hostname
+            name = self.suggestContainerName(hostname=hostname)
+        if name in self.names:
+            raise ValueError("name already in use")
+        return LVMVolumeGroupDevice(name, pvs, *args, **kwargs)
+    def newLV(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """ Return a new LVMLogicalVolumeDevice instance.
+            :keyword fmt_type: format type
+            :type fmt_type: str
+            :keyword fmt_args: arguments for format constructor
+            :type fmt_args: dict
+            :keyword mountpoint: mountpoint for format (filesystem)
+            :type mountpoint: str
+            :keyword thin_pool: whether to create a thin pool
+            :type thin_pool: bool
+            :keyword thin_volume: whether to create a thin volume
+            :type thin_volume: bool
+            :returns: the new device
+            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.LVMLogicalVolumeDevice`
+            All other arguments are passed on to the appropriate
+            :class:`~.devices.LVMLogicalVolumeDevice` constructor.
+            If a name is not specified, one will be generated based on the
+            format type and/or mountpoint.
+            .. note::
+                If you are creating a thin volume, the parents kwarg should
+                contain the pool -- not the vg.
+        """
+        thin_volume = kwargs.pop("thin_volume", False)
+        thin_pool = kwargs.pop("thin_pool", False)
+        vg = kwargs.get("parents", [None])[0]
+        if thin_volume and vg:
+            # kwargs["parents"] will contain the pool device, so...
+            vg = vg.vg
+        mountpoint = kwargs.pop("mountpoint", None)
+        if 'fmt_type' in kwargs:
+            kwargs["fmt"] = getFormat(kwargs.pop("fmt_type"),
+                                         mountpoint=mountpoint,
+                                         **kwargs.pop("fmt_args", {}))
+        name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
+        if name:
+            # make sure the specified name is sensible
+            safe_vg_name = self.safeDeviceName(vg.name)
+            full_name = "%s-%s" % (safe_vg_name, name)
+            safe_name = self.safeDeviceName(full_name)
+            if safe_name != full_name:
+                new_name = safe_name[len(safe_vg_name)+1:]
+                log.warning("using '%s' instead of specified name '%s'",
+                                new_name, name)
+                name = new_name
+        else:
+            if kwargs.get("fmt") and kwargs["fmt"].type == "swap":
+                swap = True
+            else:
+                swap = False
+            prefix = ""
+            if thin_pool:
+                prefix = "pool"
+            name = self.suggestDeviceName(parent=vg,
+                                          swap=swap,
+                                          mountpoint=mountpoint,
+                                          prefix=prefix)
+        if "%s-%s" % (vg.name, name) in self.names:
+            raise ValueError("name already in use")
+        if thin_pool:
+            device_class = LVMThinPoolDevice
+        elif thin_volume:
+            device_class = LVMThinLogicalVolumeDevice
+        else:
+            device_class = LVMLogicalVolumeDevice
+        return device_class(name, *args, **kwargs)
+    def newBTRFS(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """ Return a new BTRFSVolumeDevice or BRFSSubVolumeDevice.
+            :keyword fmt_args: arguments for format constructor
+            :type fmt_args: dict
+            :keyword mountpoint: mountpoint for format (filesystem)
+            :type mountpoint: str
+            :keyword subvol: whether this is a subvol (as opposed to a volume)
+            :type subvol: bool
+            :returns: the new device
+            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.BTRFSDevice`
+            All other arguments are passed on to the appropriate
+            :class:`~.devices.BTRFSDevice` constructor.
+            For volumes, the label is the same as the name. If a name/label is
+            not specified, one will be generated based on the hostname and/or
+            product name.
+            .. note::
+                If you are creating a subvolume, the parents kwarg should
+                contain the volume you want to contain the subvolume.
