[PATCH rhel7-branch] Allow specifying an environment in the kickstart file (#1050994).

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Tue Feb 4 15:26:17 UTC 2014

> I'm worried about overloading the group syntax instead of using the
> @^ environment group yum syntax uses, since we're going to end up
> with a group and an environment with the same ID at some point. RHEL
> makes me especially nervous, since they don't always follow the
> convention of using -environment in the environment IDs there. Yum
> makes no attempt to look up environments when you give it @whatever,
> so I think we should stick with that.

Sigh, yes, I can redo this to use some silly @^ syntax I don't remember
anyone ever talking to me about.  It just means I get to clone the bug
for pykickstart and track down approval for that too.

If you note, I'm not assuming "-environment" anywhere, just looking up
to see if a group is in the environments list or not.

- Chris

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