[blivet:master 11/11] Add a bunch of simple tests for filesystem formats.

mulhern amulhern at redhat.com
Tue Nov 25 23:22:47 UTC 2014

Signed-off-by: mulhern <amulhern at redhat.com>
 tests/formats_test/fs_test.py   | 105 +++++++++++++
 tests/formats_test/fstesting.py | 334 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 439 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tests/formats_test/fs_test.py
 create mode 100644 tests/formats_test/fstesting.py

diff --git a/tests/formats_test/fs_test.py b/tests/formats_test/fs_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..928f499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/formats_test/fs_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import unittest
+import blivet.formats.fs as fs
+from . import fstesting
+class Ext2FSTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.Ext2FS
+    _resizable = True
+class Ext3FSTestCase(Ext2FSTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.Ext3FS
+class Ext4FSTestCase(Ext3FSTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.Ext4FS
+class FATFSTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.FATFS
+    _resizable = False
+class EFIFSTestCase(FATFSTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.EFIFS
+class BTRFSTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.BTRFS
+    _resizable = False
+ at unittest.skip("Unable to create GFS2 filesystem.")
+class GFS2TestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.GFS2
+    _resizable = False
+class JFSTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.JFS
+    _resizable = False
+class ReiserFSTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.ReiserFS
+    _resizable = False
+class XFSTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.XFS
+    _resizable = False
+class HFSTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.HFS
+    _resizable = False
+class AppleBootstrapFSTestCase(HFSTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.AppleBootstrapFS
+class HFSPlusTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.HFSPlus
+    _resizable = False
+class MacEFIFSTestCase(HFSPlusTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.MacEFIFS
+class NTFSTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.NTFS
+    _resizable = True
+ at unittest.skip("Unable to create because device fails deviceCheck().")
+class NFSTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.NFS
+    _resizable = False
+class NFSv4TestCase(NFSTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.NFS
+    _resizable = False
+class Iso9660FS(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.Iso9660FS
+    _resizable = False
+ at unittest.skip("Too strange to test using this framework.")
+class NoDevFSTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.NoDevFS
+    _resizable = False
+class DevPtsFSTestCase(NoDevFSTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.DevPtsFS
+class ProcFSTestCase(NoDevFSTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.ProcFS
+class SysFSTestCase(NoDevFSTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.SysFS
+class TmpFSTestCase(NoDevFSTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.TmpFS
+class SELinuxFSTestCase(NoDevFSTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.SELinuxFS
+class USBFSTestCase(NoDevFSTestCase):
+    _fs_class = fs.USBFS
+class BindFSTestCase(fstesting.FSAsRoot):
+    _fs_class = fs.BindFS
+    _resizable = False
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/formats_test/fstesting.py b/tests/formats_test/fstesting.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c276ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/formats_test/fstesting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+import abc
+from six import add_metaclass
+from tests import loopbackedtestcase
+from blivet.errors import FSError, FSResizeError
+from blivet.size import Size, ROUND_DOWN
+from blivet.formats import fs
+ at add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)
+class FSAsRoot(loopbackedtestcase.LoopBackedTestCase):
+    _fs_class = abc.abstractproperty(
+       doc="The class of the filesystem being tested on.")
+    _resizable = abc.abstractproperty(
+       doc="Should we expect to be able to resize this filesystem.")
+    _DEVICE_SIZE = Size("100 MiB")
+    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
+        super(FSAsRoot, self).__init__(methodName=methodName, deviceSpec=[self._DEVICE_SIZE])
+    def setUp(self):
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        if not an_fs.utilsAvailable:
+            self.skipTest("utilities unavailable for filesystem %s" % an_fs.name)
+        super(FSAsRoot, self).setUp()
+    def _test_sizes(self, an_fs):
+        """ Test relationships between different size values.
+            These tests assume that the filesystem exists and that
+            the size and minimum size information has been updated.
+        """
+        _size = an_fs._size
+        min_size = an_fs.minSize
+        # If resizable, size is targetSize
+        if an_fs.resizable:
+            expected_size = an_fs._targetSize
+        # If not resizable
+        else:
+            expected_size = _size
+            # If the size can be obtained it will not be 0
+            if an_fs._infofs:
+                self.assertNotEqual(expected_size, Size(0))
+                self.assertTrue(expected_size <= self._DEVICE_SIZE)
+            # Otherwise it will be 0, assuming the device was not initialized
+            # with a size.