+        """
+        log.debug("newBTRFS: args = %s ; kwargs = %s", args, kwargs)
+        name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
+        if args:
+            name = args[0]
+        mountpoint = kwargs.pop("mountpoint", None)
+        fmt_args = kwargs.pop("fmt_args", {})
+        fmt_args.update({"mountpoint": mountpoint})
+        if kwargs.pop("subvol", False):
+            dev_class = BTRFSSubVolumeDevice
+            # set up the subvol name, using mountpoint if necessary
+            if not name:
+                # for btrfs this only needs to ensure the subvol name is not
+                # already in use within the parent volume
+                name = self.suggestDeviceName(mountpoint=mountpoint)
+            fmt_args["mountopts"] = "subvol=%s" % name
+            kwargs.pop("metaDataLevel", None)
+            kwargs.pop("dataLevel", None)
+        else:
+            dev_class = BTRFSVolumeDevice
+            # set up the volume label, using hostname if necessary
+            if not name:
+                hostname = ""
+                if self.ksdata and self.ksdata.network.hostname is not None:
+                    hostname = self.ksdata.network.hostname
+                name = self.suggestContainerName(hostname=hostname)
+            if "label" not in fmt_args:
+                fmt_args["label"] = name
+        # discard fmt_type since it's btrfs always
+        kwargs.pop("fmt_type", None)
+        # this is to avoid auto-scheduled format create actions
+        device = dev_class(name, **kwargs)
+        device.format = getFormat("btrfs", **fmt_args)
+        return device
+    def newBTRFSSubVolume(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """ Return a new BRFSSubVolumeDevice.
+            :keyword fmt_args: arguments for format constructor
+            :type fmt_args: dict
+            :keyword mountpoint: mountpoint for format (filesystem)
+            :type mountpoint: str
+            :returns: the new device
+            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.BTRFSSubVolumeDevice`
+            All other arguments are passed on to the
+            :class:`~.devices.BTRFSSubVolumeDevice` constructor.
+            .. note::
+                Since you are creating a subvolume, the parents kwarg should
+                contain the volume you want to contain the subvolume.
+        """
+        kwargs["subvol"] = True
+        return self.newBTRFS(*args, **kwargs)
+    def newTmpFS(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """ Return a new TmpFSDevice. """
+        return TmpFSDevice(*args, **kwargs)
+    def createDevice(self, device):
+        """ Schedule creation of a device.
+            :param device: the device to schedule creation of
+            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+            :rtype: None
+        """
+        self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionCreateDevice(device))
+        if device.format.type and not device.formatImmutable:
+            self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionCreateFormat(device))
+    def destroyDevice(self, device):
+        """ Schedule destruction of a device.
+            :param device: the device to schedule destruction of
+            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+            :rtype: None
+        """
+        if device.protected:
+            raise ValueError("cannot modify protected device")
+        if device.format.exists and device.format.type and \
+           not device.formatImmutable:
+            # schedule destruction of any formatting while we're at it
+            self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionDestroyFormat(device))
+        action = ActionDestroyDevice(device)
+        self.devicetree.registerAction(action)
+    def formatDevice(self, device, fmt):
+        """ Schedule formatting of a device.
+            :param device: the device to create the formatting on
+            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+            :param fmt: the format to create on the device
+            :type format: :class:`~.formats.DeviceFormat`
+            :rtype: None
+            A format destroy action will be scheduled first, so it is not
+            necessary to create and schedule an
+            :class:`~.deviceaction.ActionDestroyFormat` prior to calling this
+            method.
+        """
+        if device.protected:
+            raise ValueError("cannot modify protected device")
+        self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionDestroyFormat(device))
+        self.devicetree.registerAction(ActionCreateFormat(device, fmt))
+    def resetDevice(self, device):
+        """ Cancel all scheduled actions and reset formatting.
+            :param device: the device to reset
+            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+            :rtype: None
+        """
+        actions = self.devicetree.findActions(device=device)
+        for action in reversed(actions):
+            self.devicetree.cancelAction(action)
+        # make sure any random overridden attributes are reset
+        device.format = copy.copy(device.originalFormat)
+    def resizeDevice(self, device, new_size):
+        """ Schedule a resize of a device and its formatting, if any.
+            :param device: the device to resize
+            :type device: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+            :param new_size: the new target size for the device
+            :type new_size: :class:`~.size.Size`
+            :rtype: None
+            If the device has formatting that is recognized as being resizable
+            an action will be scheduled to resize it as well.
