[PATCHv2] Give users way to select DD ISO interactively (#1036765)

Vratislav Podzimek vpodzime at redhat.com
Tue Jan 21 14:37:25 UTC 2014

In loader there have been menus that allowed interactive selection of driver
disk ISO file by choosing from block devices and ISO files. This patch does the
same in our DD dracut code.

Signed-off-by: Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime at redhat.com>
 dracut/driver-updates | 147 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 127 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dracut/driver-updates b/dracut/driver-updates
index cdcddc9..cb5be7a 100755
--- a/dracut/driver-updates
+++ b/dracut/driver-updates
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import os
 import subprocess
 import time
 import glob
+import re
 log = logging.getLogger("DD")
@@ -420,38 +421,65 @@ def dd_extract(driver, dest_path="/updates/", kernel_ver=None):
             copy_file(src, firmware_updates)
             move_file(src, initrd_firmware)
-def select_drivers(drivers):
-    """ Display pages of drivers to be loaded.
-        :param drivers: Drivers to be selected by the user
-        :type drivers:  list of Driver objects
-        :returns:       None
+def selection_menu(items, title, info_func, multi_choice=True):
+    """ Display menu and let user select one or more choices.
+        :param items: list of items
+        :type items: list of objects (with the 'selected' property/attribute if
+                     multi_choice=True is used)
+        :param title: title for the menu
+        :type title: str
+        :param info_func: function providing info about items
+        :type info_func: item -> str
+        :param multi_choice: whether it is a multiple choice menu or not
+        :type multi_choice: bool
+        :returns: the selected item in case of multi_choice=False and user did
+                  selection, None otherwise
     page_length = 20
     page = 1
+    if multi_choice:
+        choice_format = "[%s]"
+    else:
+        choice_format = ""
+    format_str = "%3d) " + choice_format + " %s"
     while True:
         # show a page of drivers
-        print("\nPage %d of %d" % (page, 1 + (len(drivers) / page_length)))
-        print("Select drivers to install")
-        for i in xrange(0, min(len(drivers), page_length)):
-            driver_idx = ((page-1) * page_length) + i
-            if drivers[driver_idx].selected:
-                selected = "x"
+        print("\nPage %d of %d" % (page, 1 + (len(items) / page_length)))
+        print(title)
+        for i in xrange(0, min(len(items), page_length)):
+            item_idx = ((page-1) * page_length) + i
+            if multi_choice:
+                if items[item_idx].selected:
+                    selected = "x"
+                else:
+                    selected = " "
+                args = (i+1, selected, info_func(items[item_idx]))
-                selected = " "
-            print("%3d) [%s] %s" % (i+1, selected, drivers[driver_idx].source))
+                args = (i+1, info_func(items[item_idx]))
+            print(format_str % args)
         # Select driver to toggle, continue or change pages
-        idx = raw_input("\n# to toggle selection, 'n'-next page, 'p'-previous page or 'c'-continue: ")
+        prompt_common = ", 'n'-next page, 'p'-previous page or 'c'-continue: "
+        if multi_choice:
+            prompt = "\n# to toggle selection" + prompt_common
+        else:
+            prompt = "\n# to select" + prompt_common
+        idx = raw_input(prompt)
         if idx.isdigit():
-            if int(idx) < 1 or int(idx) > min(len(drivers), page_length):
+            if int(idx) < 1 or int(idx) > min(len(items), page_length):
                 print("Invalid selection")
-            driver_idx = ((page-1) * page_length) + int(idx) - 1
-            drivers[driver_idx].selected = not drivers[driver_idx].selected
+            item_idx = ((page-1) * page_length) + int(idx) - 1
+            if multi_choice:
+                items[item_idx].selected = not items[item_idx].selected
+            else:
+                # single choice only, we can return now
+                return items[item_idx]
         elif idx.lower() == 'n':
-            if page < 1 + (len(drivers) / page_length):
+            if page < 1 + (len(items) / page_length):
                 page += 1
                 print("Last page")
@@ -463,6 +491,16 @@ def select_drivers(drivers):
         elif idx.lower() == 'c':
+def select_drivers(drivers):
+    """ Display pages of drivers to be loaded.
+        :param drivers: Drivers to be selected by the user
+        :type drivers:  list of Driver objects
+        :returns:       None
+    """
+    selection_menu(drivers, "Select drivers to install",
+                   lambda driver: driver.source)
 def process_dd(dd_path):
     """ Handle installing modules, firmware, enhancements from the dd repo
@@ -541,6 +579,69 @@ def network_driver(dd_path):
     # Scan for new OEMDRV devices
+class DeviceInfo(object):
+    def __init__(self, device, label, uuid, fs_type):
+        self.device = device
+        self.label = label
+        self.uuid = uuid
+        self.fs_type = fs_type
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%-10s %-6s %-15s %s" % (self.device, self.fs_type,
+                                        self.label, self.uuid)
+def select_iso():
+    """ Let user select device and DD ISO on it.
+        :returns: path to the selected ISO file and mountpoint to be unmounted
+                  or (None, None) if no ISO file is selected
+        :rtype: (str, str)
+    """
+    dev_prefix = "/dev/"
+    blkid_out_regex = re.compile(r'^/dev/([^:]+):\s+LABEL="([^"]+)"\s+UUID="([^"]+)"\s+TYPE="([^"]+)"')
+    _ret, out = run_cmd(["blkid"])
+    devices = []
+    for line in out.splitlines():
+        match = blkid_out_regex.match(line)
+        if match:
+            devices.append(DeviceInfo(*match.groups()))
+    header = "      %-10s %-6s %-15s %s" % ("DEVICE", "TYPE", "LABEL", "UUID")
+    iso_dev = selection_menu(devices, "Driver disk device selection\n" + header,
+                             lambda dev_info: str(dev_info),
+                             multi_choice=False)
+    mnt = "/media/DD-search"
+    if not os.path.isdir(mnt):
+        os.makedirs(mnt)
+    if not mount_device("/dev/" + iso_dev.device, mnt):
+        print("===Cannot mount the chosen device!===\n")
+        select_iso()
+        return
+    isos = list()
+    for _path, _dirs, files in os.walk(mnt):
+        isos += (iso_file for iso_file in files if iso_file.endswith(".iso"))
+    if not isos:
+        print("===No ISO files found on %s!===\n" % iso_dev)
+        umount(mnt)
+        select_iso()
+        return
+    else:
+        # mount writes out some mounting information, add blank line
+        print
+    # let user choose the ISO file
+    dd_iso = selection_menu(isos, "Choose driver disk ISO file",
+                            lambda iso_file: iso_file,
+                            multi_choice=False)
+    if not dd_iso:
+        return (None, None)
+    return ("/media/DD-search/" + dd_iso, "/media/DD-search")
 def dd_scan(skip_dds=None):
     """ Scan the system for OEMDRV devices and and specified by dd=/dev/<device>
@@ -564,6 +665,11 @@ def dd_scan(skip_dds=None):
         log.info("Checking devices %s" % ", ".join(dd_todo))
+    mount_point = None
+    if not dd_todo:
+        iso, mount_point = select_iso()
+        dd_todo.add(iso)
     # Process each Driver Disk, checking for new disks after each one
     while dd_todo:
         device = dd_todo.pop()
@@ -575,6 +681,7 @@ def dd_scan(skip_dds=None):
             log.info("Found new OEMDRV device(s) - %s" % ", ".join(new_oemdrv))
+    umount(mount_point)
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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