[PATCH 5/5] Remove the old cmdline and script interfaces.

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Tue Jan 15 18:44:33 UTC 2013

These have all been merged with the new text interface.
 po/POTFILES.in                        |   1 -
 pyanaconda/cmdline.py                 | 193 ----------------------------
 pyanaconda/script.py                  |  55 --------
 tests/pyanaconda_test/cmdline_test.py | 230 ----------------------------------
 4 files changed, 479 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 pyanaconda/cmdline.py
 delete mode 100644 pyanaconda/script.py
 delete mode 100644 tests/pyanaconda_test/cmdline_test.py

diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index 7ff9548..1d7e264 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 # Main anaconda source files
diff --git a/pyanaconda/cmdline.py b/pyanaconda/cmdline.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 310ec38..0000000
--- a/pyanaconda/cmdline.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-# cmdline.py - non-interactive, very very simple frontend to anaconda
-# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007  Red Hat, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author(s): Jeremy Katz <katzj at redhat.com
-import time
-import signal
-import parted
-from constants import *
-from flags import flags
-from iutil import strip_markup
-from installinterfacebase import InstallInterfaceBase
-import gettext
-_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
-def setupProgressDisplay(anaconda):
-    if anaconda.dir == DISPATCH_BACK:
-        anaconda.intf.setInstallProgressClass(None)
-        return DISPATCH_BACK
-    else:
-        anaconda.intf.setInstallProgressClass(progressDisplay())
-stepToClasses = { "install" : setupProgressDisplay }
-class WaitWindow:
-    def pop(self):
-        pass
-    def refresh(self):
-        pass
-    def __init__(self, title, text):
-        print(text)
-class ProgressWindow:
-    def pop(self):
-        print("")
-    def pulse(self):
-        pass
-    def set(self, amount):
-        if amount == self.total:
-            print(_("Completed"))
-    def refresh(self):
-        pass
-    def __init__(self, title, text, total, updpct = 0.05, pulse = False):
-        self.total = total
-        print(text)
-        print(_("In progress"))
-class InstallInterface(InstallInterfaceBase):
-    def __init__(self):
-        InstallInterfaceBase.__init__(self)
-#        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, signal.SIG_DFL)
-        self.instProgress = None
-    def __del__(self):
-        pass
-    def reinitializeWindow(self, title, path, size, description):
-        errtxt = _("(%s)\nCommand line mode requires all choices to be specified in a "
-                   "kickstart configuration file." % (title,))
-        raise RuntimeError(errtxt)
-    def shutdown(self):
-        pass
-    def suspend(self):
-        pass
-    def resume(self):
-        pass
-    def progressWindow(self, title, text, total, updpct = 0.05, pulse = False):
-        return ProgressWindow(title, text, total, updpct, pulse)
-    def kickstartErrorWindow(self, text):
-        errtxt = _("The following error was found while parsing the "
-                   "kickstart configuration file:\n\n%s") % (text,)
-        raise RuntimeError(errtxt)
-    def messageWindow(self, title, text, type="ok", default = None,
-                      custom_icon = None, custom_buttons = []):
-        if type == "ok":
-            print(text)
-        else:
-            errtxt = _("(%s)\n%s" % (title, text))
-            raise RuntimeError(errtxt)
-    def detailedMessageWindow(self, title, text, longText=None, type="ok",
-                              default=None, custom_buttons=None,
-                              custom_icon=None, expanded=False):
-        if longText:
-            text += "\n\n%s" % longText
-        self.messageWindow(title, text, type=type, default=default,
-                           custom_buttons=custom_buttons, custom_icon=custom_icon)
-    def passphraseEntryWindow(self, device):
-        errtxt = _("Can't have a question in command line mode!")
-        errtxt += "\n(passphraseEntryWindow: '%s')" % (device,)
-        raise RuntimeError(errtxt)
-    def enableNetwork(self):
-        errtxt = "(enableNetwork)\n"
-        errtxt += _("Can't have a question in command line mode!")
-        raise RuntimeError(errtxt)
-    def questionInitializeDASD(self, c, devs):
-        errtxt = "(questionInitializeDASD)\n"
-        errtxt += _("Can't have a question in command line mode!")