+            else:
+                self.assertEqual(expected_size, Size(0))
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.size, expected_size)
+        # Only the resizable filesystems can figure out their current min size
+        if an_fs._resizefs:
+            expected_min_size = min_size
+        else:
+            expected_min_size = an_fs._minSize
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.minSize, expected_min_size)
+        # maxSize is a nice simple constant because it is just about
+        # what the filesystem can represent
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.maxSize, an_fs._maxSize)
+        # Since the device exists, currentSize will always be the real size
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.currentSize, _size)
+        # Free is the actual size - the minimum size
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.free, _size - expected_min_size)
+        # target size is set by side-effect
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, an_fs._targetSize)
+    def testInstantiation(self):
+        # Accept default size
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        self.assertFalse(an_fs.exists)
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.device)
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.uuid)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.options, ",".join(an_fs.defaultMountOptions))
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.resizable, False)
+        # sizes
+        expected_min_size = Size(0) if self._resizable else an_fs._minSize
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.minSize, expected_min_size)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.maxSize, an_fs._maxSize)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.size, Size(0))
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.currentSize, Size(0))
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.free, Size(0))
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, Size(0))
+        # Choose a size
+        NEW_SIZE = Size("32 MiB")
+        an_fs = self._fs_class(size=NEW_SIZE)
+        # sizes
+        expected_min_size = Size(0) if self._resizable else an_fs._minSize
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.minSize, expected_min_size)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.maxSize, an_fs._maxSize)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.size, NEW_SIZE)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.currentSize, Size(0))
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.free, Size(0))
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, NEW_SIZE)
+    def testCreation(self):
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        if not an_fs.formattable:
+            return
+        an_fs.device = self.loopDevices[0]
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.create())
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.resizable, False)
+        self.assertTrue(an_fs.exists)
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.doCheck())
+        expected_min_size = Size(0) if self._resizable else an_fs._minSize
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.minSize, expected_min_size)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.maxSize, an_fs._maxSize)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.size, Size(0))
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.currentSize, Size(0))
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.free, Size(0))
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, Size(0))
+    def testLabeling(self):
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        if not an_fs.labeling():
+            return
+        an_fs.device = self.loopDevices[0]
+        an_fs.label = "label"
+        self.assertTrue(an_fs.labelFormatOK("label"))
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.create())
+        try:
+            label = an_fs.readLabel()
+            self.assertEqual(label, "label")
+        except FSError:
+            pass
+    def testRelabeling(self):
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        if not an_fs.labeling():
+            return
+        an_fs.device = self.loopDevices[0]
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.create())
+        an_fs.label = "label"
+        self.assertTrue(an_fs.labelFormatOK("label"))
+        if an_fs.relabels():
+            self.assertIsNone(an_fs.writeLabel())
+        else:
+            with self.assertRaises(FSError):
+                an_fs.writeLabel()
+    def testMounting(self):
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        # FIXME: BTRFS fails to mount
+        if isinstance(an_fs, fs.BTRFS):
+            return
+        if not an_fs.formattable:
+            return
+        an_fs.device = self.loopDevices[0]
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.create())
+        self.assertTrue(an_fs.testMount())
+    def testResize(self):
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        if not an_fs.formattable:
+            return
+        an_fs.device = self.loopDevices[0]
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.create())
+        an_fs.updateSizeInfo()
+        self._test_sizes(an_fs)
+        # CHECKME: target size is still 0 after updatedSizeInfo is called.
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.size, Size(0) if an_fs.resizable else an_fs._size)
+        if not self._resizable:
+            self.assertFalse(an_fs.resizable)
+            # Not resizable, so can not do resizing actions.
+            with self.assertRaises(FSError):
+                an_fs.targetSize = Size("64 MiB")
+            with self.assertRaises(FSError):
+                an_fs.doResize()
+        else:
+            self.assertTrue(an_fs.resizable)
+            # Try a reasonable target size
+            TARGET_SIZE = Size("64 MiB")
+            an_fs.targetSize = TARGET_SIZE
+            self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, TARGET_SIZE)
+            self.assertNotEqual(an_fs._size, TARGET_SIZE)
+            self.assertIsNone(an_fs.doResize())
+            ACTUAL_SIZE = TARGET_SIZE.roundToNearest(an_fs._resizefsUnit, rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
+            self.assertEqual(an_fs.size, ACTUAL_SIZE)
+            self.assertEqual(an_fs._size, ACTUAL_SIZE)
+            self._test_sizes(an_fs)
+        # and no errors should occur when checking
+        self.assertFalse(an_fs.needsFSCheck)
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.doCheck())
+    def testNoExplicitTargetSize(self):
+        """ Because _targetSize has not been set, resize sets to min size. """
+        # CHECK ME: This is debatable, maybe target size should be set to
+        # _size if it is not set when size is calculated. Note that _targetSize
+        # gets value of _size in constructor, so if _size is set to not-zero
+        # in constructor call behavior would be different.
