[PATCH] Accept both English and localized sizes in Size specs.

David Shea dshea at redhat.com
Tue Jan 21 19:47:07 UTC 2014

_parseSpec will accept both English and localized size specs, either
with a period or a localized radix character. Size.humanReadable will
always return the localized version of a Size.
 blivet/size.py     | 114 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 tests/size_test.py |  44 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/blivet/size.py b/blivet/size.py
index 189313c..dd0fc7f 100644
--- a/blivet/size.py
+++ b/blivet/size.py
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 # Red Hat Author(s): David Cantrell <dcantrell at redhat.com>
 import re
+import string
+import locale
 from collections import namedtuple
 from decimal import Decimal
@@ -58,17 +60,39 @@ _binaryPrefix = [_Prefix(1024, N_("kibi"), N_("Ki")),
 _bytes = [N_('B'), N_('b'), N_('byte'), N_('bytes')]
 _prefixes = _binaryPrefix + _decimalPrefix
-def _makeSpecs(prefix, abbr):
+# Translated versions of the byte and prefix arrays
+# All strings are decoded as utf-8 so that locale-specific upper/lower functions work
+def _xlated_bytes():
+    return [_(b).decode("utf-8") for b in _bytes]
+def _xlated_prefixes():
+    return [_Prefix(p.factor, _(p.prefix).decode("utf-8"), _(p.abbr).decode("utf-8")) \
+            for p in _prefixes]
+_ASCIIlower_table = string.maketrans(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_lowercase)
+def _lowerASCII(s):
+    """Convert a string to lowercase using only ASCII character definitions."""
+    return string.translate(s, _ASCIIlower_table)
+def _makeSpecs(prefix, abbr, xlate):
     """ Internal method used to generate a list of specifiers. """
     specs = []
     if prefix:
-        specs.append(prefix.lower() + _("byte"))
-        specs.append(prefix.lower() + _("bytes"))
+        if xlate:
+            specs.append(prefix.lower() + _("byte").decode("utf-8"))
+            specs.append(prefix.lower() + _("bytes").decode("utf-8"))
+        else:
+            specs.append(_lowerASCII(prefix) + "byte")
+            specs.append(_lowerASCII(prefix) + "bytes")
     if abbr:
-        specs.append(abbr.lower() + _("b"))
-        specs.append(abbr.lower())
+        if xlate:
+            specs.append(abbr.lower() + _("b").decode("utf-8"))
+            specs.append(abbr.lower())
+        else:
+            specs.append(_lowerASCII(abbr) + "b")
+            specs.append(_lowerASCII(abbr))
     return specs
@@ -77,11 +101,15 @@ def _parseSpec(spec):
     if not spec:
         raise ValueError("invalid size specification", spec)
-    # This regex isn't ideal, since \w matches both letters and digits,
-    # but python doesn't provide a means to match only Unicode letters.
-    # Probably the worst that will come of it is that bad specs will fail
-    # more confusingly.
-    m = re.match(r'(-?\s*[0-9.]+)\s*(\w*)$', spec.decode("utf-8").strip(), flags=re.UNICODE)
+    # Replace the localized radix character with a .
+    radix = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.RADIXCHAR)
+    if radix != '.':
+        spec = spec.replace(radix, '.')
+    # Match the string using only digit/space/not-space, since the
+    # string might be non-English and contain non-letter characters
+    # that Python doesn't understand as parts of words.
+    m = re.match(r'(-?\s*[0-9.]+)\s*([^\s]*)$', spec.strip())
     if not m:
         raise ValueError("invalid size specification", spec)
@@ -90,14 +118,45 @@ def _parseSpec(spec):
     except InvalidOperation:
         raise ValueError("invalid size specification", spec)
-    specifier = m.groups()[1].lower()
-    bytes_xlated = [_(b) for b in _bytes]
-    if not specifier or specifier in bytes_xlated:
+    # Only attempt to parse as English if all characters are ASCII
+    try:
+        specifier = m.groups()[1]
+        # This will raise UnicodeDecodeError if specifier contains non-ascii
+        # characters
+        specifier = specifier.decode("ascii")
+        # Convert back to a str type to match the _bytes and _prefixes arrays
+        specifier = str(specifier)
+        # Use the ASCII-only lowercase mapping
+        specifier = _lowerASCII(specifier)
+    except UnicodeDecodeError:
+        pass
+    else:
+        if specifier in _bytes or not specifier:
+            return size
+        for factor, prefix, abbr in _prefixes:
+            check = _makeSpecs(prefix, abbr, False)
+            if specifier in check:
+                return size * factor
+    specifier = m.groups()[1]
+    # No English match found, try localized size specs. Accept any utf-8
+    # character and leave the result as a unicode object.
+    specifier = specifier.decode("utf-8")
+    # Use the locale-specific lowercasing
+    specifier = specifier.lower()
