Let's add some DASDs ....again (#1070115)

Samantha N. Bueno sbueno+anaconda at redhat.com
Tue Sep 2 12:39:53 UTC 2014

Contains all suggestions from prior review, minus bcl's one suggestion
for blivet patches, which I later realized isn't needed:

> > +    if dev is None or dev == "":                                                            
> > +        raise ValueError("You have not specified a device number or the number is invalid") 
> > +    dev = dev.lower()                                                                       
> > +    bus = dev[:string.rfind(dev, ".") + 1]                                                  
> > +    dev = dev[string.rfind(dev, ".") + 1:]                                                  
> I'd pull the rfind out into its own variable so you can check for -1                           
> and raise an error (assuming no . is an error)

Lack of '.' is not necessarily an error. There's now a docstring which
notes valid formats for the device number, but basically either 0.0.abcd
or abcd (or caps are also ok if a-f appear in the dev number).

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