+        """
+        if device.protected:
+            raise ValueError("cannot modify protected device")
+        classes = []
+        if device.resizable:
+            classes.append(ActionResizeDevice)
+        if device.format.resizable:
+            classes.append(ActionResizeFormat)
+        if not classes:
+            raise ValueError("device cannot be resized")
+        # if this is a shrink, schedule the format resize first
+        if new_size < device.size:
+            classes.reverse()
+        for action_class in classes:
+            self.devicetree.registerAction(action_class(device, new_size))
+    def formatByDefault(self, device):
+        """Return whether the device should be reformatted by default."""
+        formatlist = ['/boot', '/var', '/tmp', '/usr']
+        exceptlist = ['/home', '/usr/local', '/opt', '/var/www']
+        if not device.format.linuxNative:
+            return False
+        if device.format.mountable:
+            if not device.format.mountpoint:
+                return False
+            if device.format.mountpoint == "/" or \
+               device.format.mountpoint in formatlist:
+                return True
+            for p in formatlist:
+                if device.format.mountpoint.startswith(p):
+                    for q in exceptlist:
+                        if device.format.mountpoint.startswith(q):
+                            return False
+                    return True
+        elif device.format.type == "swap":
+            return True
+        # be safe for anything else and default to off
+        return False
+    def mustFormat(self, device):
+        """ Return a string explaining why the device must be reformatted.
+            Return None if the device need not be reformatted.
+        """
+        if device.format.mountable and device.format.mountpoint == "/":
+            return _("You must create a new filesystem on the root device.")
+        return None
+    def safeDeviceName(self, name):
+        """ Convert a device name to something safe and return that.
+            LVM limits lv names to 128 characters. I don't know the limits for
+            the other various device types, so I'm going to pick a number so
+            that we don't have to have an entire fucking library to determine
+            device name limits.
+        """
+        max_len = 96    # No, you don't need longer names than this. Really.
+        tmp = name.strip()
+        tmp = tmp.replace("/", "_")
+        tmp = re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z._-]", "", tmp)
+        # Remove any '-' or '_' prefixes
+        tmp = re.sub("^[-_]*", "", tmp)
+        # If all that's left is . or .., give up
+        if tmp == "." or tmp == "..":
+            return ""
+        if len(tmp) > max_len:
+            tmp = tmp[:max_len]
+        return tmp
+    def suggestContainerName(self, hostname=None, prefix=""):
+        """ Return a reasonable, unused device name.
+            :keyword hostname: the system's hostname
+            :keyword prefix: a prefix for the container name
+            :returns: the suggested name
+            :rtype: str
+        """
+        if not prefix:
+            prefix = shortProductName
+        # try to create a device name incorporating the hostname
+        if hostname not in (None, "", 'localhost', 'localhost.localdomain'):
+            template = "%s_%s" % (prefix, hostname.split('.')[0].lower())
+            template = self.safeDeviceName(template)
+        else:
+            template = prefix
+        if flags.image_install:
+            template = "%s_image" % template
+        names = self.names
+        name = template
+        if name in names:
+            name = None
+            for i in range(100):
+                tmpname = "%s%02d" % (template, i,)
+                if tmpname not in names:
+                    name = tmpname
+                    break
+            if not name:
+                log.error("failed to create device name based on prefix "
+                          "'%s' and hostname '%s'", prefix, hostname)
+                raise RuntimeError("unable to find suitable device name")
+        return name
+    def suggestDeviceName(self, parent=None, swap=None,
+                                  mountpoint=None, prefix=""):
+        """ Return a suitable, unused name for a new device.