+    if specifier in _xlated_bytes():
         return size
-    prefixes_xlated = [_(p) for p in _prefixes]
-    for factor, prefix, abbr in prefixes_xlated:
-        check = _makeSpecs(prefix, abbr)
+    for factor, prefix, abbr in _xlated_prefixes():
+        check  = _makeSpecs(prefix, abbr, True)
         if specifier in check:
             return size * factor
@@ -196,13 +255,11 @@ class Size(Decimal):
         spec = spec.lower()
-        bytes_xlated = [_(b) for b in _bytes]
-        if spec in bytes_xlated:
+        if spec in _bytes:
             return self
-        prefixes_xlated = [_(p) for p in _prefixes]
-        for factor, prefix, abbr in prefixes_xlated:
-            check = _makeSpecs(prefix, abbr)
+        for factor, prefix, abbr in _prefixes:
+            check = _makeSpecs(prefix, abbr, False)
             if spec in check:
                 return Decimal(self / Decimal(factor))
@@ -225,14 +282,15 @@ class Size(Decimal):
         if abs(Decimal(check)) < 1000:
             return "%s %s" % (check, _("B"))
-        prefixes_xlated = [_(p) for p in _prefixes]
-        for factor, prefix, abbr in prefixes_xlated:
+        for factor, prefix, abbr in _xlated_prefixes():
             newcheck = super(Size, self).__div__(Decimal(factor))
             if abs(newcheck) < 1000:
                 # nice value, use this factor, prefix and abbr
+        # Format the value with '.' as the decimal separator
+        # If necessary, substitute with a localized separator before returning
         if places is not None:
             newcheck_str = str(newcheck)
             retval = newcheck_str
@@ -248,9 +306,13 @@ class Size(Decimal):
                 if max_places == 0:
                     retval = whole
-                    retval = "%s.%s" % (whole, fraction[:max_places])
+                    retval = "%s%s%s" % (whole, point, fraction[:max_places])
+        radix = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.RADIXCHAR)
+        if radix != '.':
+            retval = retval.replace('.', radix)
         if abbr:
-            return retval + " " + abbr + _("B")
+            return retval + " " + abbr + _("B").decode("utf-8")
-            return retval + " " + prefix + P_("byte", "bytes", newcheck)
+            return retval + " " + prefix + P_("byte", "bytes", newcheck).decode("utf-8")
diff --git a/tests/size_test.py b/tests/size_test.py
index 30bc6eb..60c7e65 100644
--- a/tests/size_test.py
+++ b/tests/size_test.py
@@ -87,6 +87,50 @@ class SizeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEquals(Size(spec="%s KiB" % (1/1025.0,)), Size(bytes=0))
         self.assertEquals(Size(spec="%s KiB" % (1/1023.0,)), Size(bytes=1))
+    def testTranslated(self):
+        import locale
+        import os
+        from blivet.i18n import _
+        import gettext
+        saved_lang = os.environ.get('LANG', None)
+        # es_ES uses latin-characters but a comma as the radix separator
+        # kk_KZ uses non-latin characters and is case-sensitive
+        # te_IN uses a lot of non-letter modifier characters
+        # fa_IR uses non-ascii digits, or would if python supported that, but
+        #       you know, just in case
+        test_langs = ["es_ES.UTF-8", "kk_KZ.UTF-8", "ml_IN.UTF-8", "fa_IR.UTF-8"]
+        s = Size(spec="56.19 MiB")
+        for lang in test_langs:
+            os.environ['LANG'] = lang
+            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+            # Check English parsing
+            self.assertEquals(s, Size(spec="56.19 MiB"))
+            # Check native parsing
+            self.assertEquals(s, Size(spec="56.19 %s%s" % (_("Mi"), _("B"))))
+            # Check native parsing, all lowercase
+            self.assertEquals(s, Size(spec=("56.19 %s%s" % (_("Mi"), _("B"))).lower()))
+            # Check native parsing, all uppercase
+            self.assertEquals(s, Size(spec=("56.19 %s%s" % (_("Mi"), _("B"))).upper()))
+            # If the radix separator is not a period, repeat the tests with the
+            # native separator
+            radix = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.RADIXCHAR)
+            if radix != '.':
+                self.assertEquals(s, Size(spec="56%s19 MiB" % radix))
+                self.assertEquals(s, Size(spec="56%s19 %s%s" % (radix, _("Mi"), _("B"))))
+                self.assertEquals(s, Size(spec=("56%s19 %s%s" % (radix, _("Mi"), _("B"))).lower()))
+                self.assertEquals(s, Size(spec=("56%s19 %s%s" % (radix, _("Mi"), _("B"))).upper()))
+        os.environ['LANG'] = saved_lang
+        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
 def suite():
     return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SizeTestCase)

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