[master] Test for and fix gettext problems

David Shea dshea at redhat.com
Tue Sep 10 16:10:12 UTC 2013

The first patch adds a test that will fail if xgettext displays warnings while
processing anything in POTFILES. The warnings about undetected language types
are fixed in the second patch, and the warnings about unparameterized strings
are fixed in the third.

The second patch also fixes our handling of glade files. xgettext sort of
supports glade but doesn't very well with glade3, and for that reason we had
some makefile rules to use intltool to extract strings. Except we were only
looking for glade files in one directory and then never using the generated
headers. This fixes that.

I reorganized POTFILES.in a little bit, so the .pot file will look it changed
it a lot because all of the anaconda strings are at the bottom now. The filename
comments in the .pot should be the same for the files that force a language in
Rules-extract (anaconda, data/liveinst/gnome/fedora-welcome), but it will
change for the files that switch to intltool generated headers (*.glade,

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