[PATCH 2/3] Add some tests that verify the results of DeviceTree.populate.

David Lehman dlehman at redhat.com
Mon May 5 17:57:49 UTC 2014

 tests/devicetree_test.py | 234 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 234 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/devicetree_test.py

diff --git a/tests/devicetree_test.py b/tests/devicetree_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0b7d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/devicetree_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+from imagebackedtestcase import ImageBackedTestCase
+from blivet.size import Size
+from blivet import devicelibs
+from blivet import devicefactory
+from blivet import util
+from blivet.udev import udev_trigger
+    TODO:
+        - add more lvm tests
+            - thin pool with separate data and metadata volumes?
+            - raid lvs
+            - raid thin pool
+def recursive_getattr(x, attr, default=None):
+    """ Resolve a possibly-dot-containing attribute name. """
+    val = x
+    for sub_attr in attr.split("."):
+	try:
+	    val = getattr(val, sub_attr)
+	except AttributeError:
+	    return default
+    return val
+class BlivetResetTestCase(ImageBackedTestCase):
+    """ A class to test the results of Blivet.reset (and DeviceTree.populate).
+        Create a device stack on disk images, catalog a set of attributes of
+        every device we created, reset the Blivet instance, and then verify
+        that the devices are all discovered and have attributes matching those
+        we cataloged previously.
+    """
+    _validate_attrs = ["name", "type", "size",
+                       "format.type", "format.mountpoint", "format.label"]
+    """ List of StorageDevice attributes to verify match across the reset. """
+    _match_attrs = ["name", "type"]
+    """ List of attributes that must match to identify a device. """
+    def collect_expected_data(self):
+        """ Collect the attribute data we plan to validate later. """
+        # only look at devices on the disk images -- no loops, &c
+        for device in (d for d in self.blivet.devices
+                            if d.disks and
+                               set(d.disks).issubset(set(self.blivet.disks))):
+            attr_dict = {}
+            device._partedDevice = None # force update from disk for size, &c
+            for attr in self._validate_attrs:
+               attr_dict[attr] = recursive_getattr(device, attr)
+            self.attr_dicts.append(attr_dict)
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(BlivetResetTestCase, self).setUp()
+        udev_trigger(subsystem="block", action="change")
+        self.attr_dicts = []
+        self.collect_expected_data()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        """ Clean up after testing is complete. """
+        super(BlivetResetTestCase, self).tearDown()
+        # XXX The only reason for this may be lvmetad
+        for disk in self.blivet.disks:
+            self.blivet.recursiveRemove(disk)
+        try:
+            self.blivet.doIt()
+        except Exception:
+            self.blivet.reset()
+            raise
+    def skip_attr(self, device, attr):
+        """ Return True if attr should not be checked for device. """
+        return False
+    def runTest(self):
+        """ Verify that the devices and their attributes match across reset. """
+        #
+        # populate the devicetree
+        # XXX it would be better to test the results of a reboot
+        #
+        self.blivet.reset()
+        for attr_dict in self.attr_dicts:
+            #
+            # verify we can find the device that corresponds to this attr_dict
+            #
+            devices = self.blivet.devices #+ self.blivet.devicetree._hidden
+            device = None
+            for check in devices:
+                match = all(attr_dict[attr] == recursive_getattr(check, attr)
+                            for attr in self._match_attrs)
+                if match:
+                    device = check
+                    break
+            device_id = "/".join(attr_dict[attr] for attr in self._match_attrs)
+            self.assertIsNotNone(device, msg="failed to find %s" % device_id)
+            #
+            # verify that all attributes match across the reset
+            #
+            for attr, expected in attr_dict.iteritems():
+                if self.skip_attr(device, attr):
+                    continue
+                actual = recursive_getattr(device, attr)
+                self.assertEqual(actual, expected,
+                        msg=("attribute mismatch for %s: %s (%s/%s)"
+                             % (device_id, attr, expected, actual)))
+class LVMTestCase(BlivetResetTestCase):
+    """ Test that the devicetree can populate with the product of autopart. """
+    def _set_up_storage(self):
+        # This isn't exactly autopart, but it should be plenty close to it.
+        self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_LVM,
+                                  Size(spec="500 MiB"),
+                                  disks=self.blivet.disks[:],
+                                  fstype="swap")
