[PATCH 10/11] Remove tests for the removed devicelibs modules

Vratislav Podzimek vpodzime at redhat.com
Thu Feb 12 08:51:43 UTC 2015

These tests should be moved and ported as libblockdev tests.

Signed-off-by: Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime at redhat.com>
 tests/devicelibs_test/btrfs_test.py              | 198 --------------
 tests/devicelibs_test/crypto_test.py             | 185 -------------
 tests/devicelibs_test/lvm_test.py                | 335 -----------------------
 tests/devicelibs_test/mdraid_interrogate_test.py | 231 ----------------
 tests/devicelibs_test/mdraid_test.py             | 318 ---------------------
 tests/devicelibs_test/swap_test.py               |  74 -----
 6 files changed, 1341 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 tests/devicelibs_test/btrfs_test.py
 delete mode 100755 tests/devicelibs_test/crypto_test.py
 delete mode 100755 tests/devicelibs_test/lvm_test.py
 delete mode 100755 tests/devicelibs_test/mdraid_interrogate_test.py
 delete mode 100755 tests/devicelibs_test/mdraid_test.py
 delete mode 100755 tests/devicelibs_test/swap_test.py

diff --git a/tests/devicelibs_test/btrfs_test.py b/tests/devicelibs_test/btrfs_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e3f658e..0000000
--- a/tests/devicelibs_test/btrfs_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import os.path
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import blivet.devicelibs.btrfs as btrfs
-from blivet.errors import BTRFSError
-from tests import loopbackedtestcase
-class BTRFSMountDevice(loopbackedtestcase.LoopBackedTestCase):
-    """A superclass that mounts and unmounts the filesystem.
-       It must create the filesystem on its chosen devices before mounting.
-       It always mounts the filesystem using self.device at self.mountpoint.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
-        super(BTRFSMountDevice, self).__init__(methodName=methodName)
-        self.device = None
-        self.mountpoint = None
-    def setUp(self):
-        """After the DevicelibsTestCase setup, creates the filesystem on both
-           devices and mounts on a tmp directory.
-           Chooses the device to specify to mount command arbitrarily.
-        """
-        super(BTRFSMountDevice, self).setUp()
-        btrfs.create_volume(self.loopDevices)
-        self.device = self.loopDevices[0]
-        self.mountpoint = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        rc = subprocess.call(["mount", self.device, self.mountpoint])
-        if rc:
-            raise OSError("mount failed to mount device %s" % self.device)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Before the DevicelibsTestCase cleanup unmount the device and
-           remove the temporary mountpoint.
-        """
-        proc = subprocess.Popen(["umount", self.device])
-        while True:
-            proc.communicate()
-            if proc.returncode is not None:
-                rc = proc.returncode
-                break
-        if rc:
-            raise OSError("failed to unmount device %s" % self.device)
-        os.rmdir(self.mountpoint)
-        super(BTRFSMountDevice, self).tearDown()
-class BTRFSAsRootTestCase1(loopbackedtestcase.LoopBackedTestCase):
-    def testUnmountedBTRFS(self):
-        """A series of simple tests on an unmounted file system.
-           These tests are limited to simple creating and scanning.
-        """
-        _LOOP_DEV0 = self.loopDevices[0]
-        ##
-        ## create_volume
-        ##
-        # no devices specified
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "no devices specified"):
-            btrfs.create_volume([], data=0)
-        # non-existant device
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "one or more specified devices not present"):
-            btrfs.create_volume(["/not/existing/device"])
-        # bad data
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(BTRFSError, "1"):
-            btrfs.create_volume([_LOOP_DEV0], data="RaID7")
-        # bad metadata
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(BTRFSError, "1"):
-            btrfs.create_volume([_LOOP_DEV0], metadata="RaID7")
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.create_volume(self.loopDevices), 0)
-        # already created
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(BTRFSError, "1"):
-            btrfs.create_volume([_LOOP_DEV0], metadata="RaID7")
-    def testMkfsDefaults(self):
-        _LOOP_DEV0 = self.loopDevices[0]
-        _LOOP_DEV1 = self.loopDevices[1]
-        btrfs.create_volume(self.loopDevices)
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.summarize_filesystem(_LOOP_DEV0)["label"], "none")
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.summarize_filesystem(_LOOP_DEV0)["num_devices"], "2")
-        self.assertEqual(len(btrfs.list_devices(_LOOP_DEV0)), 2)
-        self.assertIn(_LOOP_DEV1,
-           [ dev["path"] for dev in btrfs.list_devices(_LOOP_DEV0) ])
-        self.assertIn(_LOOP_DEV0,
-           [ dev["path"] for dev in btrfs.list_devices(_LOOP_DEV1) ])
-class BTRFSAsRootTestCase2(BTRFSMountDevice):
-    """Tests which require mounting the device."""
-    def testSubvolume(self):
-        """Tests which focus on subvolumes."""
