[PATCH] Stop pretending liveinst+rescue is supported (#1256061).

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Thu Aug 27 13:45:30 UTC 2015

> Why is this not supported? Didn't it work before?

We certainly allowed people to do so, but I don't know that anyone here
has made a conscious decision to fully support it.  There are a couple
outstanding bugs claiming different portions of it don't work.  See
1256061 and related.

Personally, I think we support entirely too much stuff.  We give people
a zillion different ways to boot and install, and then we have to deal
with testing and bugs from all these combinations.  It's not a good use
of our time.  We need to establish some limits to what we actually

In this case, what's the point of booting into a full OS and then using
rescue mode to do anything?  You've got something much more powerful in
that environment - all the tools used to run the system.  Just use those
to fix whatever's broken.

- Chris

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