[blivet:rhel7/master 2/2] Lots of work on DeviceTree.hide (#1043763)

mulhern amulhern at redhat.com
Tue Feb 25 15:26:26 UTC 2014

Resolves: rhbz#1043763

The major changes are:

1) The lists of actions and devices to remove are calculated before any actions
or devices are removed. Removing actions can have side-effects
on their associated devices which can make subsequent calculations have errors.
2) The hide method is no longer itself recursive. The recursion interleaved
the discovery of what devices and actions to remove with their removal,
which was bad (see 1).
3) All logical volumes and physical volumes belonging to a volume group that
is being hidden are also hidden.
4) When a device is removed, the internal _removeDevice function is used.
Previously the device was just removed from the list of devices, and the
pyparted information was therefore not updated correctly.
5) When an action is removed, the cancelAction function is used. This function
removes the actions associated device using the _removeDevice method if the
action was a create method.
6) Devices that actually exist must be hidden instead of totally removed.
Some extra operations are performed on these devices, one of which is to undo
the removal of their names which occurs in self._removeDevices.
7) Some devices have no actions associated with them and so removing actions
doesn't affect them. However, some of them ought to be removed, for example
if they are disks that are not chosen on the storage spoke, so after actions
are removed any remaining devices that should be removed are.

Note: Probably the ideal situation would be to make _removeDevice take a flag
indicating whether it was hiding or totally removing. And, which is the
tricky part, to use that flag propertly wherever _removeDevice is called.

Signed-off-by: mulhern <amulhern at redhat.com>
 blivet/devicetree.py | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/blivet/devicetree.py b/blivet/devicetree.py
index 8a79f14..d36ef0c 100644
--- a/blivet/devicetree.py
+++ b/blivet/devicetree.py
@@ -386,6 +386,7 @@ class DeviceTree(object):
+        log.info("canceled action %s", action)
     def findActions(self, device=None, type=None, object=None, path=None,
@@ -1792,45 +1793,65 @@ class DeviceTree(object):
     def hide(self, device):
-        if device in self._hidden:
-            return
-        for d in self.getChildren(device):
-            self.hide(d)
-        log.info("hiding device %s %s (id %d)" % (device.type,
-                                                  device.name,
-                                                  device.id))
+        def hide_device(device):
+            """Do any special actions involved with hiding a device
+               after it has been removed.
+            """
+            log.info("hiding previously removed device %s", device)
+            self._hidden.append(device)
+            lvm.lvm_cc_addFilterRejectRegexp(device.name)
+            if isinstance(device, DASDDevice):
+                self.dasd.removeDASD(device)
+            if device.name not in self.names:
+                self.names.append(device.name)
+        def getDependents(device, seen=[]):
+            """Get all devices that depend on this device. Assumes that
+               the graph (where the nodes are devices and the edges are
+               dependency relationships) may contain cycles.
+               The device itself is included among its dependents.
+            """
+            seen = seen + [device]
+            dependents = self.getChildren(device)
+            if isinstance(device, LVMVolumeGroupDevice):
+                dependents += device.lvs + device.pvs
+            for d in dependents:
+                if not d in seen:
+                    seen = getDependents(d, seen)
+            return seen
+        def getDependentActions(devices):
+            """Get all actions that depend on the list of devices according
+               to the Device.dependsOn relationship.
+            """
+            cancels = []
+            for device in devices:
+                cancels += [ a for a in self._actions if a.device.dependsOn(device) or a.device == device ]
+            return list(set(cancels))
-        for action in reversed(self._actions):
-            if not action.device.dependsOn(device) and action.device != device:
-                continue
+        if device in self._hidden:
+            return
-            log.debug("cancelling action: %s" % action)
-            try:
-                action.cancel()
-            except Exception:
-                log.warning("failed to cancel action while hiding %s: %s"
-                            % (device.name, action))
-            finally:
-                self._actions.remove(action)
-        # XXX modifications that do not require actions, like setting a
-        #     mountpoint, will not be reversed here
-        # we're intentionally not modifying self.names here
-        self._devices.remove(device)
-        for parent in device.parents:
-            parent.removeChild()
+        dependents = getDependents(device)
+        cancels = getDependentActions(dependents)
-        if not device.exists:
-            return
+        # cancel all actions, starting from leaf actions
+        for action in [ a for a in reversed(self._actions) if a in cancels ]:
+            self.cancelAction(action)
-        self._hidden.append(device)
-        lvm.lvm_cc_addFilterRejectRegexp(device.name)
+        # remove dependent devices that were not removed by canceling actions
+        for device in [ d for d in dependents if d in self._devices ]:
+            self._removeDevice(device)
-        if isinstance(device, DASDDevice):
-            self.dasd.removeDASD(device)
+        # secret away devices that were removed that really exist
+        for device in [ d for d in dependents if d.exists ]:
+            hide_device(device)
     def unhide(self, device):
         # the hidden list should be in leaves-first order

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