+            :keyword parent: the parent device
+            :type parent: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+            :keyword swap: will this be a swap device
+            :type swap: bool
+            :keyword mountpoint: the device's mountpoint
+            :type mountpoint: str
+            :keyword prefix: device name prefix
+            :type prefix: str
+            :returns: the suggested name
+            :rtype: str
+        """
+        body = ""
+        if mountpoint:
+            if mountpoint == "/":
+                body = "root"
+            else:
+                body = mountpoint[1:].replace("/", "_")
+        elif swap:
+            body = "swap"
+        if prefix and body:
+            body = "_" + body
+        template = self.safeDeviceName(prefix + body)
+        names = self.names
+        name = template
+        def full_name(name, parent):
+            full = ""
+            if parent:
+                full = "%s-" % parent.name
+            full += name
+            return full
+        # also include names of any lvs in the parent for the case of the
+        # temporary vg in the lvm dialogs, which can contain lvs that are
+        # not yet in the devicetree and therefore not in self.names
+        if full_name(name, parent) in names or not body:
+            for i in range(100):
+                name = "%s%02d" % (template, i)
+                if full_name(name, parent) not in names:
+                    break
+                else:
+                    name = ""
+            if not name:
+                log.error("failed to create device name based on parent '%s', "
+                          "prefix '%s', mountpoint '%s', swap '%s'",
+                          parent.name, prefix, mountpoint, swap)
+                raise RuntimeError("unable to find suitable device name")
+        return name
+    def savePassphrase(self, device):
+        """ Save a device's LUKS passphrase in case of reset. """
+        passphrase = device.format._LUKS__passphrase
+        self.__luksDevs[device.format.uuid] = passphrase
+        self.devicetree._DeviceTree__luksDevs[device.format.uuid] = passphrase
+        self.devicetree._DeviceTree__passphrases.append(passphrase)
+    def setupDiskImages(self):
+        self.devicetree.setDiskImages(self.config.diskImages)
+        self.devicetree.setupDiskImages()
+    @property
+    def fileSystemFreeSpace(self):
+        """ Combined free space in / and /usr as :class:`~.size.Size`. """
+        mountpoints = ["/", "/usr"]
+        free = Size(0)
+        btrfs_volumes = []
+        for mountpoint in mountpoints:
+            device = self.mountpoints.get(mountpoint)
+            if not device:
+                continue
+            # don't count the size of btrfs volumes repeatedly when multiple
+            # subvolumes are present
+            if isinstance(device, BTRFSSubVolumeDevice):
+                if device.volume in btrfs_volumes:
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    btrfs_volumes.append(device.volume)
+            if device.format.exists:
+                free += device.format.free
+            else:
+                free += device.size
+        return free
+    def dumpState(self, suffix):
+        """ Dump the current device list to the storage shelf. """
+        key = "devices.%d.%s" % (time.time(), suffix)
+        with contextlib.closing(shelve.open(self._dumpFile)) as shelf:
+            try:
+                shelf[key] = [d.dict for d in self.devices]
+            except AttributeError:
+                log_exception_info()
+    @property
+    def packages(self):
+        pkgs = set()
+        pkgs.update(_platform.packages)
+        # install support packages for all devices in the system
+        for device in self.devices:
+            # this takes care of device and filesystem packages
+            pkgs.update(device.packages)
+        return list(pkgs)
+    def write(self):
+        """ Write out all storage-related configuration files. """
+        if not os.path.isdir("%s/etc" % getSysroot()):
+            os.mkdir("%s/etc" % getSysroot())
+        self.fsset.write()
+        self.makeMtab()
+        self.iscsi.write(getSysroot(), self)
+        self.fcoe.write(getSysroot())
+        self.zfcp.write(getSysroot())
+        write_dasd_conf(self.dasd, getSysroot())
+    def turnOnSwap(self):
+        self.fsset.turnOnSwap(rootPath=getSysroot())
+    def mountFilesystems(self, readOnly=None, skipRoot=False):
+        self.fsset.mountFilesystems(rootPath=getSysroot(),
+                                    readOnly=readOnly, skipRoot=skipRoot)
+    def umountFilesystems(self, swapoff=True):
+        self.fsset.umountFilesystems(swapoff=swapoff)
+    def parseFSTab(self, chroot=None):
+        self.fsset.parseFSTab(chroot=chroot)
+    def mkDevRoot(self):
+        self.fsset.mkDevRoot()
+    def createSwapFile(self, device, size):
+        self.fsset.createSwapFile(device, size)
+    @property
+    def bootloader(self):
+        if self._bootloader is None and flags.installer_mode:
+            self._bootloader = get_bootloader()
+        return self._bootloader
+    def updateBootLoaderDiskList(self):
+        if not self.bootloader:
+            return
+        boot_disks = [d for d in self.disks if d.partitioned]
+        boot_disks.sort(cmp=self.compareDisks, key=lambda d: d.name)
+        self.bootloader.set_disk_list(boot_disks)
+    def setUpBootLoader(self, early=False):
+        """ Propagate ksdata into BootLoader.
