[blivet:rhel7/master 3/4] Change messages to SanityExceptions objects (#1060255)

mulhern amulhern at redhat.com
Mon Feb 10 15:21:11 UTC 2014

Related: rhbz#1060255

Change string messages returned in sanityCheck tuple and in
_verifyLUKSDevicesHaveKey to Error objects.
The major purpose of this is to be able to distinguish and filter them.

Use object type to distinguish warning (SanityWarning) from errors
(SanityError) instead of passing back a pair of lists.

Also, got rid of that large chunk of commented out code, if we want it, we
know where to find it.

Signed-off-by: mulhern <amulhern at redhat.com>
 blivet/__init__.py | 122 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

diff --git a/blivet/__init__.py b/blivet/__init__.py
index ced62ef..65e988c 100644
--- a/blivet/__init__.py
+++ b/blivet/__init__.py
@@ -1462,7 +1462,7 @@ class Blivet(object):
            d.format.type == "luks" and \
            not d.format.exists and \
            not d.format.hasKey):
-            yield _("LUKS device %s has no encryption key") % (dev.name,)
+            yield LUKSDeviceWithoutKeyError(_("LUKS device %s has no encryption key") % (dev.name,))
     def sanityCheck(self):
         """ Run a series of tests to verify the storage configuration.
@@ -1471,12 +1471,14 @@ class Blivet(object):
             we can make sure you don't have anything silly (like no /,
             a really small /, etc).  Returns (errors, warnings) where
             each is a list of strings.
+            :rtype: a pair of lists of SanityErrors
+            :return: a pair of accumulated errors and warnings
-        warnings = []
-        errors = []
+        exns = []
         if not flags.installer_mode:
-            return (errors, warnings)
+            return exns
         checkSizes = [('/usr', 250), ('/tmp', 50), ('/var', 384),
                       ('/home', 100), ('/boot', 75)]
@@ -1493,13 +1495,15 @@ class Blivet(object):
         if root:
             if root.size < 250:
-                warnings.append(_("Your root partition is less than 250 "
+                exns.append(
+                   SanityWarning(_("Your root partition is less than 250 "
                                   "megabytes which is usually too small to "
-                                  "install %s.") % (productName,))
+                                  "install %s.") % (productName,)))
-            errors.append(_("You have not defined a root partition (/), "
+            exns.append(
+               SanityError(_("You have not defined a root partition (/), "
                             "which is required for installation of %s "
-                            "to continue.") % (productName,))
+                            "to continue.") % (productName,)))
         # Prevent users from installing on s390x with (a) no /boot volume, (b) the
         # root volume on LVM, and (c) the root volume not restricted to a single
@@ -1510,85 +1514,59 @@ class Blivet(object):
         # care.  --dcantrell
         if arch.isS390() and not self.mountpoints.has_key('/boot') and root:
             if root.type == 'lvmlv' and not root.singlePV:
-                errors.append(_("This platform requires /boot on a dedicated "
+                exns.append(
+                   SanityError(_("This platform requires /boot on a dedicated "
                                 "partition or logical volume.  If you do not "
                                 "want a /boot volume, you must place / on a "
-                                "dedicated non-LVM partition."))
+                                "dedicated non-LVM partition.")))
         # FIXME: put a check here for enough space on the filesystems. maybe?
         for (mount, size) in checkSizes:
             if mount in filesystems and filesystems[mount].size < size:
-                warnings.append(_("Your %(mount)s partition is less than "
+                exns.append(
+                   SanityWarning(_("Your %(mount)s partition is less than "
                                   "%(size)s megabytes which is lower than "
                                   "recommended for a normal %(productName)s "
                                 % {'mount': mount, 'size': size,
-                                   'productName': productName})
+                                   'productName': productName}))
         for (mount, device) in filesystems.items():
             problem = filesystems[mount].checkSize()
             if problem < 0:
-                errors.append(_("Your %(mount)s partition is too small for %(format)s formatting "
+                exns.append(
+                   SanityError(_("Your %(mount)s partition is too small for %(format)s formatting "
                                 "(allowable size is %(minSize)d MB to %(maxSize)d MB)")
                               % {"mount": mount, "format": device.format.name,
-                                 "minSize": device.minSize, "maxSize": device.maxSize})
+                                 "minSize": device.minSize, "maxSize": device.maxSize}))
             elif problem > 0:
-                errors.append(_("Your %(mount)s partition is too large for %(format)s formatting "
+                exns.append(
+                   SanityError(_("Your %(mount)s partition is too large for %(format)s formatting "
                                 "(allowable size is %(minSize)d MB to %(maxSize)d MB)")
                               % {"mount":mount, "format": device.format.name,
-                                 "minSize": device.minSize, "maxSize": device.maxSize})
-        # FIXME: this does not work, but probably should
-        """
-        usb_disks = []
-        firewire_disks = []
-        #for disk in self.disks:
-            if isys.driveUsesModule(disk.name, ["usb-storage", "ub"]):
-                usb_disks.append(disk)
-            elif isys.driveUsesModule(disk.name, ["sbp2", "firewire-sbp2"]):
-                firewire_disks.append(disk)
-        uses_usb = False
-        uses_firewire = False
-        for device in filesystems.values():
-            for disk in usb_disks:
-                if device.dependsOn(disk):
