[PATCH] Verify user ready to proceed with installation in TUI. (#975793)

Samantha N. Bueno sbueno+anaconda at redhat.com
Tue Jul 23 14:05:50 UTC 2013

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 09:17:23AM -0400, Chris Lumens wrote:
> > Another for rhel7-branch as well.
> > 
> > I feel like a better-worded message could be shown to users, so please
> > feel free to offer suggestions.
> The GUI doesn't have a confirmation dialog.  I don't like introducing
> this kind of inconsistency - especially after how much time we spent
> trying to avoid confirmation dialogs.  Could we not instead change the
> label for the continue option, perhaps to "Begin Installation", same as
> the GUI?

The same prompt is shown in every spoke, and the continue option is
needed in all of them to proceed/finish and return back to the main hub
once actions are completed. So, it wouldn't be a good idea to turn that
into "begin installation".

In my response to bcl I included a screenshot with a new option added in
the prompt ('s' to start installation, though in the interest of
consistency it could be 'b' to begin installation, now that I think
about it):

I liked the idea of a yes/no dialog, but I am fine with dropping it.


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