+            :keyword bool early: Set to True to skip stage1_device setup
+            :raises BootloaderError: if stage1 setup fails
+            If this needs to be run early, eg. to setup stage1_disk but
+            not stage1_device 'early' should be set True to prevent
+            it from raising BootloaderError
+        """
+        if not self.bootloader or not self.ksdata:
+            log.warning("either ksdata or bootloader data missing")
+            return
+        if self.bootloader.skip_bootloader:
+            log.info("user specified that bootloader install be skipped")
+            return
+        # Need to make sure bootDrive has been setup from the latest information
+        self.ksdata.bootloader.execute(self, self.ksdata, None)
+        self.bootloader.stage1_disk = self.devicetree.resolveDevice(self.ksdata.bootloader.bootDrive)
+        self.bootloader.stage2_device = self.bootDevice
+        if not early:
+            self.bootloader.set_stage1_device(self.devices)
+    @property
+    def bootDisk(self):
+        disk = None
+        if self.ksdata:
+            spec = self.ksdata.bootloader.bootDrive
+            disk = self.devicetree.resolveDevice(spec)
+        return disk
+    @property
+    def bootDevice(self):
+        dev = None
+        if self.fsset:
+            dev = self.mountpoints.get("/boot", self.rootDevice)
+        return dev
+    @property
+    def bootLoaderDevice(self):
+        return getattr(self.bootloader, "stage1_device", None)
+    @property
+    def bootFSTypes(self):
+        """A list of all valid filesystem types for the boot partition."""
+        fstypes = []
+        if self.bootloader:
+            fstypes = self.bootloader.stage2_format_types
+        return fstypes
+    @property
+    def defaultBootFSType(self):
+        """The default filesystem type for the boot partition."""
+        if self._defaultBootFSType:
+            return self._defaultBootFSType
+        fstype = None
+        if self.bootloader:
+            fstype = self.bootFSTypes[0]
+        return fstype
+    def _check_valid_fstype(self, newtype):
+        """ Check the fstype to see if it is valid
+            Raise ValueError on invalid input.
+        """
+        fmt = getFormat(newtype)
+        if fmt.type is None:
+            raise ValueError("unrecognized value %s for new default fs type" % newtype)
+        if (not fmt.mountable or not fmt.formattable or not fmt.supported or
+            not fmt.linuxNative):
+            log.debug("invalid default fstype: %r", fmt)
+            raise ValueError("new value %s is not valid as a default fs type" % fmt)
+        self._defaultFSType = newtype # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
+    def setDefaultBootFSType(self, newtype):
+        """ Set the default /boot fstype for this instance.
+            Raise ValueError on invalid input.
+        """
+        log.debug("trying to set new default /boot fstype to '%s'", newtype)
+        # This will raise ValueError if it isn't valid
+        self._check_valid_fstype(newtype)
+        self._defaultBootFSType = newtype
+    @property
+    def defaultFSType(self):
+        return self._defaultFSType
+    def setDefaultFSType(self, newtype):
+        """ Set the default fstype for this instance.
+            Raise ValueError on invalid input.