+        if not self._resizable:
+            return
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        an_fs.device = self.loopDevices[0]
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.create())
+        an_fs.updateSizeInfo()
+        self.assertNotEqual(an_fs.currentSize, an_fs.targetSize)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.currentSize, an_fs._size)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, Size(0))
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.doResize())
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.currentSize, an_fs.minSize)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, an_fs.minSize)
+        self._test_sizes(an_fs)
+    def testNoExplicitTargetSize2(self):
+        """ Because _targetSize has been set to size in constructor the
+            resize action resizes filesystem to that size.
+        """
+        if not self._resizable:
+            return
+        SIZE = Size("64 MiB")
+        an_fs = self._fs_class(size=SIZE)
+        an_fs.device = self.loopDevices[0]
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.create())
+        an_fs.updateSizeInfo()
+        # The current size is the actual size, the target size is the size
+        # set in the constructor.
+        self.assertNotEqual(an_fs.currentSize, an_fs.targetSize)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, SIZE)
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.doResize())
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.currentSize, SIZE)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, SIZE)
+        self._test_sizes(an_fs)
+    def testShrink(self):
+        if not self._resizable:
+            return
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        an_fs.device = self.loopDevices[0]
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.create())
+        an_fs.updateSizeInfo()
+        TARGET_SIZE = Size("64 MiB")
+        an_fs.targetSize = TARGET_SIZE
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.doResize())
+        self.assertTrue(TARGET_SIZE > an_fs.minSize)
+        an_fs.targetSize = TARGET_SIZE
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, TARGET_SIZE)
+        self.assertNotEqual(an_fs._size, TARGET_SIZE)
+        # FIXME:
+        # doCheck() in updateSizeInfo() in doResize() does not complete tidily
+        # here, so resizable becomes False and self.targetSize can not be
+        # assigned to. This alerts us to the fact that now min size
+        # and size are both incorrect values.
+        if isinstance(an_fs, fs.NTFS):
+            return
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.doResize())
+        ACTUAL_SIZE = TARGET_SIZE.roundToNearest(an_fs._resizefsUnit, rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs._size, ACTUAL_SIZE)
+        self._test_sizes(an_fs)
+    def testTooSmall(self):
+        if not self._resizable:
+            return
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        an_fs.device = self.loopDevices[0]
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.create())
+        an_fs.updateSizeInfo()
+        # can not set target size to less than minimum size
+        # CHECKME: Should it raise an FSError instead?
+        TARGET_SIZE = an_fs.minSize - Size(1)
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            an_fs.targetSize = TARGET_SIZE
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, Size(0))
+        self._test_sizes(an_fs)
+    def testTooBig(self):
+        if not self._resizable:
+            return
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        an_fs.device = self.loopDevices[0]
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.create())
+        an_fs.updateSizeInfo()
+        # can not set target size to maximum size
+        # CHECKME: Should it raise an FSError instead?
+        TARGET_SIZE = an_fs.maxSize
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            an_fs.targetSize = TARGET_SIZE
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, Size(0))
+        self._test_sizes(an_fs)
+    def testTooBig2(self):
+        if not self._resizable:
+            return
+        an_fs = self._fs_class()
+        an_fs.device = self.loopDevices[0]
+        self.assertIsNone(an_fs.create())
+        an_fs.updateSizeInfo()
+        # resizing to near the maximum filesystem size ought to fail
+        old_size = an_fs._size
+        BIG_SIZE = an_fs.maxSize - Size(1)
+        an_fs.targetSize = BIG_SIZE
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, BIG_SIZE)
+        with self.assertRaises(FSResizeError):
+            an_fs.doResize()
+        # CHECKME: size and target size will be adjusted attempted values
+        # while currentSize will be actual value
+        TARGET_SIZE = BIG_SIZE.roundToNearest(an_fs._resizefsUnit, rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.targetSize, TARGET_SIZE)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.size, an_fs.targetSize)
+        self.assertEqual(an_fs.currentSize, old_size)
+        self._test_sizes(an_fs)

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