+        self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_LVM,
+                                  None,
+                                  disks=self.blivet.disks[:])
+class LVMThinpTestCase(BlivetResetTestCase):
+    def _set_up_storage(self):
+        self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_LVM,
+                                  Size(spec="500 MiB"),
+                                  fstype="swap",
+                                  disks=self.blivet.disks[:])
+        self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_LVM_THINP,
+                                  None,
+                                  label="ROOT",
+                                  disks=self.blivet.disks[:])
+class LVMRaidTestCase(BlivetResetTestCase):
+    def _set_up_storage(self):
+        # This isn't exactly autopart, but it should be plenty close to it.
+        self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_LVM,
+                          Size(spec="500 MiB"),
+                          disks=self.blivet.disks[:],
+                          container_size=devicefactory.SIZE_POLICY_MAX)
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(BlivetResetTestCase, self).setUp()
+        vg_name = self.blivet.vgs[0].name
+        util.run_program(["lvcreate", "-n", "raid", "--type", "raid1",
+                          "-L", "100%", vg_name])
+        self.attr_dicts = []
+        self.collect_expected_data()
+class MDRaid0TestCase(BlivetResetTestCase):
+    """ Verify correct detection of MD RAID0 arrays. """
+    level = "raid0"
+    _validate_attrs = BlivetResetTestCase._validate_attrs + ["level", "spares"]
+    def set_up_disks(self):
+        level = devicelibs.mdraid.getRaidLevel(self.level)
+        disk_count = level.min_members
+        self.disks = dict()
+        for i in range(disk_count):
+            name = "disk%d" % (i+1)
+            size = Size(spec="2 GiB")
+            self.disks[name] = size
+        super(MDRaid0TestCase, self).set_up_disks()
+    def skip_attr(self, device, attr):
+        return (attr in ["name", "path"] and
+                getattr(device, "metadataVersion", "").startswith("0.9"))
+    def _set_up_storage(self):
+        device = self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_MD,
+                                           Size(spec="200 MiB"),
+                                           disks=self.blivet.disks[:],
+                                           raid_level=self.level,
+                                           label="v090",
+                                           name="2")
+        device.metadataVersion = "0.90"
+        device = self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_MD,
+                                           Size(spec="200 MiB"),
+                                           disks=self.blivet.disks[:],
+                                           raid_level=self.level,
+                                           label="v1",
+                                           name="one")
+        device.metadataVersion = "1.0"
+        device = self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_MD,
+                                           Size(spec="200 MiB"),
+                                           disks=self.blivet.disks[:],
+                                           raid_level=self.level,
+                                           label="v11",
+                                           name="oneone")
+        device.metadataVersion = "1.1"
+        device = self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_MD,
+                                           Size(spec="200 MiB"),
+                                           disks=self.blivet.disks[:],
+                                           raid_level=self.level,
+                                           label="v12",
+                                           name="onetwo")
+        device.metadataVersion = "1.2"
+        device = self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_MD,
+                                           Size(spec="200 MiB"),
+                                           disks=self.blivet.disks[:],
+                                           raid_level=self.level,
+                                           label="vdefault",
+                                           name="default")
+class LVMOnMDTestCase(BlivetResetTestCase):
+    # This also tests raid1 with the default metadata version.
+    def _set_up_storage(self):
+        self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_LVM,
+                                  Size(spec="200 MiB"),
+                                  disks=self.blivet.disks[:],
+                                  container_raid_level="raid1",
+                                  fstype="swap")
+        self.blivet.factoryDevice(devicefactory.DEVICE_TYPE_LVM,
+                                  None,
+                                  disks=self.blivet.disks[:],
+                                  container_raid_level="raid1")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()

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