[master 11/30] Add a mkfs task.

mulkieran installerbot-noreply at redhat.com
Thu Apr 16 20:41:25 UTC 2015

From: mulhern <amulhern at redhat.com>

Related: #12

Signed-off-by: mulhern <amulhern at redhat.com>
 blivet/tasks/fsmkfs.py | 249 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 249 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 blivet/tasks/fsmkfs.py

diff --git a/blivet/tasks/fsmkfs.py b/blivet/tasks/fsmkfs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6dfe6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blivet/tasks/fsmkfs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+# fsmkfs.py
+# Filesystem formatting classes.
+# Copyright (C) 2015  Red Hat, Inc.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
+# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
+# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
+# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.  Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
+# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
+# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
+# Red Hat, Inc.
+# Red Hat Author(s): Anne Mulhern <amulhern at redhat.com>
+import abc
+import os
+from six import add_metaclass
+from ..errors import FSError, FSWriteLabelError
+from .. import util
+from . import availability
+from . import task
+ at add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)
+class FSMkfs(task.Task):
+    """An abstract class that represents filesystem creation actions. """
+    description = "mkfs"
+    app_name = abc.abstractproperty(
+       doc="Name of the filesystem creation application.")
+    label_option = abc.abstractproperty(
+       doc="Option for setting a filesystem label.")
+    args = abc.abstractproperty(doc="options for creating filesystem")
+    @classmethod
+    def _app(cls):
+        return availability.Application(availability.Path(), cls.app_name)
+    def __init__(self, an_fs):
+        """ Initializer.
+            :param FS an_fs: a filesystem object
+        """
+        self.fs = an_fs
+    # TASK methods
+    @classmethod
+    def available(cls):
+        return cls._app().available
+    @property
+    def unavailable(self):
+        if not self._app().available:
+            return "Filesystem formatting application %s is unavailable." % self._app()
+        return False
+    @property
+    def unready(self):
+        if self.fs.exists:
+            return "filesystem already exists"
+        if not os.path.exists(self.fs.device):
+            return "device does not exist"
+        return False
+    @property
+    def unable(self):
+        return False
+    # IMPLEMENTATION methods
+    @property
+    def labels(self):
+        """ Whether this task can label the filesystem.
+            :returns: True if this task can label the filesystem
+            :rtype: bool
+        """
+        return self.label_option is not None
+    def _labelOptions(self, label=False):
+        """ Any labeling options that a particular filesystem may use.
+            :param bool label: if True, label if possible, default is False
+            :returns: labeling options, may be an empty list
+            :rtype: list of str
+        """
+        if label is False:
+            return []
+        # Do not know how to set label while formatting.
+        if self.label_option is None:
+            return []
+        # No label to set
+        if self.fs.label is None:
+            return []
+        if self.fs.labelFormatOK(self.fs.label):
+            return [self.label_option, self.fs.label]
+        else:
+            raise FSWriteLabelError("Choosing not to apply label (%s) during creation of filesystem %s. Label format is unacceptable for this filesystem." % (self.fs.label, self.fs.type))
+    def _formatOptions(self, options=None, label=False):
+        """Get a list of format options to be used when creating the
+           filesystem.
+           :param options: any special options
+           :param bool label: if True, label if possible, default is False
+           :type options: list of str or None
+        """
+        options = options or []
+        if not isinstance(options, list):
+            raise FSError("options parameter must be a list.")
+        return options + self.args + self._labelOptions(label) + [self.fs.device]
+    def _mkfsCommand(self, options, label):
+        """Return the command to make the filesystem.
+           :param options: any special options
+           :type options: list of str or None
+           :returns: the mkfs command
+           :rtype: list of str
+        """
+        return [str(self._app())] + self._formatOptions(options, label)
+    def doTask(self, options=None, label=False):
+        """Create the format on the device and label if possible and desired.
+           :param options: any special options, may be None
+           :type options: list of str or NoneType
+           :param bool label: whether to label while creating, default is False
+        """
+        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+        error_msg = self.impossible
+        if error_msg:
+            raise FSError(error_msg)
+        options = options or []
+        try:
+            ret = util.run_program(self._mkfsCommand(options, label))
+        except OSError as e:
+            raise FSError(e)
+        if ret:
+            raise FSError("format failed: %s" % ret)
+class BTRFSMkfs(FSMkfs):
+    app_name = "mkfs.btrfs"
+    label_option = None
+    @property
+    def args(self):
+        return []
+class Ext2FSMkfs(FSMkfs):
+    app_name = "mke2fs"
+    label_option = "-L"
+    _opts = []
+    @property
+    def args(self):
+        return self._opts + (["-T", self.fs.fsprofile] if self.fs.fsprofile else [])
+class Ext3FSMkfs(Ext2FSMkfs):
+    _opts = ["-t", "ext3"]
+class Ext4FSMkfs(Ext3FSMkfs):
+    _opts = ["-t", "ext4"]
+class FATFSMkfs(FSMkfs):
+    app_name = "mkdosfs"
+    label_option = "-n"
+    @property
+    def args(self):
+        return []
+class GFS2Mkfs(FSMkfs):
+    app_name = "mkfs.gfs2"
+    label_option = None
+    @property
+    def args(self):
+        return ["-j", "1", "-p", "lock_nolock", "-O"]
+class HFSMkfs(FSMkfs):
+    app_name = "hformat"
+    label_option = "-l"
+    @property
+    def args(self):
+        return []
+class HFSPlusMkfs(FSMkfs):
+    app_name = "mkfs.hfsplus"
+    label_option = "-v"
+    @property
+    def args(self):
+        return []
+class JFSMkfs(FSMkfs):
+    app_name = "mkfs.jfs"
+    label_option = "-L"
+    @property
+    def args(self):
+        return ["-q"]
+class NTFSMkfs(FSMkfs):
+    app_name = "mkntfs"
+    label_option = "-L"
+    @property
+    def args(self):
+        return []
+class ReiserFSMkfs(FSMkfs):
+    app_name = "mkreiserfs"
+    label_option = "-l"
+    @property
+    def args(self):
+        return ["-f", "-f"]
+class XFSMkfs(FSMkfs):
+    app_name = "mkfs.xfs"
+    label_option = "-L"
+    @property
+    def args(self):
+        return ["-f"]

To view this commit on github, visit https://github.com/rhinstaller/blivet/commit/61564b3d94a2480e3b1158c735007efcaee91c90

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