[master][PATCH] Add automatic fetching of RPMs for new Defines & Requires

Martin Kolman mkolman at redhat.com
Thu Jul 25 09:35:50 UTC 2013

When the -f or --fetch flag is used, the Anaconda spec file
diff will be checked for new packages specified with Defines and
Requires and will then automatically download and include RPMs
belonging to those packages in the updates image.
The RPMs are cached locally (in the ~/.anaconda_updates_rpm_cache folder)
and are not downloaded again on the next run.
Architecture selection is supported by specifying the architecture
(for example i686 or x86_64) as an argument to the -f flag.

Signed-off-by: Martin Kolman <mkolman at redhat.com>
 scripts/makeupdates | 208 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 206 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/makeupdates b/scripts/makeupdates
index f1d6ecc..dddc51c 100755
--- a/scripts/makeupdates
+++ b/scripts/makeupdates
@@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ import os
 import shutil
 import subprocess
 import sys
+import re
+import glob
+import urlgrabber
+import urlgrabber.progress
+RPM_FOLDER_NAME = "~/.anaconda_updates_rpm_cache"
+KOJI_BASE_URL = "http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//packages/" \
+                "%(toplevel_name)s/%(toplevel_version)s/%(release)s/%(arch)s/%(rpm_name)s"
 def getArchiveTag(configure, spec):
     tag = ""
@@ -82,6 +91,19 @@ def getArchiveTagOffset(configure, spec, offset):
     except IndexError:
         return tag
+def get_anaconda_version():
+    """Get current anaconda version as string from the configure script"""
+    f = open("configure.ac", "rc")
+    match = re.search(r"AC_INIT\(\[.*\],\ \[(.*)\],\ \[.*\]\)", f.read())
+    f.close()
+    return match.groups()[0]
+def get_fedora_version():
+    """Return integer representing current Fedora number,
+    based on Anaconda version"""
+    anaconda_version = get_anaconda_version()
+    return int(anaconda_version.split(".")[0])
 def doGitDiff(tag, args=[]):
     proc = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'diff', '--name-status', tag] + args,
@@ -90,6 +112,27 @@ def doGitDiff(tag, args=[]):
     lines = proc[0].split('\n')
     return lines
+def doGitContentDiff(tag, args=[]):
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'diff', tag] + args,
+                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
+    lines = proc[0].split('\n')
+    return lines
+def download_with_progress(url, path):
+    try:
+        prog = urlgrabber.progress.text_progress_meter()
+        urlgrabber.urlgrab(url, filename=path, progress_obj=prog)
+        return True
+    except Exception:
+        return None
+def create_RPM_cache_folder():
+    """Create RPM package cache folder if it does not already exist"""
+    if not os.path.exists(RPM_FOLDER_NAME):
+        os.makedirs(RPM_FOLDER_NAME)
 def copyUpdatedFiles(tag, updates, cwd):
     def pruneFile(src, names):
         lst = []
@@ -281,6 +324,153 @@ def createUpdatesImage(cwd, updates):
     os.system("find . | cpio -c -o | gzip -9cv > %s/updates.img" % (cwd,))
     sys.stdout.write("updates.img ready\n")
+def check_for_new_packages(tag, arch):
+    """Download any new packages added to Requires and Defines
+    since the given tag, return list of RPM paths
+    """
+    new_packages = {}
+    second_pass = []
+    diff = doGitContentDiff(tag, ["anaconda.spec.in"])
+    new_requires = filter(lambda x: x.startswith("+Requires:"), diff)
+    new_defines = filter(lambda x: x.startswith("+%define"), diff)
+    # parse all new requires and defines for package name and version
+    # parse requires
+    for req in new_requires:
+        package = req.split()[1]
+        version = req.split().pop()
+        # handle version variables (%{package-namever})
+        if version.startswith("%"):
+            # drop the %{ prefix and ver} suffix
+            version_var = version[2:-4]
+            second_pass.append((package, version_var))
+        else:
+            new_packages[package] = version
+    for define in new_defines:
+        # second word & split the "ver" suffix
+        package = define.split()[1][:-3]
+        version = define.split()[2]
+        new_packages[package] = version
+    # resolve version variables against already added packages
+    # TODO: handle links to packages that were not added in the diff
+    for package, versions_var in second_pass:
+        version = new_packages.get(versions_var, None)
+        if version:
+            new_packages[package] = version
+    # parse defines
+    if new_packages:
+        print("found %d new packages in Defines and Requires" %
+              len(new_packages))
+    else:
+        print("no new Defines or Requires found")
+        return []
+    # make sure the RPM cache folder exists
+    create_RPM_cache_folder()
+    fedora_number = get_fedora_version()
+    # remove available packages from the list
+    new_packages, include_rpms = remove_local_packages(new_packages, arch)
+    # generate URLs for packages that are not locally available
+    urls = get_koji_URLS(new_packages, fedora_number, arch)
+    # download the Koji URLs
+    for url, filename in urls:
+        # append the RPM cache folder to the filename
+        download_path = os.path.join(RPM_FOLDER_NAME, filename)
+        if download_with_progress(url, download_path):
+            # add successfully downloads to the RPM inclusion list
+            include_rpms.append(download_path)
+    return map(lambda x: os.path.abspath(x), include_rpms)
+def remove_local_packages(packages, arch):
