[PATCH 2/2] Move all languages found by geoip to the top in Welcome spoke

Martin Kolman mkolman at redhat.com
Thu Sep 12 10:55:04 UTC 2013

There might be more languages used in a territory detected by GeoIP
and while anaconda preselects the most probable one, it has been
noted during the usability testing that even the less probable
languages should be also highlighted.

Therefore, all languages from geoip we have translations for
are now moved to the top of the language list in Welcome spoke,
above the separator. The most likely language is still on the top
of the list and is preselected.

Also for the given territory preselect the correct locale variant.
EXAMPLE: For the GB territory, the language should be preset to English
and the Locale to English(UK).

Signed-off-by: Martin Kolman <mkolman at redhat.com>
 pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.py | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.py b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.py
index 79efdd2..7647d92 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/welcome.py
@@ -165,35 +165,59 @@ class WelcomeLanguageSpoke(LangLocaleHandler, StandaloneSpoke):
         # to preselect the translation, when it's available.
         territory = geoloc.get_territory_code(wait=True)
-        locales = localization.get_territory_locales(territory)
-        if locales and not (self.data.lang.lang and self.data.lang.seen):
-            # get something from the GeoIP lookup and not set in/on the
-            # kickstart/command line
-            localization.setup_locale(locales[0], self.data.lang)
-        # Move the default language (whatever was provided on the command line,
-        # or by kickstart, or by geoip, or English if nothing else) to the top
-        # of the list and select it by default.  People find it confusing to be
-        # dropped into the middle of a scrollable list.
-        lang_itr, locale_itr = self._select_locale(self.data.lang.lang)
-        if not lang_itr or not locale_itr:
-            log.error("Failed to select language %s, using the default %s",
-                      self.data.lang.lang, DEFAULT_LANG)
-            lang_itr, locale_itr = self._select_locale(DEFAULT_LANG)
-            self.data.lang.lang = DEFAULT_LANG
+        # bootopts and kickstart have priority over geoip
+        if self.data.lang.lang and self.data.lang.seen:
+            locales = [self.data.lang.lang]
+        else:
+            locales = localization.get_territory_locales(territory) or [DEFAULT_LANG]
+        # get the data models
         filter_store = self._languageStoreFilter
-        # filtered store and lang_itr is an iter on it.  We need to
-        # convert to an iter on the underlying store.
-        itr = filter_store.convert_iter_to_child_iter(lang_itr)
         store = filter_store.get_model()
-        store.move_after(itr, None)
-        # And then we add a separator after the default chosen language.
-        newItr = store.insert(1)
+        # get language codes for the locales
+        langs = [localization.parse_langcode(locale)['language'] for locale in locales]
+        # check which of the geolocated languages have translations
+        # and store the iterators for those languages in a dictionary
+        langs_with_translations = {}
+        itr = store.get_iter_first()
+        while itr:
+            row_lang = store[itr][2]
+            if row_lang in langs:
+                langs_with_translations[row_lang] = itr
+            itr = store.iter_next(itr)
+        # if there are no translations for the given locales,
+        # use default
+        if not langs_with_translations:
+            localization.setup_locale(DEFAULT_LANG, self.data.lang)
+            lang_itr, locale_itr = self._select_locale(self.data.lang.lang)
+            langs_with_translations[DEFAULT_LANG] = lang_itr
+            locales = [DEFAULT_LANG]
+        # go over all geolocated languages in reverse order
+        # and move those we have translation for to the top of the
+        # list, above the separator
+        for lang in reversed(langs):
+            itr = langs_with_translations.get(lang)
+            if itr:
+                store.move_after(itr, None)
+            else:
+                # we don't have translation for this language,
+                # so dump all locales for it
+                locales = [l for l in locales
+                           if localization.parse_langcode(l)['language'] != lang]
+        # And then we add a separator after the selected best language
+        # and any additional languages (that have translations) from geoip
+        newItr = store.insert(len(langs_with_translations))
         store.set(newItr, 0, "", 1, "", 2, "", 3, True)
+        # setup the "best" locale
+        localization.setup_locale(locales[0], self.data.lang)
+        self._select_locale(self.data.lang.lang)
     def _retranslate_one(self, widgetName):
         widget = self.builder.get_object(widgetName)
         if not widget:

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