[PATCH rhel7-branch] Implement the new reqpart command.

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Mon Apr 13 19:54:53 UTC 2015

This set of patches is intented to allow kickstart users to have more
generic kickstarts by doing the platform-specific portions of autopart
for them while still letting them do custom partitioning.

I've done these all against rhel7-branches even though we are going to
rebase, because working rawhide boot.isos are a bit hard to come by for
the moment.  I'll handle the porting to master later.

Note that there's two levels of reqparting here.  Just the reqpart
command would make the biosboot or prepboot or whatever partitions.
Adding the --add-boot flag would also add /boot.  In the former case, it
would be up to the kickstart file to specify any /boot.  In either case,
it is up to the kickstart file to add /, swap, etc.

I have no intentions of making this available for interactive use.

- Chris

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