+    """Remove locally available RPMs from the list of needed packages,
+    return locally unavailable packages and paths to relevant locally
+    available RPMs for inclusion"""
+    # list all package names and version for the RPMs already in cache
+    folder_glob = os.path.join(RPM_FOLDER_NAME, "*.rpm")
+    folder_glob = os.path.abspath(folder_glob)
+    include_rpms = []
+    # only check RPMs that are either noarch or built for the
+    # currently specified architecture
+    allowed = ("noarch.rpm", "%s.rpm" % arch)
+    relevant_rpms = [x for x in glob.glob(folder_glob) if x.endswith(allowed)]
+    # iterate over all relevant cached RPMs and check if they are needed
+    for rpm_path in relevant_rpms:
+        proc = subprocess.Popen(['rpm', '-qp', '--queryformat',
+                                '%{NAME} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE}', rpm_path],
+                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                stderr=None)
+        proc_output = proc.communicate()
+        if proc.returncode != 0:
+            continue
+        name, version, release = proc_output[0].split()
+        # add the build number, extracted from release
+        version_build = "%s-%s" % (version, release.split(".")[0])
+        # check if the package is needed
+        if name in packages:
+            requested_version = packages[name]
+            # handle versions with build number and without it
+            if requested_version == version_build or requested_version == version:
+                include_rpms.append(rpm_path)
+                del packages[name]
+    # return only those packages that are not locally available
+    if include_rpms:
+        print("%d RPMs found locally:" % len(include_rpms))
+    else:
+        print("no packages found locally")
+    for rpm in include_rpms:
+        print(os.path.basename(rpm))
+    return packages, include_rpms
+def get_koji_URLS(packages, fedora_number, arch):
+    """Get RPM download URLs for given packages and Fedora version,
+    return URLS and RPM filenames
+    """
+    url_filename = []
+    import koji
+    kojiclient = koji.ClientSession('http://koji.fedoraproject.org/kojihub', {})
+    for name, version in packages.iteritems():
+        # check if version contains build number or not
+        if len(version.split("-")) == 1:
+            version = "%s-*" % version
+        package_glob = "%s-%s.fc%d.*.rpm" % (name, version, fedora_number)
+        print("searching for %s in Koji" % package_glob)
+        results = kojiclient.search(package_glob, "rpm", "glob")
+        # leave only results that are either noarch or are built
+        # for the current architecture
+        allowed = ("noarch.rpm", "%s.rpm" % arch)
+        results = [x for x in results if x['name'].endswith(allowed)]
+        if results:  # any packages left ?
+            package_metadata = {}
+            rpm_name = results[0]['name']
+            package_metadata['rpm_name'] = rpm_name
+            print("RPM found: %s" % rpm_name)
+            rpm_id = results[0]['id']
+            # get info about the RPM to
+            # get the arch and build_id
+            result = kojiclient.getRPM(rpm_id)
+            package_metadata['arch'] = result['arch']
+            package_metadata['release'] = result['release']
+            build_id = result['build_id']
+            # so we can get the toplevel package name and version
+            result = kojiclient.getBuild(build_id)
+            package_metadata['toplevel_name'] = result['package_name']
+            package_metadata['toplevel_version'] = result['version']
+            # and use the information to build the URL
+            url = KOJI_BASE_URL % package_metadata
+            # simple, isn't it ? :)
+            url_filename.append((url, rpm_name))
+    return url_filename
 def usage(cmd):
     sys.stdout.write("Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" % (cmd,))
@@ -290,6 +480,8 @@ def usage(cmd):
     sys.stdout.write("    -t, --tag        Make image from TAG to HEAD.\n")
     sys.stdout.write("    -o, --offset     Make image from (latest_tag - OFFSET) to HEAD.\n")
     sys.stdout.write("    -a, --add        Add contents of rpm to the update\n")
+    sys.stdout.write("    -f, --fetch      Autofetch new dependencies from Koji for ARCH\n")
+    sys.stdout.write("                     (cached in ~/.anaconda_updates_rpm_cache)\n")
 def main(argv):
     prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
@@ -302,11 +494,13 @@ def main(argv):
     opts = []
     offset = 0
     add_rpms = []
+    fetch = False
+    arch = None
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'a:t:o:kc?',
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'a:t:f:o:kc?',
                                    ['add=', 'tag=', 'offset=',
-                                    'keep', 'compile', 'help'])
+                                    'keep', 'compile', 'help', 'fetch='])
     except getopt.GetoptError:
         help = True
@@ -323,6 +517,12 @@ def main(argv):
             offset = int(a)
         elif o in ('-a', '--add'):
+        elif o in ('-f', '--fetch'):
+            fetch = True
+            if a == "":
+                help = True
+            else:
+                arch = a
             unknown = True
@@ -357,6 +557,10 @@ def main(argv):
         if widgetsChanged(tag):
             copyUpdatedWidgets(updates, cwd)
+    if fetch:
+        rpm_paths = check_for_new_packages(tag, arch)
+        add_rpms.extend(rpm_paths)
     if add_rpms:
         addRpms(updates, add_rpms)

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