+        """
+        log.debug("trying to set new default fstype to '%s'", newtype)
+        # This will raise ValueError if it isn't valid
+        self._check_valid_fstype(newtype)
+        self._defaultFSType = newtype # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
+    @property
+    def mountpoints(self):
+        return self.fsset.mountpoints
+    @property
+    def rootDevice(self):
+        return self.fsset.rootDevice
+    def makeMtab(self):
+        path = "/etc/mtab"
+        target = "/proc/self/mounts"
+        path = os.path.normpath("%s/%s" % (getSysroot(), path))
+        if os.path.islink(path):
+            # return early if the mtab symlink is already how we like it
+            current_target = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(path) +
+                                              "/" + os.readlink(path))
+            if current_target == target:
+                return
+        if os.path.exists(path):
+            os.unlink(path)
+        os.symlink(target, path)
+    def compareDisks(self, first, second):
+        if first in self.eddDict and second in self.eddDict:
+            one = self.eddDict[first]
+            two = self.eddDict[second]
+            if (one < two):
+                return -1
+            elif (one > two):
+                return 1
+        # if one is in the BIOS and the other not prefer the one in the BIOS
+        if first in self.eddDict:
+            return -1
+        if second in self.eddDict:
+            return 1
+        if first.startswith("hd"):
+            type1 = 0
+        elif first.startswith("sd"):
+            type1 = 1
+        elif (first.startswith("vd") or first.startswith("xvd")):
+            type1 = -1
+        else:
+            type1 = 2
+        if second.startswith("hd"):
+            type2 = 0
+        elif second.startswith("sd"):
+            type2 = 1
+        elif (second.startswith("vd") or second.startswith("xvd")):
+            type2 = -1
+        else:
+            type2 = 2
+        if (type1 < type2):
+            return -1
+        elif (type1 > type2):
+            return 1
+        else:
+            len1 = len(first)
+            len2 = len(second)
+            if (len1 < len2):
+                return -1
+            elif (len1 > len2):
+                return 1
+            else:
+                if (first < second):
+                    return -1
+                elif (first > second):
+                    return 1
+        return 0
+    def getFSType(self, mountpoint=None):
+        """ Return the default filesystem type based on mountpoint. """
+        fstype = self.defaultFSType
+        if not mountpoint:
+            # just return the default
+            pass
+        elif mountpoint.lower() in ("swap", "biosboot", "prepboot"):
+            fstype = mountpoint.lower()
+        elif mountpoint == "/boot":
+            fstype = self.defaultBootFSType
+        elif mountpoint == "/boot/efi":
+            if arch.isMactel():
+                fstype = "macefi"
+            else:
+                fstype = "efi"
+        return fstype
+    def factoryDevice(self, device_type, size, **kwargs):
+        """ Schedule creation of a device based on a top-down specification.
+            :param device_type: device type constant
+            :type device_type: int (:const:`~.devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_*`)
+            :param size: requested size
+            :type size: :class:`~.size.Size`
+            :returns: the newly configured device
+            :rtype: :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+            See :class:`~.devicefactory.DeviceFactory` for possible kwargs.
+        """
+        log_method_call(self, device_type, size, **kwargs)
+        # we can't do anything with existing devices
+        #if device and device.exists:
+        #    log.info("factoryDevice refusing to change device %s", device)
+        #    return
+        if not kwargs.get("fstype"):
+            kwargs["fstype"] = self.getFSType(mountpoint=kwargs.get("mountpoint"))
+            if kwargs["fstype"] == "swap":
+                kwargs["mountpoint"] = None
+        if kwargs["fstype"] == "swap" and \
+           device_type == devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_BTRFS:
+            device_type = devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_PARTITION
+        factory = devicefactory.get_device_factory(self, device_type, size,
+                                                   **kwargs)
+        if not factory.disks:
+            raise StorageError("no disks specified for new device")
+        self.size_sets = [] # clear this since there are no growable reqs now
+        factory.configure()
+        return factory.device
+    def copy(self):
+        log.debug("starting Blivet copy")
+        new = copy.deepcopy(self)
+        # go through and re-get partedPartitions from the disks since they
+        # don't get deep-copied
+        hidden_partitions = [d for d in new.devicetree._hidden
+                                if isinstance(d, PartitionDevice)]
+        for partition in new.partitions + hidden_partitions:
+            if not partition._partedPartition:
+                continue
+            # update the refs in req_disks as well
+            req_disks = (new.devicetree.getDeviceByID(disk.id) for disk in partition.req_disks)
+            partition.req_disks = [disk for disk in req_disks if disk is not None]
+            p = partition.disk.format.partedDisk.getPartitionByPath(partition.path)