-        # no subvolumes yet
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.list_subvolumes(self.mountpoint), [])
-        # the default subvolume is the root subvolume
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.get_default_subvolume(self.mountpoint),
-           btrfs.MAIN_VOLUME_ID)
-        # a new subvolume can be added succesfully below the mountpoint
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.create_subvolume(self.mountpoint, "SV1"), 0)
-        # expect one subvolume
-        subvolumes = btrfs.list_subvolumes(self.mountpoint)
-        self.assertEqual(len(subvolumes), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(subvolumes[0]['path'], 'SV1')
-        self.assertEqual(subvolumes[0]['parent'], btrfs.MAIN_VOLUME_ID)
-        # the same subvolume can be deleted
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.delete_subvolume(self.mountpoint, "SV1"), 0)
-        # deleted subvolume is no longer present
-        subvolumes = btrfs.list_subvolumes(self.mountpoint)
-        self.assertNotIn("SV1", [v['path'] for v in subvolumes])
-        # two distinct subvolumes, so both should be present
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.create_subvolume(self.mountpoint, "SV1"), 0)
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.create_subvolume(self.mountpoint, "SV2"), 0)
-        subvolumes = btrfs.list_subvolumes(self.mountpoint)
-        self.assertIn("SV1", [v['path'] for v in subvolumes])
-        self.assertIn("SV2", [v['path'] for v in subvolumes])
-        # we can remove one subvolume
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.delete_subvolume(self.mountpoint, "SV1"), 0)
-        subvolumes = btrfs.list_subvolumes(self.mountpoint)
-        self.assertNotIn("SV1", [v['path'] for v in subvolumes])
-        # if the subvolume is already gone,  an error is raised by btrfs
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(BTRFSError, "1"):
-            btrfs.delete_subvolume(self.mountpoint, "SV1")
-        # if the subvolume is already there, an error is raise by btrfs
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(BTRFSError, "1"):
-            btrfs.create_subvolume(self.mountpoint, "SV2")
-        # if we create SV1 once again it's back
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.create_subvolume(self.mountpoint, "SV1"), 0)
-        subvolumes = btrfs.list_subvolumes(self.mountpoint)
-        self.assertIn("SV1", [v['path'] for v in subvolumes])
-        # we can create an additional subvolume beneath SV1
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.create_subvolume(os.path.join(self.mountpoint, "SV1"), "SV1.1"), 0)
-        subvolumes = btrfs.list_subvolumes(self.mountpoint)
-        self.assertEqual(len([v for v in subvolumes if v['path'].find("SV1.1") != -1]), 1)
-class BTRFSAsRootTestCase3(loopbackedtestcase.LoopBackedTestCase):
-    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
-        super(BTRFSAsRootTestCase3, self).__init__(methodName=methodName, deviceSpec=[btrfs.MIN_MEMBER_SIZE, btrfs.MIN_MEMBER_SIZE])
-    def testSmallDevice(self):
-        """ Creation of a smallish device will result in an error if the
-            data and metadata levels are specified differently, but not if
-            they are unspecified.
-        """
-        with self.assertRaises(BTRFSError):
-            btrfs.create_volume(self.loopDevices, data="single", metadata="dup")
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.create_volume(self.loopDevices), 0)
-class BTRFSTooSmallDeviceTestCase(loopbackedtestcase.LoopBackedTestCase):
-    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
-        super(BTRFSTooSmallDeviceTestCase, self).__init__(methodName=methodName, deviceSpec=[btrfs.MIN_MEMBER_SIZE / 2, btrfs.MIN_MEMBER_SIZE])
-    def testTooSmallDevice(self):
-        """ If just one device is too small mkfs.btrfs will fail. """
-        with self.assertRaises(BTRFSError):
-            btrfs.create_volume(self.loopDevices)
-class BTRFSBigEnoughDeviceTestCase(loopbackedtestcase.LoopBackedTestCase):
-    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
-        super(BTRFSBigEnoughDeviceTestCase, self).__init__(methodName=methodName, deviceSpec=[btrfs.MIN_MEMBER_SIZE])
-    def testBigEnoughDevice(self):
-        """ If all devices are large enough, mkfs.btrfs will succeed. """
-        self.assertEqual(btrfs.create_volume(self.loopDevices), 0)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/devicelibs_test/crypto_test.py b/tests/devicelibs_test/crypto_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index cd7de7a..0000000
--- a/tests/devicelibs_test/crypto_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import tempfile
-import os
-from blivet.devicelibs import crypto
-from blivet.errors import CryptoError
-from tests import loopbackedtestcase
-#FIXME: some of these tests expect behavior which is not correct
-#The following is a list of the known incorrect behaviors:
-# *) The CryptSetup constructor raises an IOError if a device cannot be
-# opened. The various luks* methods that use CryptSetup don't catch this
-# exception, so they also raise an IOError. These methods should
-# all catch and handle the IOError appropriately.
-# *) All luks_* methods that take a key_file don't use it and they all raise
-# a value error if they do not get a passphrase, even if they get a keyfile.
-# This should happen only in the case where flags.installer_mode is True.
-# In other cases, the key_file should be used appropriately. The passphrase
-# and key_file arguments are mutually exclusive, and this should be handled
-# appropriately.
-# *) luks_status returns unmassaged int returned by CryptSetup.status,
-# not bool as the documentation states. The documentation should be brought
-# in line with the code, or vice-veras. It may be that the value returned by
-# CryptSetup.status is informative and that it would be useful to preserve it.
-# The numeric values are enumerated in libcryptsetup.h.
