[PATCH 1/4] Change the timezone filename format.

Vratislav Podzimek vpodzime at redhat.com
Wed Nov 6 07:50:48 UTC 2013

On Tue, 2013-11-05 at 17:01 -0500, David Shea wrote:
> We don't need to use floating point to figure out the names of the
> timzeone graphics, because we control the names of the timezone
> graphics. Changed the offsets from a double number of hours offset from
> UTC to a long number of seconds offset from UTC, which conveniently
> matches the output of tz_location_get_utc_offset.
To be honest, I don't like this change because it means we can no longer
update the pixmaps easily from the "upstream" (Gnome Control Center)
repository. Or is it still trivial? If not, could you please at least
pull the latest pixmaps before this change?

Vratislav Podzimek

Anaconda Rider | Red Hat, Inc. | Brno - Czech Republic

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