[PATCH 02/10] Run the pre-commit hook on content staged for commit

David Shea dshea at redhat.com
Wed Sep 25 18:21:46 UTC 2013

Changed the pylint Module output so that it's more clear what file is
being checked. Added an option to runpylint.sh to manually set the
filename to display.
 scripts/githooks/pre-commit | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 tests/pylint/runpylint.sh   | 16 ++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/githooks/pre-commit b/scripts/githooks/pre-commit
index 1528793..a3307b9 100755
--- a/scripts/githooks/pre-commit
+++ b/scripts/githooks/pre-commit
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import os
 import sys
+import tempfile
 from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
 def is_python(filename):
@@ -14,11 +15,11 @@ def is_python(filename):
         return True
-        with open(filename) as testfile:
-            if testfile.readline().startswith("#!/usr/bin/python"):
-                return True
-    except IOError:
-        pass
+        s = check_output(["git", "show", (":%s" % filename)]).splitlines()
+        if s and s[0].startswith("#!/usr/bin/python"):
+            return True
+    except CalledProcessError:
+        sys.exit(1)
     return False
@@ -37,24 +38,44 @@ except CalledProcessError:
 pylint_files = []
 # Lines look like: :100755 100755 2cf57974e13a2aae778e28f942a4d44bf6567409 6fe1b6caf32d565b2cdb6d1aee250aaddc6d3a04 M      tests/pylint/runpylint.sh
 for gf in git_files.splitlines():
-    path = gf.split()[-1]
-    if is_python(path):
-        pylint_files.append(path)
+    fields = gf.split()
+    # If the file is being removed, ignore it
+    if fields[4] == 'D':
+        continue
+    elif is_python(fields[-1]):
+        pylint_files.append(fields[-1])
 if not pylint_files:
-pylint_files = " ".join(pylint_files)
 # Make sure pykickstart and blivet can be found
 # Note that if the checked out versions are too far off pylint may fail
 env = os.environ.copy()
+# Make a list of tuples of (filename, tempfile) where the tempfile
+# contains the file as staged for commit.
+pylint_commits = []
+for pylint_file in pylint_files:
+    commit = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+    try:
+        commit.write(check_output(["git", "show", (":%s" % pylint_file)]))
+    except CalledProcessError:
+        sys.exit(1)
+    commit.flush()
+    pylint_commits.append((pylint_file, commit))
 print "Running pylint on %s" % pylint_files
-    check_output("./tests/pylint/runpylint.sh %s" % pylint_files, shell=True, env=env)
-except CalledProcessError as e:
-    print e.output
+success = True
+for commit in pylint_commits:
+    try:
+        check_output(["./tests/pylint/runpylint.sh", "--displayname", commit[0], commit[1].name])
+    except CalledProcessError as e:
+        print e.output
+        success = False
+if not success:
diff --git a/tests/pylint/runpylint.sh b/tests/pylint/runpylint.sh
index 1396d33..c943900 100755
--- a/tests/pylint/runpylint.sh
+++ b/tests/pylint/runpylint.sh
@@ -47,16 +47,21 @@ DISABLED_ERR_OPTIONS="--disable=E1103"
 usage () {
-  echo "usage: `basename $0` [--strict] [--help] [files...]"
+  echo "usage: `basename $0` [--strict] [--help] [--displayname NAME] [files...]"
   exit $1
 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
   case $1 in
+    --displayname)
+      DISPLAYNAME="$2"
+      shift
+      ;;
       usage 0
@@ -86,6 +91,12 @@ if [ -z "$FILES" ]; then
     FILES="$(find "${top_srcdir}"/{anaconda,pyanaconda,tests,widgets,utils,scripts} -type f \( -name '*.py' -o -exec awk -e 'NR==1 { if ($0 ~ /^#!\/usr\/bin\/python/) exit 0; else exit 1; }' -e 'END { if (NR == 0) exit 1; }' {} \; \) -print)"
 for i in $FILES; do
+  if [ -z "$DISPLAYNAME" ]; then
+      _DISPLAYNAME="$i"
+  else
+  fi
   if [ -n "$(echo "$i" | grep 'pyanaconda/packaging/dnfpayload.py$')" ]; then
@@ -104,6 +115,9 @@ for i in $FILES; do
   # I0011 is the informational "Locally disabling ...." message
   if [ -n "$(echo "$pylint_output" | fgrep -v '************* Module ' |\
           grep -v '^I0011:')" ]; then
+      # Replace the Module line with the actual filename
+      pylint_output="$(echo "$pylint_output" | sed "s|\* Module .*|* Module $_DISPLAYNAME|")"
       if [ "$pylint_log" -ne 0 ]; then
           echo "$pylint_output" >> pylint-log

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