+            partition.partedPartition = p
+        for root in new.roots:
+            root.swaps = [new.devicetree.getDeviceByID(d.id, hidden=True) for d in root.swaps]
+            root.swaps = [s for s in root.swaps if s]
+            for (mountpoint, old_dev) in root.mounts.items():
+                if old_dev is None:
+                    continue
+                new_dev = new.devicetree.getDeviceByID(old_dev.id, hidden=True)
+                if new_dev is None:
+                    # if the device has been removed don't include this
+                    # mountpoint at all
+                    del root.mounts[mountpoint]
+                else:
+                    root.mounts[mountpoint] = new_dev
+        log.debug("finished Blivet copy")
+        return new
+    def updateKSData(self):
+        """ Update ksdata to reflect the settings of this Blivet instance. """
+        if not self.ksdata or not self.mountpoints:
+            return
+        # clear out whatever was there before
+        self.ksdata.partition.partitions = []
+        self.ksdata.logvol.lvList = []
+        self.ksdata.raid.raidList = []
+        self.ksdata.volgroup.vgList = []
+        self.ksdata.btrfs.btrfsList = []
+        # iscsi?
+        # fcoe?
+        # zfcp?
+        # dmraid?
+        # bootloader
+        # ignoredisk
+        if self.config.ignoredDisks:
+            self.ksdata.ignoredisk.drives = self.config.ignoredDisks[:]
+        elif self.config.exclusiveDisks:
+            self.ksdata.ignoredisk.onlyuse = self.config.exclusiveDisks[:]
+        # autopart
+        self.ksdata.autopart.autopart = self.doAutoPart
+        self.ksdata.autopart.type = self.autoPartType
+        self.ksdata.autopart.encrypted = self.encryptedAutoPart
+        # clearpart
+        self.ksdata.clearpart.type = self.config.clearPartType
+        self.ksdata.clearpart.drives = self.config.clearPartDisks[:]
+        self.ksdata.clearpart.devices = self.config.clearPartDevices[:]
+        self.ksdata.clearpart.initAll = self.config.initializeDisks
+        if self.ksdata.clearpart.type == CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE:
+            # Make a list of initialized disks and of removed partitions. If any
+            # partitions were removed from disks that were not completely
+            # cleared we'll have to use CLEARPART_TYPE_LIST and provide a list
+            # of all removed partitions. If no partitions were removed from a
+            # disk that was not cleared/reinitialized we can use
+            # CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL.
+            self.ksdata.clearpart.devices = []
+            self.ksdata.clearpart.drives = []
+            fresh_disks = [d.name for d in self.disks if d.partitioned and
+                                                         not d.format.exists]
+            destroy_actions = self.devicetree.findActions(action_type="destroy",
+                                                          object_type="device")
+            cleared_partitions = []
+            partial = False
+            for action in destroy_actions:
+                if action.device.type == "partition":
+                    if action.device.disk.name not in fresh_disks:
+                        partial = True
+                    cleared_partitions.append(action.device.name)
+            if not destroy_actions:
+                pass
+            elif partial:
+                # make a list of removed partitions
+                self.ksdata.clearpart.type = CLEARPART_TYPE_LIST
+                self.ksdata.clearpart.devices = cleared_partitions
+            else:
+                # if they didn't partially clear any disks, use the shorthand
+                self.ksdata.clearpart.type = CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL
+                self.ksdata.clearpart.drives = fresh_disks
+        if self.doAutoPart:
+            return
+        # custom storage
+        ksMap = {PartitionDevice: ("PartData", "partition"),
+                 TmpFSDevice: ("PartData", "partition"),
+                 LVMLogicalVolumeDevice: ("LogVolData", "logvol"),
+                 LVMVolumeGroupDevice: ("VolGroupData", "volgroup"),
+                 MDRaidArrayDevice: ("RaidData", "raid"),
+                 BTRFSDevice: ("BTRFSData", "btrfs")}
+        # make a list of ancestors of all used devices
+        devices = list(set(a for d in list(self.mountpoints.values()) + self.swaps
+                                for a in d.ancestors))
+        devices.sort(key=lambda d: len(d.ancestors))
+        for device in devices:
+            cls = next((c for c in ksMap if isinstance(device, c)), None)
+            if cls is None:
+                log.info("omitting ksdata: %s", device)
+                continue
+            class_attr, list_attr = ksMap[cls]
+            cls = getattr(self.ksdata, class_attr)
+            data = cls()    # all defaults
+            device.populateKSData(data)
+            parent = getattr(self.ksdata, list_attr)
+            parent.dataList().append(data)
+    @property
+    def freeSpaceSnapshot(self):
+        # if no snapshot is available, do it now and return it
+        self._free_space_snapshot = self._free_space_snapshot or self.getFreeSpace()
+        return self._free_space_snapshot
+    def createFreeSpaceSnapshot(self):
+        self._free_space_snapshot = self.getFreeSpace()
+        return self._free_space_snapshot
+    def addFstabSwap(self, device):
+        """
+        Add swap device to the list of swaps that should appear in the fstab.
