New rpm-ostree patches uploaded

Colin Walters walters at
Mon May 12 15:16:15 UTC 2014


I've updated my branch here:

Since my last post, I've dropped the "preBootloader" payload method 
patch, and added a new "prepareMountTargets", basically still used only 
for RPMOSTreePayload, but at a better position.

The bug that this allowed me to fix is to set up the /var bind mount so 
that things like having a separate /home partition worked.  Remember in 
the OSTree model that's really /home -> /var/home, and so in order for 
Blivet to call mkdir(/home) the bind mount needed to be set up.

Another related change I made here is to add restorecon runs of 
/var/home and such to ensure the SELinux labeling is right.  This 
allowed me to drop an earlier patch "install: Write anaconda-ks.cfg to 
/var if /root is	unavailable", thanks to Chris for pointing me to the 
80-setfilecons.ks file.

vpodzime approved the earlier two patches; I don't have commit access 
though, could someone take care of pushing?  Per above, the main patch 
could use a re-review.


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