-                    uses_usb = True
-                    break
-            for disk in firewire_disks:
-                if device.dependsOn(disk):
-                    uses_firewire = True
-                    break
-        if uses_usb:
-            warnings.append(_("Installing on a USB device.  This may "
-                              "or may not produce a working system."))
-        if uses_firewire:
-            warnings.append(_("Installing on a FireWire device.  This may "
-                              "or may not produce a working system."))
-        """
+                                 "minSize": device.minSize, "maxSize": device.maxSize}))
         if self.bootloader and not self.bootloader.skip_bootloader:
             stage1 = self.bootloader.stage1_device
             if not stage1:
-                errors.append(_("you have not created a bootloader stage1 "
-                                "target device"))
+                exns.append(
+                   SanityError(_("you have not created a bootloader stage1 "
+                                "target device")))
-                errors.extend(self.bootloader.errors)
-                warnings.extend(self.bootloader.warnings)
+                exns.extend(SanityError(msg) for msg in self.bootloader.errors)
+                exns.extend(SanityWarning(msg) for msg in self.bootloader.warnings)
             stage2 = self.bootloader.stage2_device
             if not stage2:
-                errors.append(_("You have not created a bootable partition."))
+                exns.append(SanityError(_("You have not created a bootable partition.")))
-                errors.extend(self.bootloader.errors)
-                warnings.extend(self.bootloader.warnings)
+                exns.extend(SanityError(msg) for msg in self.bootloader.errors)
+                exns.extend(SanityWarning(msg) for msg in self.bootloader.warnings)
                 if not self.bootloader.check():
-                    errors.extend(self.bootloader.errors)
+                    exns.extend(SanityError(msg) for msg in self.bootloader.errors)
             # check that GPT boot disk on BIOS system has a BIOS boot partition
@@ -1603,52 +1581,58 @@ class Blivet(object):
                 if missing:
-                    errors.append(_("Your BIOS-based system needs a special "
+                    exns.append(
+                       SanityError(_("Your BIOS-based system needs a special "
                                     "partition to boot from a GPT disk label. "
                                     "To continue, please create a 1MB "
-                                    "'biosboot' type partition."))
+                                    "'biosboot' type partition.")))
         if not swaps:
             installed = Size(spec="%s kb" % util.total_memory())
             required = Size(spec="%s kb" % isys.EARLY_SWAP_RAM)
             if installed < required:
-                errors.append(_("You have not specified a swap partition.  "
+                exns.append(
+                   SanityError(_("You have not specified a swap partition.  "
                                 "%(requiredMem)s MB of memory is required to continue installation "
                                 "without a swap partition, but you only have %(installedMem)s MB.")
                               % {"requiredMem": int(required.convertTo(spec="MB")),
-                                 "installedMem": int(installed.convertTo(spec="MB"))})
+                                 "installedMem": int(installed.convertTo(spec="MB"))}))
-                warnings.append(_("You have not specified a swap partition.  "
+                exns.append(
+                   SanityWarning(_("You have not specified a swap partition.  "
                                   "Although not strictly required in all cases, "
                                   "it will significantly improve performance "
-                                  "for most installations."))
+                                  "for most installations.")))
         no_uuid = [s for s in swaps if s.format.exists and not s.format.uuid]
         if no_uuid:
-            warnings.append(_("At least one of your swap devices does not have "
+            exns.append(
+               SanityWarning(_("At least one of your swap devices does not have "
                               "a UUID, which is common in swap space created "
                               "using older versions of mkswap. These devices "
                               "will be referred to by device path in "
                               "/etc/fstab, which is not ideal since device "
                               "paths can change under a variety of "
-                              "circumstances. "))
+                              "circumstances. ")))
         for (mountpoint, dev) in filesystems.items():
             if mountpoint in mustbeonroot:
-                errors.append(_("This mount point is invalid.  The %s directory must "
-                                "be on the / file system.") % mountpoint)
+                exns.append(
+                   SanityError(_("This mount point is invalid.  The %s directory must "
+                                "be on the / file system.") % mountpoint))
             if mountpoint in mustbeonlinuxfs and (not dev.format.mountable or not dev.format.linuxNative):
-                errors.append(_("The mount point %s must be on a linux file system.") % mountpoint)
+                exns.append(
+                   SanityError(_("The mount point %s must be on a linux file system.") % mountpoint))
         if self.rootDevice and self.rootDevice.format.exists:
             e = self.mustFormat(self.rootDevice)
             if e:
-                errors.append(e)
+                exns.append(SanityError(e))
-        errors += self._verifyLUKSDevicesHaveKey()
+        exns += self._verifyLUKSDevicesHaveKey()
-        return (errors, warnings)
+        return exns
     def isProtected(self, device):
         """ Return True is the device is protected. """

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