-        raise RuntimeError(errtxt)
-    def mainExceptionWindow(self, shortText, longTextFile):
-        print(shortText)
-    def waitWindow(self, title, text):
-        return WaitWindow(title, text)
-    def beep(self):
-        pass
-    def run(self, anaconda):
-        self.anaconda = anaconda
-    def display_step(self, step):
-        if stepToClasses.has_key(step):
-            stepToClasses[step](self.anaconda)
-        else:
-            errtxt = _("In interactive step can't continue. (%s)" %(step,))
-            raise RuntimeError(errtxt)
-    def setInstallProgressClass(self, c):
-        self.instProgress = c
-class progressDisplay:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.pct = 0
-        self.display = ""
-    def __del__(self):
-        pass
-    def processEvents(self):
-        pass
-    def setShowPercentage(self, val):
-        pass
-    def get_fraction(self):
-        return self.pct
-    def set_fraction(self, pct):
-        self.pct = pct
-    def set_text(self, txt):
-        print(txt)
-    def set_label(self, txt):
-        stripped = strip_markup(txt)
-        if stripped != self.display:
-            self.display = stripped
-            print(self.display)
-def setupProgressDisplay(anaconda):
-    if anaconda.dir == DISPATCH_BACK:
-        anaconda.intf.setInstallProgressClass(None)
-        return DISPATCH_BACK
-    else:
-        anaconda.intf.setInstallProgressClass(progressDisplay())
diff --git a/pyanaconda/script.py b/pyanaconda/script.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c4e0074..0000000
--- a/pyanaconda/script.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# script.py - non-interactive, script based anaconda interface
-# Copyright (C) 2011
-# Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Author(s): Brian C. Lane <bcl at redhat.com>
-from installinterfacebase import InstallInterfaceBase
-import cmdline
-from cmdline import setupProgressDisplay
-import gettext
-_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
-stepToClasses = { "install" : "setupProgressDisplay",
-                  "complete": "Finished" }
-class InstallInterface(cmdline.InstallInterface):
-    def enableNetwork(self):
-        # Assume we want networking
-        return True
-    def display_step(self, step):
-        if stepToClasses.has_key(step):
-            s = "nextWin = %s" % (stepToClasses[step],)
-            exec s
-            nextWin(self.anaconda)
-        else:
-            errtxt = _("In interactive step can't continue. (%s)" % (step,))
-            print(errtxt)
-            raise RuntimeError(errtxt)
-def Finished(anaconda):
-    """ Install is finished. Lets just exit.
-    """
-    return 0
diff --git a/tests/pyanaconda_test/cmdline_test.py b/tests/pyanaconda_test/cmdline_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 17cb16a..0000000
--- a/tests/pyanaconda_test/cmdline_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-import mock
-import sys
-class CmdLineTest(mock.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.setupModules(["_isys", "block", 'parted', 'storage',
-                            'pyanaconda.storage.formats', 'logging', 
-                            'ConfigParser'])
-        self.fs = mock.DiskIO()
-        self.stdout = sys.stdout
-        self.TMP_STDOUT = '/tmp/stdout'
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-    def tearDown(self):
-        sys.stdout = self.stdout
-        self.tearDownModules()
-    def waitwindow_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        TITLE = 'TITLE'
-        TEXT = 'text'
-        sys.stdout = self.fs.open(self.TMP_STDOUT, 'w')
-        win = pyanaconda.cmdline.WaitWindow(TITLE, TEXT)
-        sys.stdout.close()
-        self.assertEqual(self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT], '%s\n' % TEXT)
-    def progresswindow_1_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        TITLE = 'TITLE'
-        TEXT = 'text'
-        TOTAL = 100
-        sys.stdout = self.fs.open(self.TMP_STDOUT, 'w')
-        win = pyanaconda.cmdline.ProgressWindow(TITLE, TEXT, TOTAL)
-        sys.stdout.close()
-        self.assertTrue(TEXT in self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT])
-    def progresswindow_2_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        TITLE = 'TITLE'
-        TEXT = 'text'
-        TOTAL = 100
-        sys.stdout = self.fs.open(self.TMP_STDOUT, 'w')
-        win = pyanaconda.cmdline.ProgressWindow(TITLE, TEXT, TOTAL)
-        win.set(50)
-        sys.stdout.close()
-        self.assertTrue(TEXT in self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT])
-    def progresswindow_3_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        TITLE = 'TITLE'
-        TEXT = 'text'
-        TOTAL = 100
-        sys.stdout = self.fs.open(self.TMP_STDOUT, 'w')
-        win = pyanaconda.cmdline.ProgressWindow(TITLE, TEXT, TOTAL)
-        win.set(100)
-        sys.stdout.close()
-        self.assertTrue(TEXT in self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT])
-    def installinterface_progresswindow_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.ProgressWindow = mock.Mock(return_value='foo')
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        ret = intf.progressWindow(0, 0, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(ret, 'foo')
-    def installinterface_kickstarterrorwindow_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.time.sleep = mock.Mock(side_effect=Exception)
-        TEXT = 'foobar text'
-        sys.stdout = self.fs.open(self.TMP_STDOUT, 'w')
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        try: intf.kickstartErrorWindow(TEXT)
-        except: pass
-        sys.stdout.close()
-        self.assertTrue(TEXT in self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT])
-    def installinterface_messagewindow_1_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        TITLE = 'TITLE'
-        TEXT = 'foobar text'
-        sys.stdout = self.fs.open(self.TMP_STDOUT, 'w')
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        intf.messageWindow(TITLE, TEXT)
-        sys.stdout.close()
-        self.assertEqual(self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT], '%s\n' % TEXT)
-    def installinterface_messagewindow_2_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.time.sleep = mock.Mock(side_effect=Exception)
-        TITLE = 'TITLE'
-        TEXT = 'foobar text'
-        TYPE = 'abc'
-        CUSTOM_BUTTONS = ['BUT1', 'BUT2']
-        sys.stdout = self.fs.open(self.TMP_STDOUT, 'w')
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        try: intf.messageWindow(TITLE, TEXT, TYPE, custom_buttons=CUSTOM_BUTTONS)
-        except: pass
-        sys.stdout.close()
-        self.assertTrue(TITLE in self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT])
-        self.assertTrue(TEXT in self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT])
-        for but in CUSTOM_BUTTONS:
-            self.assertTrue(but in self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT])
-    def installinterface_detailedmessagewindow_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface.messageWindow = mock.Mock()
-        TITLE = 'TITLE'
-        TEXT = 'foobar text'
-        LONGTEXT = 'very very very (wait for it) long text.'
