Text UI amendments

Vratislav Podzimek vpodzime at redhat.com
Fri May 17 13:52:08 UTC 2013

On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 11:54 -0400, Samantha N. Bueno wrote:
> The first patch is fairly self-explanatory and just adds 'software' to
> the spoke category list in the summary hub, since there is soon to be a
> software spoke.
> The second patch is a pretty rudimentary method of blocking users from
> entering a spoke if its "ready" status returns False, and simply
> refreshes the screen. Since each spoke handles what to check in order to
> determine readiness, this seemed to me the simplest way to determining
> whether to block access to a spoke.
> This patch also adds an ability to refresh the sumary hub (pressing r).
> Threads mean spoke status messages will change. Since we can't update
> the screen dynamically, this is the next best way to reflect updates in
> status messages.
> The third and fourth patches add the ability to select software and
> specify an installation source repo, respectively. Right now, users can
> only select what DE to install (almost through adding ability to select
> addons though.
Apart from the minor comments and one question these look good to me.
Thanks for working on this!

Vratislav Podzimek

Anaconda Rider | Red Hat, Inc. | Brno - Czech Republic

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