[blivet:master 0/5] Blivet import cleanup

Vratislav Podzimek vpodzime at redhat.com
Tue Apr 8 08:19:17 UTC 2014

On Mon, 2014-04-07 at 18:40 -0400, mulhern wrote:
> Pylint inspired import cleanups. Turns out that relative imports are necessary 
> since blivet.__init__.py imports just about everything in the blivet package. 
These all look good to me. However, I think there are two more things
that should be done ASAP:
1. drop "udev_" from all the udev_* functions' names

2. do what I did with the pyanaconda/__init__.py module to
blivet/__init__.py --> move the code to blivet/blivet.py or something
like that and leave the __init__.py (almost) empty just have blivet as a
valid python package.

Vratislav Podzimek

Anaconda Rider | Red Hat, Inc. | Brno - Czech Republic

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