-class CryptoTestCase(loopbackedtestcase.LoopBackedTestCase):
-    def testCryptoMisc(self):
-        _LOOP_DEV0 = self.loopDevices[0]
-        _LOOP_DEV1 = self.loopDevices[1]
-        ##
-        ## is_luks
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.is_luks(_LOOP_DEV0), -22)
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(IOError, "Device cannot be opened"):
-            crypto.is_luks("/not/existing/device")
-        ##
-        ## luks_format
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_format(_LOOP_DEV0, passphrase="secret", cipher="aes-cbc-essiv:sha256", key_size=256), None)
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.is_luks(_LOOP_DEV0), 0)
-        # make a key file
-        handle, keyfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="key", text=False)
-        os.write(handle, "nobodyknows")
-        os.close(handle)
-        # format with key file
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "requires passphrase"):
-            crypto.luks_format(_LOOP_DEV1, key_file=keyfile)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(IOError, "Device cannot be opened"):
-            crypto.luks_format("/not/existing/device", passphrase="secret", cipher="aes-cbc-essiv:sha256", key_size=256)
-        # no passhprase or key file
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "requires passphrase"):
-            crypto.luks_format(_LOOP_DEV1, cipher="aes-cbc-essiv:sha256", key_size=256)
-        ##
-        ## is_luks
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.is_luks(_LOOP_DEV0), 0)    # 0 = is luks
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.is_luks(_LOOP_DEV1), -22)
-        ##
-        ## luks_add_key
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_add_key(_LOOP_DEV0, new_passphrase="another-secret", passphrase="secret"), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CryptoError, "luks add key failed"):
-            crypto.luks_add_key(_LOOP_DEV0, new_passphrase="another-secret", passphrase="wrong-passphrase")
-        ##
-        ## luks_remove_key
-        ##
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CryptoError, "luks remove key failed"):
-            crypto.luks_remove_key(_LOOP_DEV0, del_passphrase="another-secret", passphrase="wrong-pasphrase")
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_remove_key(_LOOP_DEV0, del_passphrase="another-secret", passphrase="secret"), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(IOError, "Device cannot be opened"):
-            crypto.luks_open("/not/existing/device", "another-crypted", passphrase="secret")
-        # no passhprase or key file
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "luks_format requires passphrase"):
-            crypto.luks_open(_LOOP_DEV1, "another-crypted")
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(IOError, "Device cannot be opened"):
-            crypto.luks_status("another-crypted")
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(IOError, "Device cannot be opened"):
-            crypto.luks_close("wrong-name")
-        # cleanup
-        os.unlink(keyfile)
-class CryptoTestCase2(loopbackedtestcase.LoopBackedTestCase):
-    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
-        """Set up the names by which luks knows these devices."""
-        super(CryptoTestCase2, self).__init__(methodName=methodName)
-        self._names = ["crypted", "encrypted"]
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Close all devices just in case they are still open."""
-        for name in self._names:
-            try:
-                crypto.luks_close(name)
-            except (IOError, CryptoError):
-                pass
-        super(CryptoTestCase2, self).tearDown()
-    def testCryptoOpen(self):
-        _LOOP_DEV0 = self.loopDevices[0]
-        _LOOP_DEV1 = self.loopDevices[1]
-        _name0 = self._names[0]
-        _name1 = self._names[1]
-        ##
-        ## luks_format
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_format(_LOOP_DEV0, passphrase="secret", cipher="aes-cbc-essiv:sha256", key_size=256), None)
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_format(_LOOP_DEV1, passphrase="hidden", cipher="aes-cbc-essiv:sha256", key_size=256), None)
-        ##
-        ## luks_open
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_open(_LOOP_DEV0, _name0, passphrase="secret"), None)
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_open(_LOOP_DEV1, _name1, passphrase="hidden"), None)
-        ##
-        ## luks_status
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_status(_name0), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_status(_name1), 2)
-        ##
-        ## luks_uuid
-        ##
-        # pass
-        uuid = crypto.luks_uuid(_LOOP_DEV0)
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_uuid(_LOOP_DEV0), uuid)
-        uuid = crypto.luks_uuid(_LOOP_DEV1)
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_uuid(_LOOP_DEV1), uuid)
-        ##
-        ## luks_close
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_close(_name0), None)
-        self.assertEqual(crypto.luks_close(_name1), None)
-        # already closed
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(IOError, "Device cannot be opened"):
-            crypto.luks_close("crypted")
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(IOError, "Device cannot be opened"):
-            crypto.luks_close("encrypted")
-class CryptoTestCase3(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testPassphrase(self):
-        exp = r"([0-9A-Za-z./]{5}-)*[0-9A-Za-z./]{0,4}"
-        bp = crypto.generateBackupPassphrase()
-        self.assertRegexpMatches(bp, exp)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/devicelibs_test/lvm_test.py b/tests/devicelibs_test/lvm_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d88c451..0000000
--- a/tests/devicelibs_test/lvm_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import glob
-import blivet.devicelibs.lvm as lvm
-from blivet.size import Size
-from blivet.errors import LVMError
-from tests import loopbackedtestcase
-# TODO: test cases for lvorigin, lvsnapshot*, thin*
-class LVMTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testClampSize(self):
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.clampSize(Size("10 MiB"), Size("4 MiB")),
-                         Size("8 MiB"))
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.clampSize(Size("10 MiB"), Size("4 MiB"),
- True),
-                         Size("12 MiB"))
-# FIXME: Some of these tests expect behavior that is not entirely correct.
-# The following is a list of the known incorrect behaviors:
-# *) All lvm methods that take a device should explicitly raise an exception
-# when the device is non-existent. Currently, an exception is raised by the lvm
-# call if the device is non-existant, and usually that exception is caught and
-# an LVMError is then raised, but not always.
-class LVMAsRootTestCaseBase(loopbackedtestcase.LoopBackedTestCase):
-    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
-        """Set up the structure of the volume group."""
-        super(LVMAsRootTestCaseBase, self).__init__(methodName=methodName)
-        self._vg_name = "test-vg"
-        self._lv_name = "test-lv"
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Destroy volume group."""
