Updated: [rhinstaller/anaconda/pulls/86 master] Master docs

bcl installerbot-noreply at redhat.com
Thu Apr 23 20:20:48 UTC 2015

I've been trying to figure out how to create good docs for pyanaconda using Read the Docs, and have hit a dead end. RTD depends on the autodoc feature in Sphinx, but can't install anything other than python projects with a setup.py. You can mock various objects like I did in the previous pass at this, but that's fragile and still doesn't result in complete docs.

So, I propose that we generate the docs on a system with all the build deps installed or available via repos so that they are complete and nice looking, and that we carry the html output in the repo. This allows us to either server it up ourselves from someplace, or use gh-pages to serve it from github (which is what I suggest).

My understanding is you create a gh-pages branch for the project, then copy the html into the root of that branch (so it really isn't a branch, just a place to store the html for github). I'd suggest doing this manually so that the output can be checked for import problems.

To view this pull request on github, visit https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda/pull/86

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