[PATCH][pykickstart] Add support for lvm thin provisioning.

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Thu Jun 27 21:17:54 UTC 2013

> > +        if self.thin_volume:
> > +            retval += " --thin --poolname=%s" % self.pool_name
> If pool_name is empty somehow is it going to cause problems to have
> --poolname=
> I'm not sure how the parser handles that.

This is protected against in the parse function where it checks that
there's a self.pool_name if self.thin_volume is set.  So from that
angle, everything's fine.

However, it's important to remember there's two ways to use pykickstart:

(1) You can feed it strings/files and it will process them and give you
objects back.  That's what all the parsing related functions are for.

(2) You can create the objects yourself and then later tell pykickstart
to spit out a string/file for you.  In this case, you bypass all the
parsing related code, including the sanity checking.  So from this
angle, the above will generate an invalid kickstart file.

- Chris

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