-        try:
-            lvm.lvdeactivate(self._vg_name, self._lv_name)
-            lvm.lvremove(self._vg_name, self._lv_name)
-        except LVMError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            lvm.vgdeactivate(self._vg_name)
-            lvm.vgreduce(self._vg_name, None, missing=True)
-        except LVMError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            lvm.vgremove(self._vg_name)
-        except LVMError:
-            pass
-        for dev in self.loopDevices:
-            try:
-                lvm.pvremove(dev)
-            except LVMError:
-                pass
-        super(LVMAsRootTestCaseBase, self).tearDown()
-class LVM_Metadata_Backup_TestCase(LVMAsRootTestCaseBase):
-    def _list_backups(self):
-        return set(glob.glob("/etc/lvm/archive/%s_*" % self._vg_name))
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(LVM_Metadata_Backup_TestCase, self).setUp()
-        self._old_backups = self._list_backups()
-        for dev in self.loopDevices:
-            lvm.pvcreate(dev)
-    def test_backup_enabled(self):
-        lvm.flags.lvm_metadata_backup = True
-        lvm.vgcreate(self._vg_name, self.loopDevices, Size("4MiB"))
-        current_backups = self._list_backups()
-        self.assertTrue(current_backups.issuperset(self._old_backups),
-                        "old backups disappeared??")
-        self.assertTrue(current_backups.difference(self._old_backups),
-                        "lvm_metadata_backup enabled but no backups created")
-    def test_backup_disabled(self):
-        lvm.flags.lvm_metadata_backup = False
-        lvm.vgcreate(self._vg_name, self.loopDevices, Size("4MiB"))
-        self.assertEqual(self._old_backups, self._list_backups(),
-                         "lvm_metadata_backup disabled but backups created")
-class LVMAsRootTestCase(LVMAsRootTestCaseBase):
-    def testLVM(self):
-        _LOOP_DEV0 = self.loopDevices[0]
-        _LOOP_DEV1 = self.loopDevices[1]
-        ##
-        ## pvcreate
-        ##
-        # pass
-        for dev in self.loopDevices:
-            self.assertEqual(lvm.pvcreate(dev), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.pvcreate("/not/existing/device")
-        ##
-        ## pvresize
-        ##
-        # pass
-        for dev in self.loopDevices:
-            self.assertEqual(lvm.pvresize(dev, Size("50MiB")), None)
-            self.assertEqual(lvm.pvresize(dev, Size("100MiB")), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(LVMError, "pvresize failed"):
-            lvm.pvresize("/not/existing/device", Size("50MiB"))
-        ##
-        ## vgcreate
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.vgcreate(self._vg_name, self.loopDevices, Size("4MiB")), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(LVMError, "vgcreate failed"):
-            lvm.vgcreate("another-vg", ["/not/existing/device"], Size("4MiB"))
-        # vg already exists
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(LVMError, "vgcreate failed"):
-            lvm.vgcreate(self._vg_name, [_LOOP_DEV0], Size("4MiB"))
-        # pe size must be power of 2
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(LVMError, "vgcreate failed"):
-            lvm.vgcreate("another-vg", [_LOOP_DEV0], Size("5MiB"))
-        ##
-        ## vgdeactivate
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.vgdeactivate(self._vg_name), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.vgdeactivate("wrong-vg-name")
-        ##
-        ## vgreduce
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.vgreduce(self._vg_name, _LOOP_DEV1), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.vgreduce("wrong-vg-name", _LOOP_DEV1)
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.vgreduce(self._vg_name, "/not/existing/device")
-        ##
-        ## vgactivate
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.vgactivate(self._vg_name), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.vgactivate("wrong-vg-name")
-        ##
-        ## pvinfo
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.pvinfo(device=_LOOP_DEV0)[_LOOP_DEV0]["LVM2_VG_NAME"], self._vg_name)
-        # no vg
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.pvinfo(device=_LOOP_DEV1)[_LOOP_DEV1]["LVM2_VG_NAME"], "")
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.pvinfo(device="/not/existing/device"), {})
-        ##
-        ## vginfo
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.vginfo(self._vg_name)['LVM2_PV_COUNT'], "1")
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.vginfo("wrong-vg-name")
-        ##
-        ## lvcreate
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.lvcreate(self._vg_name, self._lv_name, Size("10MiB")), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvcreate("wrong-vg-name", "another-lv", Size("10MiB"))
-        ##
-        ## lvdeactivate
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.lvdeactivate(self._vg_name, self._lv_name), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvdeactivate(self._vg_name, "wrong-lv-name")
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvdeactivate("wrong-vg-name", self._lv_name)
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvdeactivate("wrong-vg-name", "wrong-lv-name")
-        ##
-        ## lvresize
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.lvresize(self._vg_name, self._lv_name, Size("60MiB")), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvresize(self._vg_name, "wrong-lv-name", Size("80MiB"))
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvresize("wrong-vg-name", self._lv_name, Size("80MiB"))
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvresize("wrong-vg-name", "wrong-lv-name", Size("80MiB"))
-        # changing to same size
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvresize(self._vg_name, self._lv_name, Size("60MiB"))
-        ##
-        ## lvactivate
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.lvactivate(self._vg_name, self._lv_name), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvactivate(self._vg_name, "wrong-lv-name")
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvactivate("wrong-vg-name", self._lv_name)
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvactivate("wrong-vg-name", "wrong-lv-name")
-        ##
-        ## lvs
-        ##
-        # pass
-        full_name = "%s-%s" % (self._vg_name, self._lv_name)
-        info = lvm.lvs(vg_name=self._vg_name)
-        self.assertEqual(info[full_name]["LVM2_LV_NAME"], self._lv_name)
-        # fail
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.lvs(vg_name="wrong-vg-name"), {})
-        ##
-        ## lvremove
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.lvdeactivate(self._vg_name, self._lv_name), None)      # is deactivation needed?
