[PATCH 0/5] bootloader updates for rawhide/F21

Gene Czarcinski gczarcinski at gmail.com
Tue May 27 11:47:59 UTC 2014

On 05/27/2014 03:45 AM, Vratislav Podzimek wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-05-26 at 17:01 -0400, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
>> The anaconda updates are all related to the bootloader configuration.
>> 1. The updated grub2-2.02 now supports /boot on a LVMlv or a directory on /.
> Ups, I should have read this first. Now I see the references. Just
> please add them to the commit messages.
Will do.
>> 2.  With grub2.02 and os-prober both not fixed to handle /boot on btrfs, only
>> grubby remains a blocker.  BZ 1094489 has an attached patch which updates
>> grubby.c to handle btrfs.
> This should go in first before we start allowing /boot on btrfs.
I am working on it :)

The is a bit of "chicken and egg" problem here.  In order to test grubby 
having /boot on btrfs, you need to have installation on btrfs enabled.  
This is really no different than it was prior to Fedora 20 when it was 
disabled.  The big difference is that we now have grub2-2.02 and 
os-prober-1.58-6 with grubby.c being the only outstanding issue.

The patch to add btrfs support to grubby.c is large although the actual 
code to implement the functionality is small.  There is a lot of 
compile-time-enabled debugging code which is rather large.  But, the 
debugging code is needed to understand what grubby is doing if something 
is not working.  At times, I wish that the debug mode was a run time 
option but that is not how it was implemented in grubby.c.

I have a new website at http://czarc.org which has a yum/rpm repository 
with updated grubby rpms as well as anaconda updates.img files to make 
it easier to test.  Now that the Live Install issue has been addressed, 
I will be posting another message to the Fedora Test List requesting 
testing of the updated grubby.

I will update the commit messages as you suggest and then resubmit this 
as a set since that is how I am currently carrying these updates.


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