[PATCH 1/3] Support kickstart test jobs out to multiple computers with parallel.

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Tue Feb 10 20:12:22 UTC 2015

Basically, you pass TEST_REMOTES= as a space separated list of hostnames to
run on.  You will need to have root access on each of those hosts, and root's
ssh keys will need to be set up to allow logging in without a password.  lmc
requires running as root.

Do not add localhost to TEST_REMOTES.  It will be added automatically.

Adding this support required breaking run_kickstart_tests.sh out into a script
that does the work of calling lmc, and a script that interfaces with make and
fires off parallel.  This is because parallel really wants a single command to
run, and having the part that does the actual work be bash function in
run_kickstart_tests.sh was not working out.

A later commit is going to add an awful lot of documentation here.
 tests/kickstart_tests/run_kickstart_tests.sh | 160 +++++++++++----------------
 tests/kickstart_tests/run_one_ks.sh          | 150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 215 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 tests/kickstart_tests/run_one_ks.sh

diff --git a/tests/kickstart_tests/run_kickstart_tests.sh b/tests/kickstart_tests/run_kickstart_tests.sh
index 8b076f3..30e7f77 100755
--- a/tests/kickstart_tests/run_kickstart_tests.sh
+++ b/tests/kickstart_tests/run_kickstart_tests.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014  Red Hat, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2014, 2015  Red Hat, Inc.
 # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
 # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
@@ -45,102 +45,72 @@ fi
 # 2 - Keep log files and disk images (will take up a lot of space)
-cleanup() {
-    d=$1
-    if [[ ${KEEPIT} == 2 ]]; then
-        return
-    elif [[ ${KEEPIT} == 1 ]]; then
-        rm -f ${d}/*img ${d}/*ks
-    elif [[ ${KEEPIT} == 0 ]]; then
-        rm -rf ${d}
-    fi
-runone() {
-    t=$1
-    ks=${t/.sh/.ks}
-    . $t
-    name=$(basename ${t%.sh})
-    echo
-    echo ============================================================
-    echo ${ks}
-    echo ============================================================
-    # qemu user needs to be able to read the directory.
-    tmpdir=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir=/var/tmp kstest-${name}.XXXXXXXX)
-    chmod 755 ${tmpdir}
-    ksfile=$(prepare ${ks} ${tmpdir})
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-        echo Test prep failed: ${ksfile}
-        cleanup ${tmpdir}
-        unset kernel_args prep validate
-        return 1
-    fi
-    kargs=$(kernel_args)
-    if [[ "${kargs}" != "" ]]; then
-        kargs="--kernel-args \"$kargs\""
-    fi
-    eval livemedia-creator ${kargs} \
-                      --make-disk \
-                      --iso "${IMAGE}" \
-                      --ks ${ksfile} \
-                      --tmp ${tmpdir} \
-                      --logfile ${tmpdir}/livemedia.log \
-                      --title Fedora \
-                      --project Fedora \
-                      --releasever 22 \
-                      --ram 2048 \
-                      --vcpus 2 \
-                      --vnc vnc \
-                      --timeout 60
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-        echo $(grep CRIT ${tmpdir}/virt-install.log)
-        cleanup ${tmpdir}
-        unset kernel_args prep validate
-        return 1
-    elif [[ -f ${tmpdir}/livemedia.log ]]; then
-        img=$(grep disk_img ${tmpdir}/livemedia.log | cut -d= -f2)
-        trimmed=${img## }
-        if [[ $(grep "due to timeout" ${tmpdir}/livemedia.log) != "" ]]; then
-           echo FAILED - Test timed out.
-           cleanup ${tmpdir}
-           unset kernel_args prep validate
-           return 1
-        elif [[ ! -f ${trimmed} ]]; then
-            echo FAILED - Disk image ${trimmed} does not exist.