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.lvremove(self._vg_name, self._lv_name), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvremove(self._vg_name, "wrong-lv-name")
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvremove("wrong-vg-name", self._lv_name)
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvremove("wrong-vg-name", "wrong-lv-name")
-        # lv already removed
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.lvremove(self._vg_name, self._lv_name)
-        ##
-        ## vgremove
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.vgremove(self._vg_name), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.vgremove("wrong-vg-name")
-        # vg already removed
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.vgremove(self._vg_name)
-        ##
-        ## pvremove
-        ##
-        # pass
-        for dev in self.loopDevices:
-            self.assertEqual(lvm.pvremove(dev), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(LVMError):
-            lvm.pvremove("/not/existing/device")
-        # pv already removed
-        self.assertEqual(lvm.pvremove(_LOOP_DEV0), None)
-class LVMAsNonRootTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    def lvm_passthrough_args(self, args, *other_args, **kwargs):
-        """ Just return args as passed so tests can validate them. """
-        # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
-        self.lvm_argv = args
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.orig_lvm_func = lvm.lvm
-        lvm.lvm = self.lvm_passthrough_args
-    def tearDown(self):
-        lvm.lvm = self.orig_lvm_func
-    def testLVM(self):
-        #
-        # verify we pass appropriate args for various data alignment values
-        #
-        # default => do not specify a data alignment
-        lvm.pvcreate('/dev/placeholder')
-        argv = self.lvm_argv
-        self.assertEqual(any(a.startswith('--dataalignment') for a in argv),
-                         False)
-        # sizes get specified in KiB
-        lvm.pvcreate('/dev/placeholder', data_alignment=Size('1 MiB'))
-        argv = self.lvm_argv
-        self.assertEqual("--dataalignment 1024k" in " ".join(argv), True)
-        lvm.pvcreate('/dev/placeholder', data_alignment=Size(1023))
-        argv = self.lvm_argv
-        self.assertEqual("--dataalignment 0k" in " ".join(argv), True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/devicelibs_test/mdraid_interrogate_test.py b/tests/devicelibs_test/mdraid_interrogate_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index cee2421..0000000
--- a/tests/devicelibs_test/mdraid_interrogate_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import time
-import uuid
-import blivet.devicelibs.raid as raid
-import blivet.devicelibs.mdraid as mdraid
-from . import mdraid_test
-from blivet.errors import MDRaidError
-from blivet.size import Size
-class MDRaidInterrogateTestCase(mdraid_test.MDRaidAsRootTestCase):
-    def _matchNames(self, found, expected):
-        """ Match names found against expected names.
-            :param found: a list of names found in result
-            :type found: list of str
-            :param expected: a list of expected names
-            :type expected: list of str
-        """
-        for n in expected:
-            self.assertIn(n, found, msg="name '%s' not in info" % n)
-class MDExamineTestCase(MDRaidInterrogateTestCase):
-    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
-        super(MDExamineTestCase, self).__init__(methodName=methodName, deviceSpec=[Size("100 MiB") for _ in range(3)])
-    names_0 = [
-      'DEVICE',
-      'MD_DEVICES',
-      'MD_EVENTS',
-      'MD_LEVEL',
-      'MD_UPDATE_TIME',
-      'MD_UUID'
-    ]
-    names_1 = [
-       'DEVICE',
-       'MD_ARRAY_SIZE',
-       'MD_DEV_UUID',
-       'MD_DEVICES',
-       'MD_EVENTS',
-       'MD_LEVEL',
-       'MD_METADATA',
-       'MD_NAME',
-       'MD_UPDATE_TIME',
-       'MD_UUID'
-    ]
-    names_container = [
-       'MD_DEVICES',
-       'MD_LEVEL',
-       'MD_METADATA',
-       'MD_UUID'
-    ]
-    def testMDExamineMDRaidArray(self):
-        mdraid.mdcreate(self._dev_name, raid.RAID1, self.loopDevices)
-        time.sleep(2) # wait for raid to settle
-        # invoking mdexamine on the array itself raises an error
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(MDRaidError, "mdexamine failed"):
-            mdraid.mdexamine(self._dev_name)
-    def testMDExamineNonMDRaid(self):
-        # invoking mdexamine on any non-array member raises an error
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(MDRaidError, "mdexamine failed"):
-            mdraid.mdexamine(self.loopDevices[0])
-    def _testMDExamine(self, names, metadataVersion=None, level=None, spares=0):
-        """ Test mdexamine for a specified metadataVersion.
-            :param list names: mdexamine's expected list of names to return
-            :param str metadataVersion: the metadata version for the array
-            :param object level: any valid RAID level descriptor
-            :param int spares: the number of spares in this array
-            Verifies that:
-              - at least the predicted names are returned by mdexamine
-              - RAID level and number of devices are correct
-              - UUIDs have canonical form
-        """
-        level = raid.getRaidLevel(level or raid.RAID1)
-        mdraid.mdcreate(self._dev_name, level, self.loopDevices, metadataVer=metadataVersion, spares=spares)
-        time.sleep(2) # wait for raid to settle
-        info = mdraid.mdexamine(self.loopDevices[0])
-        self._matchNames(info.keys(), names)
-        # check names with predictable values
-        self.assertEqual(info['MD_DEVICES'], str(len(self.loopDevices) - spares))
-        self.assertEqual(info['MD_LEVEL'], str(level))
-        # verify that uuids are in canonical form
-        for name in (k for k in iter(info.keys()) if k.endswith('UUID')):
-            self.assertEqual(str(uuid.UUID(info[name])), info[name])
-    def testMDExamineContainerDefault(self):
-        self._testMDExamine(self.names_container, level="container")
-    def testMDExamineDefault(self):
-        self._testMDExamine(self.names_1)
-    def testMDExamineSpares(self):
-        self._testMDExamine(self.names_1, spares=1)
-    def testMDExamine0(self):
-        self._testMDExamine(self.names_0, metadataVersion='0')
-    def testMDExamine0_90(self):
-        self._testMDExamine(self.names_0, metadataVersion='0.90')
-    def testMDExamine1(self):
-        self._testMDExamine(self.names_1, metadataVersion='1')
-    def testMDExamine1_2(self):
-        self._testMDExamine(self.names_1, metadataVersion='1.2')
-class MDDetailTestCase(MDRaidInterrogateTestCase):
-    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
-        super(MDDetailTestCase, self).__init__(methodName=methodName, deviceSpec=[Size("100 MiB") for _ in range(3)])
-    names = [
-        'ACTIVE DEVICES',
-        'ARRAY SIZE',
-        'CREATION TIME',
-        'EVENTS',
-        'FAILED DEVICES',
-        'NAME',
-        'PERSISTENCE',
-        'RAID DEVICES',
-        'RAID LEVEL',
-        'SPARE DEVICES',
-        'STATE',
-        'TOTAL DEVICES',
-        'UPDATE TIME',
-        'USED DEV SIZE',
-        'UUID',
-        'VERSION',
-    ]
-    names_0 = [
-        'ACTIVE DEVICES',
-        'ARRAY SIZE',
-        'CREATION TIME',
-        'EVENTS',
-        'FAILED DEVICES',
-        'PERSISTENCE',
-        'RAID DEVICES',
-        'RAID LEVEL',
-        'SPARE DEVICES',
-        'STATE',
-        'TOTAL DEVICES',
-        'UPDATE TIME',
-        'USED DEV SIZE',
-        'UUID',
-        'VERSION',
-    ]
-    names_container = [
-        'RAID LEVEL',
-        'VERSION',
-        'TOTAL DEVICES'
-    ]
-    def _testMDDetail(self, names, metadataVersion=None, level=None, spares=0):
-        """ Test mddetail for a specified metadataVersion.