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        intf.detailedMessageWindow(TITLE, TEXT, LONGTEXT)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            TEXT in pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface.messageWindow.call_args[0][1])
-        self.assertTrue(
-            LONGTEXT in pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface.messageWindow.call_args[0][1])
-    def installinterface_passhraseentrywindow_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.time.sleep = mock.Mock(side_effect=Exception)
-        DEVICE = 'foodevice'
-        sys.stdout = self.fs.open(self.TMP_STDOUT, 'w')
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        self.assertRaises(Exception, intf.passphraseEntryWindow, DEVICE)
-        sys.stdout.close()
-        self.assertTrue(DEVICE in self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT])
-    def installinterface_enablenetwork_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.time.sleep = mock.Mock(side_effect=Exception)
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        self.assertRaises(Exception, intf.enableNetwork)
-    def installinterface_questioninitialize_dasd_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.time.sleep = mock.Mock(side_effect=Exception)
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        self.assertRaises(Exception, intf.questionInitializeDASD, 'foo', 'bar')
-    def installinterface_mainexceptionwindow_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        SHORT_TEXT = "short text"
-        LONG_TEXT = "long text"
-        sys.stdout = self.fs.open(self.TMP_STDOUT, 'w')
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        intf.mainExceptionWindow(SHORT_TEXT, LONG_TEXT)
-        sys.stdout.close()
-        self.assertTrue(SHORT_TEXT in self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT])
-    def installinterface_waitwindow_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.WaitWindow = mock.Mock()
-        TITLE = 'TITLE'
-        TEXT = 'text'
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        intf.waitWindow(TITLE, TEXT)
-        self.assertTrue(pyanaconda.cmdline.WaitWindow.called)
-        self.assertEqual(pyanaconda.cmdline.WaitWindow.call_args,
-            (('TITLE', 'text'), {}))
-    #def installinterface_run_test(self):
-    #    pass
-    def installinterface_setinstallprogressclass_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        CLASS = 65
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        intf.setInstallProgressClass(CLASS)
-        self.assertEqual(intf.instProgress, CLASS)
-    def progressdisplay_get_fraction_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        PCT = 44
-        pd = pyanaconda.cmdline.progressDisplay()
-        pd.pct = PCT
-        ret = pd.get_fraction()
-        self.assertEqual(ret, PCT)
-    def progressdisplay_set_fraction_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        PCT = 52
-        pd = pyanaconda.cmdline.progressDisplay()
-        pd.set_fraction(52)
-        self.assertEqual(pd.pct, PCT)
-    def progressdisplay_set_label_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.strip_markup = mock.Mock(return_value="foo")
-        TEXT = 'text'
-        pd = pyanaconda.cmdline.progressDisplay()
-        pd.set_label(TEXT)
-        self.assertEqual(pd.display, "foo")
-    def setupprogressdisplay_1_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.DISPATCH_BACK = -1
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.DISPATCH_FORWARD = 1
-        anaconda = mock.Mock()
-        anaconda.dir = pyanaconda.cmdline.DISPATCH_BACK
-        ret = pyanaconda.cmdline.setupProgressDisplay(anaconda)
-        self.assertEqual(ret, pyanaconda.cmdline.DISPATCH_BACK)
-        self.assertTrue(anaconda.intf.setInstallProgressClass.called)
-    def setupprogressdisplay_2_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.DISPATCH_BACK = -1
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.DISPATCH_FORWARD = 1
-        anaconda = mock.Mock()
-        anaconda.dir = pyanaconda.cmdline.DISPATCH_FORWARD
-        ret = pyanaconda.cmdline.setupProgressDisplay(anaconda)
-        self.assertEqual(ret, pyanaconda.cmdline.DISPATCH_FORWARD)
-        self.assertTrue(anaconda.intf.setInstallProgressClass.called)

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