[PATCH] Don't add redundant grub installs if stage1 is not a disk

David Shea dshea at redhat.com
Tue May 6 20:42:05 UTC 2014

(This is based on a patch for rhbz#1035720 I submitted a while back but didn't
push because changing bootloader logic is scary and there were enough other
things to worry about. The commit message is a little different and the
warning is new.)

The GRUB bootloader handler attempts to install redundant stage1
bootloaders if stage2 is on a RAID. However, this assumed that if stage1
was not a disk that it was to be treated the same as stage2, which is
not the case when prepboot or biosboot partitions are used. Instead of
attempting to add redundant installs for the non-disk cases, just let
RAID handle the parts that were configured for redundancy and warn the
user that their bootloader will not survive a disk failure.
 pyanaconda/bootloader.py | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pyanaconda/bootloader.py b/pyanaconda/bootloader.py
index dc85d79..bed276b 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/bootloader.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/bootloader.py
@@ -1278,30 +1278,24 @@ class GRUB(BootLoader):
     def install_targets(self):
         """ List of (stage1, stage2) tuples representing install targets. """
         targets = []
+        # make sure we have stage1 and stage2 installed with redundancy
+        # so that boot can succeed even in the event of failure or removal
+        # of some of the disks containing the member partitions of the
+        # /boot array. If the stage1 is not a disk, it probably needs to
+        # be a partition on a particular disk (biosboot, prepboot), so only
+        # add the redundant targets if installing stage1 to a disk that is
+        # a member of the stage2 array.
         if self.stage2_device.type == "mdarray" and \
-           self.stage2_device.level == 1:
-            # make sure we have stage1 and stage2 installed with redundancy
-            # so that boot can succeed even in the event of failure or removal
-            # of some of the disks containing the member partitions of the
-            # /boot array
+           self.stage2_device.level == 1 and \
+           self.stage1_device.isDisk and \
+           self.stage2_device.dependsOn(self.stage1_device):
             for stage2dev in self.stage2_device.parents:
-                if self.stage1_device.isDisk:
-                    # install to mbr
-                    if self.stage2_device.dependsOn(self.stage1_device):
-                        # if target disk contains any of /boot array's member
-                        # partitions, set up stage1 on each member's disk
-                        # and stage2 on each member partition
-                        stage1dev = stage2dev.disk
-                    else:
-                        # if target disk does not contain any of /boot array's
-                        # member partitions, install stage1 to the target disk
-                        # and stage2 to each of the member partitions
-                        stage1dev = self.stage1_device
-                else:
-                    # target is /boot device and /boot is raid, so install
-                    # grub to each of /boot member partitions
-                    stage1dev = stage2dev
+                # if target disk contains any of /boot array's member
+                # partitions, set up stage1 on each member's disk
+                # and stage2 on each member partition
+                stage1dev = stage2dev.disk
                 targets.append((stage1dev, stage2dev))
             targets.append((self.stage1_device, self.stage2_device))
@@ -1351,6 +1345,31 @@ class GRUB(BootLoader):
         self.warnings = warnings
         return bool(ret)
+    # Add a warning about certain RAID situations to is_valid_stage2_device
+    def is_valid_stage2_device(self, device, linux=True, non_linux=False):
+        valid = super(GRUB, self).is_valid_stage2_device(device, linux, non_linux)
+        # If the stage2 device is on a raid1, check that the stage1 device is also redundant,
+        # either by also being part of an array or by being a disk (which is expanded
+        # to every disk in the array by install_targets).
+        if self.stage2_device.type == "mdarray" and \
+                self.stage2_device.level == 1 and \
+                self.stage1_device.type != "mdarray":
+            if not self.stage1_device.isDisk:
+                msg = _("bootloader stage2 device %(stage2dev)s in on a multi-disk array, but bootloader stage1 device %(stage1dev)s is not. " \
+                        "A drive failure in %(stage2dev)s could render the system unbootable.") % \
+                        {"stage1dev" : self.stage1_device.name,
+                         "stage2dev" : self.stage2_device.name}
+                self.warnings.append(msg)
+            elif not self.stage2_device.dependsOn(self.stage1_device):
+                msg = _("bootloader stage2 device %(stage2dev)s is on a multi-disk array, but bootloader stage1 device %(stage1dev)s is not part of this array. " \
+                        "The stage1 bootloader will only be installed to a single drive.") % \
+                        {"stage1dev" : self.stage1_device.name,
+                         "stage2dev" : self.stage2_device.name}
+                self.warnings.append(msg)
+        return valid
 class GRUB2(GRUB):
     """ GRUBv2

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