-            :param list names: mdexamine's expected list of names to return
-            :param str metadataVersion: the metadata version for the array
-            :param object level: any valid RAID level descriptor
-            :param int spares: the number of spares for this array
-            Verifies that:
-              - at least the predicted names are returned by mddetail
-              - UUIDs have canonical form
-        """
-        level = raid.getRaidLevel(level) if level is not None else raid.RAID1
-        mdraid.mdcreate(self._dev_name, level, self.loopDevices, metadataVer=metadataVersion, spares=spares)
-        time.sleep(2) # wait for raid to settle
-        info = mdraid.mddetail(self._dev_name)
-        # info contains values for exactly names
-        self._matchNames(info.keys(), names)
-        # check names with predictable values
-        self.assertEqual(info['RAID LEVEL'], str(level))
-        self.assertEqual(info['TOTAL DEVICES'], str(len(self.loopDevices)))
-        self.assertEqual(info['WORKING DEVICES'], str(len(self.loopDevices)))
-        if level is not raid.Container:
-            self.assertEqual(info['ACTIVE DEVICES'], str(len(self.loopDevices) - spares))
-            self.assertEqual(info['FAILED DEVICES'], '0')
-            self.assertEqual(info['SPARE DEVICES'], str(spares))
-            # verify that uuid is in canonical form
-            self.assertEqual(str(uuid.UUID(info['UUID'])), info['UUID'])
-    def testMDDetail(self):
-        self._testMDDetail(self.names)
-    def testMDDetailSpares(self):
-        self._testMDDetail(self.names, spares=1)
-    def testMDDetail0_90(self):
-        self._testMDDetail(self.names_0, metadataVersion='0.90')
-    def testMDDetailMDDevice(self):
-        mdraid.mdcreate(self._dev_name, raid.RAID1, self.loopDevices)
-        time.sleep(2) # wait for raid to settle
-        # invoking mddetail on a device raises an error
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(MDRaidError, "mddetail failed"):
-            mdraid.mddetail(self.loopDevices[0])
-    def testMDDetailContainerDefault(self):
-        self._testMDDetail(self.names_container, level="container")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/devicelibs_test/mdraid_test.py b/tests/devicelibs_test/mdraid_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4cd50a3..0000000
--- a/tests/devicelibs_test/mdraid_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import time
-import blivet.devicelibs.raid as raid
-import blivet.devicelibs.mdraid as mdraid
-from blivet.errors import MDRaidError
-from blivet.size import Size
-from tests import loopbackedtestcase
-class MDRaidTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testMDRaid(self):
-        ##
-        ## level lookup
-        ##
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.RAID_levels.raidLevel("stripe").name, "raid0")
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.RAID_levels.raidLevel("mirror").name, "raid1")
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.RAID_levels.raidLevel("4").name, "raid4")
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.RAID_levels.raidLevel(5).name, "raid5")
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.RAID_levels.raidLevel("RAID6").name, "raid6")
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.RAID_levels.raidLevel("raid10").name, "raid10")
-        ##
-        ## get_raid_superblock_size
-        ##
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.get_raid_superblock_size(Size("256 GiB")),
-                         Size("128 MiB"))
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.get_raid_superblock_size(Size("128 GiB")),
-                         Size("128 MiB"))
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.get_raid_superblock_size(Size("64 GiB")),
-                         Size("64 MiB"))
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.get_raid_superblock_size(Size("63 GiB")),
-                         Size("32 MiB"))
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.get_raid_superblock_size(Size("10 GiB")),
-                         Size("8 MiB"))
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.get_raid_superblock_size(Size("1 GiB")),
-                         Size("1 MiB"))
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.get_raid_superblock_size(Size("1023 MiB")),
-                         Size("1 MiB"))
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.get_raid_superblock_size(Size("512 MiB")),
-                         Size("1 MiB"))
-        self.assertEqual(mdraid.get_raid_superblock_size(Size("257 MiB"),
-                                                         version="version"),
-                         mdraid.MD_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE)
-    def testMisc(self):
-        """ Miscellaneous testing. """
-        self.assertEqual(
-           mdraid.mduuid_from_canonical('3386ff85-f501-2621-4a43-5f061eb47236'),
-          '3386ff85:f5012621:4a435f06:1eb47236'
-        )
-class MDRaidAsRootTestCase(loopbackedtestcase.LoopBackedTestCase):
-    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest', deviceSpec=None):
-        super(MDRaidAsRootTestCase, self).__init__(methodName=methodName, deviceSpec=deviceSpec)
-        self._dev_name = "/dev/md0"
-    def tearDown(self):
-        try:
-            mdraid.mddeactivate(self._dev_name)
-        except MDRaidError:
-            pass
-        for dev in self.loopDevices:
-            try:
-                mdraid.mdremove(self._dev_name, dev, fail=True)
-            except MDRaidError:
-                pass
-            try:
-                mdraid.mddestroy(dev)
-            except MDRaidError:
-                pass
-        super(MDRaidAsRootTestCase, self).tearDown()
-class TestCaseFactory(object):
-    @staticmethod
-    def _minMembersForCreation(level):
-        min_members = level.min_members
-        return min_members if min_members > 1 else 2
-class JustAddTestCaseFactory(TestCaseFactory):
-    @staticmethod
-    def makeClass(name, level):
-        def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
-            super(self.__class__, self).__init__(methodName=methodName, deviceSpec=[Size("100 MiB") for _ in range(5)])
