Text UI amendments

Samantha N. Bueno sbueno+anaconda at redhat.com
Thu May 16 15:54:50 UTC 2013

The first patch is fairly self-explanatory and just adds 'software' to
the spoke category list in the summary hub, since there is soon to be a
software spoke.

The second patch is a pretty rudimentary method of blocking users from
entering a spoke if its "ready" status returns False, and simply
refreshes the screen. Since each spoke handles what to check in order to
determine readiness, this seemed to me the simplest way to determining
whether to block access to a spoke.
This patch also adds an ability to refresh the sumary hub (pressing r).
Threads mean spoke status messages will change. Since we can't update
the screen dynamically, this is the next best way to reflect updates in
status messages.

The third and fourth patches add the ability to select software and
specify an installation source repo, respectively. Right now, users can
only select what DE to install (almost through adding ability to select
addons though.

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