+        :param device: swap device that should be added to the list
+        :type device: blivet.devices.StorageDevice instance holding a swap format
+        """
+        self.fsset.addFstabSwap(device)
+    def removeFstabSwap(self, device):
+        """
+        Remove swap device from the list of swaps that should appear in the fstab.
+        :param device: swap device that should be removed from the list
+        :type device: blivet.devices.StorageDevice instance holding a swap format
+        """
+        self.fsset.removeFstabSwap(device)
+    def setFstabSwaps(self, devices):
+        """
+        Set swap devices that should appear in the fstab.
+        :param devices: iterable providing devices that should appear in the fstab
+        :type devices: iterable providing blivet.devices.StorageDevice instances holding
+                       a swap format
+        """
+        self.fsset.setFstabSwaps(devices)
diff --git a/tests/pylint/pylint-false-positives b/tests/pylint/pylint-false-positives
index ee4247a..cfa3b88 100644
--- a/tests/pylint/pylint-false-positives
+++ b/tests/pylint/pylint-false-positives
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ^blivet/arch.py:[[:digit:]]+: \[F0401\(import\-error\), numBits\] Unable to import 'platform'$
 ^blivet/formats/__init__.py:[[:digit:]]+: \[W0201\(attribute\-defined\-outside\-init\), DeviceFormat._setDevice\] Attribute '_device' defined outside __init__$
-^blivet/__init__.py:[[:digit:]]+: \[E1101\(no\-member\), Blivet.savePassphrase\] Instance of 'DeviceTree' has no '_DeviceTree__luksDevs' member$
-^blivet/__init__.py:[[:digit:]]+: \[E1101\(no\-member\), Blivet.savePassphrase\] Instance of 'DeviceTree' has no '_DeviceTree__passphrases' member$
+^blivet/blivet.py:[[:digit:]]+: \[E1101\(no\-member\), Blivet.savePassphrase\] Instance of 'DeviceTree' has no '_DeviceTree__luksDevs' member$
+^blivet/blivet.py:[[:digit:]]+: \[E1101\(no\-member\), Blivet.savePassphrase\] Instance of 'DeviceTree' has no '_DeviceTree__passphrases' member$
 ^blivet/__init__.py:[[:digit:]]+: \[W0602\(global\-variable\-not\-assigned\), enable_installer_mode\] Using global for 'BootLoaderError' but no assignment is done$
 ^blivet/__init__.py:[[:digit:]]+: \[W0602\(global\-variable\-not\-assigned\), enable_installer_mode\] Using global for 'errorHandler' but no assignment is done$
 ^blivet/__init__.py:[[:digit:]]+: \[W0602\(global\-variable\-not\-assigned\), enable_installer_mode\] Using global for 'ERROR_RAISE' but no assignment is done$

To view this commit on github, visit https://github.com/rhinstaller/blivet/commit/65f95ac603853d6362b2c3da498b68ed8b54cd27

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