[master 0/4] Poke at iutil.execReadlines

Vratislav Podzimek vpodzime at redhat.com
Wed Aug 13 08:48:11 UTC 2014

On Tue, 2014-08-12 at 09:36 -0400, David Shea wrote:
> On 08/12/2014 02:59 AM, Vratislav Podzimek wrote:
> > On Fri, 2014-08-08 at 15:32 -0400, David Shea wrote:
> >> Maybe this is why anaconda-yum gets stuck sometimes? I don't know. I just
> >> figure a thread can't starve if there ain't no thread, so this gets rid of
> >> a thread and adds some tests to make sure I didn't break things too badly.
> > I still don't understand the reason for removing the thread. I think it
> > is better to just pull out the output of the process and let it
> > terminate ASAP even if our processing takes longer. Is it only because
> > it's simpler and easier to debug or python's problematic signal
> > handling?
> Well, from the other side of things, I don't understand what the thread 
> and queue gains us. There's already a buffer between the parent and the 
> child inherent to using pipes, and if we want we can use (or relative to 
> this patch, go back to using, and setting bufsize back to 1 probably 
> wouldn't be the worst idea) the additional buffer within the Popen 
> object. From the standpoint of the child, unless it fills that kernel 
> buffer (4k? 8k? one of those I think) and is blocking on write, from 
> it's point of view it's done with the output. Using an additional thread 
> doesn't get it out of the child any faster, it just copies it do a 
> different buffer faster.
> > Which brings me to another question -- what happens if our code doesn't
> > read all the output from the process? Does it even terminate? We should
> > have a test case for that as well as I think it is a completely valid,
> > useful and used usecase (use, use, use :)).
> This is kind of one of those grey areas, but either the output will be 
> hanging out in kernel buffer land and we read it without any problems, 
> or the read fails with EPIPE and that gets translated into an OSError. 
> Setting the bufsize back to 1 would be a good idea in light of this to 
> avoid problems reading the last line before the process exits.
> As far as the process terminating, unless the write is blocked, which is 
> unlikely, then yes, of course it does.
I'm not entirely sure how these things work so let me explain my thoughs
and concerns about it:

The way it worked with a thread looked to me like a traditional
multi-thread approach where a thread is used to offload the I/O from the
main processing thread. A question is if this really does any difference
in Python, but since it's I/O it probably should. Another question is if
using generator and yield doesn't do the same as far as waiting for I/O
goes. But probably even more important feature was that our thread read
all the output from the child process and put it into a queue with no
limitted size (I know this could be an issue, but we don't run things
like 'yes') and the child process could terminate without getting
SIGPIPE, blocking on the output or anything like that.

With the thread gone I think the child process now has to wait for us to
process the output line by line (so that it can pass more data to us) if
the size of the output exceeds the pipe buffer in the kernel. And if
that happens and in the same time we find what we were looking for and
stop processing lines from the child process, I think it may even not
terminate when the generator goes out of scope. That would need testing,
maybe when the generator goes out of scope -> the Popen is discarded ->
the child process is killed, I don't know. Setting bufsize to 1 could
only make these things worse, I think.

I didn't know about the buffer in Popen so that might eliminate my
concern if it is big enough. Still I don't understand what is the issue
with the thread. Our code is using a really common and frequently used
pattern for processing I/O data. If there is an issue with the signals
or something like that, I'm definitely for removing the thread and
possibly keeping an eye on the bufsizes so that they are big enough to
prevent any troubles.

Vratislav Podzimek

Anaconda Rider | RHCE | Red Hat, Inc. | Brno - Czech Republic

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