-            cleanup ${tmpdir}
-            unset kernel_args prep validate
-            return 1
+# Round up all the kickstart tests we want to run, skipping those that are not
+# executable as well as this file itself.
+find kickstart_tests -name '*sh' -a -perm -o+x -a \! -wholename 'kickstart_tests/run_*.sh' | \
+if [[ "$TEST_REMOTES" != "" ]]; then
+    _IMAGE=kickstart_tests/$(basename ${IMAGE})
+    # (1) Copy everything to the remote systems.  We do this ourselves because
+    # parallel doesn't like globs, and we need to put the boot image somewhere
+    # that qemu on the remote systems can read.
+    for remote in ${TEST_REMOTES}; do
+        scp -r kickstart_tests ${remote}:
+        scp ${IMAGE} ${remote}:kickstart_tests/
+    done
+    # (1a) We also need to copy the provided image to under kickstart_tests/ on
+    # the local system too.  This is because parallel will attempt to run the
+    # same command line on every system and that requires the image to also be
+    # in the same location.
+    cp ${IMAGE} ${_IMAGE}
+    # (2) Run parallel.  We always add the local system to the list of machines
+    # being passed to parallel.  Don't add it yourself.
+    remote_args="--sshlogin :"
+    for remote in ${TEST_REMOTES}; do
+        remote_args="${remote_args} --sshlogin ${remote}"
+    done
+    parallel --filter-hosts ${remote_args} \
+             --env TEST_OSTREE_REPO --jobs ${TEST_JOBS:-2} \
+             kickstart_tests/run_one_ks.sh -i ${_IMAGE} -k ${KEEPIT} {}
+    rc=$?
+    # (3) Get all the results back from the remote systems, which will have already
+    # applied the KEEPIT setting.  However if KEEPIT is 0 (meaning, don't save
+    # anything) there's no point in trying.  We do this ourselves because, again,
+    # parallel doesn't like globs.
+    #
+    # We also need to clean up the stuff we copied over in step 1, and then clean up
+    # the results from the remotes too.  We don't want to keep things scattered all
+    # over the place.
+    for remote in ${TEST_REMOTES}; do
+        if [[ ${KEEPIT} > 0 ]]; then
+            scp -r ${remote}:/var/tmp/kstest-\* /var/tmp/
-        result=$(validate ${trimmed})
-        if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-            echo FAILED - "${result}"
-            cleanup ${tmpdir}
-            unset kernel_args prep validate
-            return 1
-        fi
-    fi
+        ssh ${remote} rm -rf kickstart_tests /var/tmp/kstest-\*
+    done
-    echo SUCCESS
-    cleanup ${tmpdir}
-    unset kernel_args prep validate
-    return 0
+    # (3a) And then also remove the copy of the image we made earlier.
+    rm ${_IMAGE}
-export -f cleanup runone
+    # (4) Exit the subshell defined by "find ... | " way up at the top.  The exit
+    # code will be caught outside and converted into the overall exit code.
+    exit ${rc}
+    parallel --env TEST_OSTREE_REPO --jobs ${TEST_JOBS:-2} \
+             kickstart_tests/run_one_ks.sh -i ${IMAGE} -k ${KEEPIT} {}
-# Round up all the kickstart tests we want to run, skipping those that are not
-# executable as well as this file itself.
-find kickstart_tests -name '*sh' -a -perm -o+x -a \! -wholename 'kickstart_tests/run_kickstart_tests.sh' | \
-parallel --jobs ${TEST_JOBS:-2} runone {}
+    # For future expansion - any cleanup code can go in between the variable
+    # setting and the exit, like in the other branch of the if-else above.
+    rc=$?
+    exit ${rc}
+# Catch the exit code of the subshell and return it.  This is structured for
+# future expansion, too.  Any extra global cleanup code can go in between the
+# variable setting and the exit.
+exit ${rc}
diff --git a/tests/kickstart_tests/run_one_ks.sh b/tests/kickstart_tests/run_one_ks.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b61b9b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kickstart_tests/run_one_ks.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015  Red Hat, Inc.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
+# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
+# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
+# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.  Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
+# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
+# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
+# Red Hat, Inc.
+# Red Hat Author(s): Chris Lumens <clumens at redhat.com>
+cleanup() {
+    d=$1
+    # Always remove the copy of the boot.iso.
+    rm ${d}/$(basename ${IMAGE})
+    if [[ ${KEEPIT} == 2 ]]; then
+        return
+    elif [[ ${KEEPIT} == 1 ]]; then
+        rm -f ${d}/*img ${d}/*ks
+    elif [[ ${KEEPIT} == 0 ]]; then
+        rm -rf ${d}
+    fi
+runone() {
+    t=$1
+    ks=${t/.sh/.ks}
+    . $t
+    name=$(basename ${t%.sh})
+    echo
+    echo ===========================================================================
+    echo ${ks} on $(hostname)
+    echo ===========================================================================
+    # qemu user needs to be able to read the directory and the boot.iso, so put that
+    # into this directory as well.  It will get deleted later, regardless of the
+    # KEEPIT setting.
+    tmpdir=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir=/var/tmp kstest-${name}.XXXXXXXX)
+    chmod 755 ${tmpdir}
+    cp ${IMAGE} ${tmpdir}
+    ksfile=$(prepare ${ks} ${tmpdir})
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+        echo Test prep failed: ${ksfile}
+        cleanup ${tmpdir}
+        return 1
+    fi
+    kargs=$(kernel_args)
+    if [[ "${kargs}" != "" ]]; then
+        kargs="--kernel-args \"$kargs\""
+    fi
+    eval livemedia-creator ${kargs} \
+                      --make-disk \
+                      --iso "${tmpdir}/$(basename ${IMAGE})" \
+                      --ks ${ksfile} \
+                      --tmp ${tmpdir} \
+                      --logfile ${tmpdir}/livemedia.log \
+                      --title Fedora \
+                      --project Fedora \
+                      --releasever 22 \
+                      --ram 2048 \
+                      --vcpus 2 \
+                      --vnc vnc \
+                      --timeout 60
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+        echo $(grep CRIT ${tmpdir}/virt-install.log)
+        cleanup ${tmpdir}
+        return 1
+    elif [[ -f ${tmpdir}/livemedia.log ]]; then
+        img=$(grep disk_img ${tmpdir}/livemedia.log | cut -d= -f2)
+        trimmed=${img## }
+        if [[ $(grep "due to timeout" ${tmpdir}/livemedia.log) != "" ]]; then
+           echo FAILED - Test timed out.
+           cleanup ${tmpdir}
+           return 1
+        elif [[ ! -f ${trimmed} ]]; then
+            echo FAILED - Disk image ${trimmed} does not exist.
+            cleanup ${tmpdir}
+            return 1
+        fi
+        result=$(validate ${trimmed})
+        if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+            echo FAILED - "${result}"
+            cleanup ${tmpdir}
+            return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+    echo SUCCESS
+    cleanup ${tmpdir}
+    return 0
+# Have to be root to run this test, as it requires creating disk images.
+if [[ ${EUID} != 0 ]]; then
+    echo "You must be root to run this test."
+    exit 77
+while getopts ":i:k:" opt; do
+    case $opt in
+        i)
+            IMAGE=$OPTARG
+            ;;
+        k)
+            KEEPIT=$OPTARG
+            ;;
+        *)
+            echo "Usage: run_one_ks.sh -i ISO [-k KEEPIT] ks.cfg"
+            exit 1
+            ;;
+    esac
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+if [[ ! -e "${IMAGE}" ]]; then
+    echo "Required boot.iso does not exist."
+    exit 77
+if [[ $# == 0 || ! -x $1 ]]; then
+    echo "Test not provided or is not executable."
+    exit 1
+runone $1

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