[anaconda:rhel7/master 0/8] Don't rebuke user for not having set a password until we actually give them a chance to

mulhern amulhern at redhat.com
Fri Feb 7 15:00:29 UTC 2014

There was a previous bug, where kickstart install didn't stop to prompt for a
LUKS password because sanityCheck didn't check if one was there. Unfortunately,
in GUI there are places where sanityCheck is called before user has a chance
to set a password and sometimes before there is any reason even to give them
a chance without making them extremely busy knocking down password dialogs.

I admit I'm still deeply in favor of making prompting for LUKS password have
nothing to do with flow through custom and storage screens. A separate hardware
security hub is still an exciting idea to me. Alternatively, if they check
encrypt checkbox, enable a button "Set LUKS Password" which they can click at
any time, but must have clicked before leaving storage spoke.

Requires some blivet changes, will bump version as appropriate.

The breakdown is:
Removed unused...trivial.
Add sanityCheck...pretty mechanical.
Adapt StorageChecker class...pretty mechanical.
Adapt to new blivet.sanityCheck()...pretty mechanical.
Do not consider no available...a real change, here.
Remove some unnecessary resets...a simple change, but I may be wrong.
Handle LUKS passphrase...pretty important, but fairly obvious, I think. The
important addition is actually setting the passphrase on the format object
where necessary.
Make sure LUKS devices can...this is important, because not only must we
prompt for a passphrase before sanity checking, but also we must actually
set the value for the luks format device.

mulhern (8):
  Removed unused ErrorRecoveryFailure import (#1060255)
  Add sanityCheck functionality back into AutoPart.execute() (#1060255)
  Adapt StorageChecker class for changed return type of sanityCheck
  Adapt to new blivet.sanityCheck() return type (#1060255)
  Do not consider no available LUKS passphrase an error in do_autopart
  Remove some unnecessary resets (#1060255)
  Handle LUKS passphrase before doing sanity check (#1060255)
  Make sure LUKS devices can say they have a key (#1060255)

 pyanaconda/kickstart.py             |  2 ++
 pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/custom.py  | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/storage.py | 22 ++++++++++----
 pyanaconda/ui/tui/spokes/storage.py | 10 ++++---
 4 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)


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