-            self.longMessage = True
-        def testAdd(self):
-            """ Tests adding, not growing, a device. """
-            initial_members = TestCaseFactory._minMembersForCreation(level)
-            self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdcreate(self._dev_name, level, self.loopDevices[:initial_members]))
-            time.sleep(2) # wait for raid to settle
-            new_member = self.loopDevices[initial_members]
-            if level is raid.Container or level.has_redundancy():
-                info_pre = mdraid.mddetail(self._dev_name)
-                self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, new_member))
-                info_post = mdraid.mddetail(self._dev_name)
-                keys = ['TOTAL DEVICES', 'WORKING DEVICES']
-                for k in keys:
-                    self.assertEqual(int(info_pre[k]) + 1, int(info_post[k]), msg="key: %s" % k)
-                if level is not raid.Container:
-                    keys = ['ACTIVE DEVICES', 'SPARE DEVICES']
-                    self.assertEqual(sum(int(info_pre[k]) for k in keys) + 1,
-                       sum(int(info_post[k]) for k in keys))
-                    self.assertEqual(info_pre['RAID DEVICES'], info_post['RAID DEVICES'])
-                    dev_info = mdraid.mdexamine(new_member)
-                    self.assertEqual(info_post['UUID'], dev_info['MD_UUID'])
-            else:
-                with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-                    mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, new_member)
-        return type(
-           name,
-           (MDRaidAsRootTestCase,),
-           {
-              '__init__': __init__,
-              'testAdd': testAdd,
-           })
-class GrowTestCaseFactory(object):
-    @staticmethod
-    def makeClass(name, level):
-        def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
-            super(self.__class__, self).__init__(methodName=methodName, deviceSpec=[Size("100 MiB") for _ in range(6)])
-            self.longMessage = True
-        def testGrow(self):
-            """ Tests growing a device by exactly 1. """
-            initial_members = TestCaseFactory._minMembersForCreation(level)
-            self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdcreate(self._dev_name, level, self.loopDevices[:initial_members]))
-            time.sleep(3) # wait for raid to settle
-            new_member = self.loopDevices[initial_members]
-            info_pre = mdraid.mddetail(self._dev_name)
-            # for linear RAID the new number of devices must not be specified
-            # for all other levels the new number of devices must be specified
-            if level is raid.Linear:
-                with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-                    mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, new_member, grow_mode=True, raid_devices=initial_members + 1)
-                self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, new_member, grow_mode=True))
-            else:
-                with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-                    mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, new_member, grow_mode=True)
-                self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, new_member, grow_mode=True, raid_devices=initial_members + 1))
-            info_post = mdraid.mddetail(self._dev_name)
-            for k in keys:
-                self.assertEqual(int(info_pre[k]) + 1, int(info_post[k]), msg="key: %s" % k)
-            if level is not raid.Container:
-                keys = ['ACTIVE DEVICES', 'SPARE DEVICES']
-                self.assertEqual(sum(int(info_pre[k]) for k in keys) + 1,
-                   sum(int(info_post[k]) for k in keys),
-                   msg="%s" % " + ".join(keys))
-                dev_info = mdraid.mdexamine(new_member)
-                self.assertEqual(info_post['UUID'], dev_info['MD_UUID'], msg="key: UUID")
-        def testGrowBig(self):
-            """ Test growing a device beyond its size. """
-            initial_members = TestCaseFactory._minMembersForCreation(level)
-            self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdcreate(self._dev_name, level, self.loopDevices[:initial_members]))
-            time.sleep(3) # wait for raid to settle
-            new_member = self.loopDevices[initial_members]
-            if level is raid.Linear:
-                self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, new_member, grow_mode=True))
-            else:
-                with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-                    mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, new_member, grow_mode=True, raid_devices=initial_members + 2)
-        def testGrowSmall(self):
-            """ Test decreasing size of device. """
-            initial_members = TestCaseFactory._minMembersForCreation(level) + 1
-            self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdcreate(self._dev_name, level, self.loopDevices[:initial_members]))
-            time.sleep(2) # wait for raid to settle
-            new_member = self.loopDevices[initial_members]
-            with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-                mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, new_member, grow_mode=True, raid_devices=initial_members - 1)
-        return type(
-           name,
-           (MDRaidAsRootTestCase,),
-           {
-              '__init__': __init__,
-              'testGrow': testGrow,
-              'testGrowBig' : testGrowBig,
-              'testGrowSmall': testGrowSmall
-           })
-# make some test cases for every RAID level
-levels = sorted(mdraid.RAID_levels, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name))
-for l in levels:
-    classname = "%sJustAddTestCase" % l
-    globals()[classname] = JustAddTestCaseFactory.makeClass(classname, l)
-    if l is not raid.Container:
-        classname = "%sGrowTestCase" % l
-        globals()[classname] = GrowTestCaseFactory.makeClass(classname, l)
- at unittest.skip("temporarily disabled due to bug 1162823")
