[PATCH] Add a basic test for ostree-based installs.

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Mon Jul 7 18:53:24 UTC 2014

I'm looking for comments on the attached patch.  It allows for running
anaconda in a VM through livemedia-creator to do an ostree-based install.
Right now there is no verification of anything about contents of the installed
system - it's assumed that a completed install is good enough.  It also
doesn't do a very good job of cleanup.  Here's what I'm wondering:

(1) Is there some additional way that I should verify success besides just
    whether the installation completed?  For instance, should I check for
    certain files on the finished system?

(2) Are there other aspects of ostree+anaconda that need to be tested?

(3) I'm building up a collection of tests that require being root to run
    (this, storage, GUI).  Perhaps there's some better way to iterate through
    all the root-only tests than just calling them individually?

- Chris

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