[PATCH 3/3 rhel7-branch] atomic: set up atomic specific partitioning defaults

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Wed Oct 22 13:58:06 UTC 2014

> The whole Fedora product split also interacts with this - e.g. the idea
> that Fedora Server defaults to XFS is still not implemented, right?

Well, the point of that first patch from me here (which references bug
1138820) was to provide a mechanism to allow them to set that default
for just a single product.  There's been no further work along those
lines, nor talk in the bug, so I imagine it's still not implemented.
But it certainly ought to be easy to do so now.

> Anyways for atomic, I'm not sure what the best way to handle this is. 
> Maybe what we really want is:
> autopart --fstype=docker

--fstype is there to define the formatting used.  Think of it as the
string you would add after "mkfs." to make a filesystem.  Perhaps --type
is more what you're thinking of, given that it is used to define what
kind of scheme you want?  I'm not sure why a new autopart argument would
be handy here, though.

- Chris

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