[PATCH 2/3] Move datetime spoke initialization into its own thread, too.

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Thu Mar 28 15:37:23 UTC 2013

> Does this really change anything? Cause if I'm not wrong, using the
> @gtk_thread_wait decorator makes the _initialize method run in the main
> loop, thus in the main thread. I believe the code changing the Gtk
> widgets (not stores etc.) should be put in a separate function decorated
> with @gtk_thread_nowait (because the thread doesn't have to wait for
> these actions to finish).

If I leave everything else as it was in the patch, but remove the
decorator from _initialize and mark add_to_store as gtk_action_nowait,
the time from betanag dialog to hub displayed is under one second on my
thoroughly unscientific testing.  It might even be under half a second.

So that's definitely an improvement.

- Chris

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