-class SimpleRaidTest(MDRaidAsRootTestCase):
-    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
-        super(SimpleRaidTest, self).__init__(methodName=methodName, deviceSpec=[Size("100 MiB") for _ in range(3)])
-        self.longMessage = True
-    def testMDRaidAsRoot(self):
-        ##
-        ## mdcreate
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdcreate(self._dev_name, raid.RAID1, self.loopDevices))
-        time.sleep(2) # wait for raid to settle
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-            mdraid.mdcreate("/dev/md1", "raid1", ["/not/existing/dev0", "/not/existing/dev1"])
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-            mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, "/not/existing/device")
-        time.sleep(2) # wait for raid to settle
-        # removing and re-adding a component device should succeed
-        self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdremove(self._dev_name, self.loopDevices[2], fail=True))
-        time.sleep(2) # wait for raid to settle
-        self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, self.loopDevices[2]))
-        time.sleep(3) # wait for raid to settle
-        # it is not possible to add a device that has already been added
-        with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-            mdraid.mdadd(self._dev_name, self.loopDevices[2])
-        self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdremove(self._dev_name, self.loopDevices[2], fail=True))
-        time.sleep(2) # wait for raid to settle
-        # can not re-add in incremental mode because the array is active
-        with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-            mdraid.mdnominate(self.loopDevices[2])
-        info_pre = mdraid.mddetail(self._dev_name)
-        ##
-        ## mddeactivate
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mddeactivate(self._dev_name))
-        # once the array is deactivated, can add in incremental mode
-        self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdnominate(self.loopDevices[2]))
-        # but cannot re-add twice
-        with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-            mdraid.mdnominate(self.loopDevices[2])
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-            mdraid.mddeactivate("/not/existing/md")
-        ##
-        ## mdactivate
-        ##
-        with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-            mdraid.mdactivate("/not/existing/md", array_uuid=32)
-        # requires uuid
-        with self.assertRaises(MDRaidError):
-            mdraid.mdactivate("/dev/md1")
-        self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mdactivate(self._dev_name, array_uuid=mdraid.mduuid_from_canonical(info_pre['UUID'])))
-        time.sleep(2)
-        info_post = mdraid.mddetail(self._dev_name)
-        # the array should remain mostly the same across activations
-        changeable_values = (
-           'ACTIVE DEVICES',
-           'STATE',
-           'TOTAL DEVICES',
-           'WORKING DEVICES'
-        )
-        for k in (k for k in info_pre.keys() if k not in changeable_values):
-            self.assertEqual(info_pre[k], info_post[k], msg="key: %s" % k)
-        # deactivating the array one more time
-        self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mddeactivate(self._dev_name))
-        ##
-        ## mddestroy
-        ##
-        # pass
-        for dev in self.loopDevices:
-            self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mddestroy(dev))
-        # pass
-        # Note that these should fail because mdadm is unable to locate the
-        # device. The mdadm Kill function does return 2, but the mdadm process
-        # returns 0 for both tests.
-        self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mddestroy(self._dev_name))
-        self.assertIsNone(mdraid.mddestroy("/not/existing/device"))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/devicelibs_test/swap_test.py b/tests/devicelibs_test/swap_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b8e1aa..0000000
--- a/tests/devicelibs_test/swap_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import blivet.devicelibs.swap as swap
-from blivet.errors import SwapError
-from tests import loopbackedtestcase
-class SwapTestCase(loopbackedtestcase.LoopBackedTestCase):
-    def testSwap(self):
-        _LOOP_DEV0 = self.loopDevices[0]
-        _LOOP_DEV1 = self.loopDevices[1]
-        ##
-        ## mkswap
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(swap.mkswap(_LOOP_DEV0, "swap"), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(SwapError):
-            swap.mkswap("/not/existing/device")
-        ##
-        ## swapon
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(swap.swapon(_LOOP_DEV0, 1), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(SwapError):
-            swap.swapon("/not/existing/device")
-        # not a swap partition
-        with self.assertRaises(SwapError):
-            swap.swapon(_LOOP_DEV1)
-        # pass
-        # make another swap
-        self.assertEqual(swap.mkswap(_LOOP_DEV1, "another-swap"), None)
-        self.assertEqual(swap.swapon(_LOOP_DEV1), None)
-        ##
-        ## swapstatus
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(swap.swapstatus(_LOOP_DEV0), True)
-        self.assertEqual(swap.swapstatus(_LOOP_DEV1), True)
-        # does not fail
-        self.assertEqual(swap.swapstatus("/not/existing/device"), False)
-        ##
-        ## swapoff
-        ##
-        # pass
-        self.assertEqual(swap.swapoff(_LOOP_DEV1), None)
-        # check status
-        self.assertEqual(swap.swapstatus(_LOOP_DEV0), True)
-        self.assertEqual(swap.swapstatus(_LOOP_DEV1), False)
-        self.assertEqual(swap.swapoff(_LOOP_DEV0), None)
-        # fail
-        with self.assertRaises(SwapError):
-            swap.swapoff("/not/existing/device")
-        # already off
-        with self.assertRaises(SwapError):
-            swap.swapoff(_LOOP_DEV0)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()

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