Move journal to disk once we have disks

Will Woods wwoods at
Wed Mar 13 00:50:07 UTC 2013

Here is an untested patch to move the journal to the target disk as soon as
it's available! I'm presenting it for discussion early, because there were a
couple things I wondered about:

1) Is Payload.preInstall() the right place for this?

As far as I can tell this is the earliest place where we're sure we have the
target disk mounted. But I feel odd about putting something that really isn't
packaging-related into packaging/*.py.

Is this reasonable, or should we be creating other plugin-type hooks for this
sort of thing?

2) Why is 99-copy-logs.ks so weird?

It could easily be 3 lines long:

  cp /tmp/{syslog,*.log} $LOGDIR
  chmod 0600 $LOGDIR/{syslog,*.log}

except for some reason we change the filenames.. for *some* logs. Like:

  /tmp/X.log       -> /var/log/anaconda/anaconda.xlog
  /tmp/program.log -> /var/log/anaconda/anaconda.program.log

I suspect the double 'anaconda/anaconda.' junk comes from when we didn't used
to copy the logs to their own directory. So should we clean this up? Or does
something REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT need those exact log names?


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