[PATCH 1/2] getLUKSPassphrase is no longer used, so kill it.

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Wed Jan 9 22:02:10 UTC 2013

 pyanaconda/cmdline.py                 |  5 ---
 pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py      | 80 -----------------------------------
 tests/pyanaconda_test/cmdline_test.py |  7 ---
 3 files changed, 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pyanaconda/cmdline.py b/pyanaconda/cmdline.py
index 7c11ccf..310ec38 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/cmdline.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/cmdline.py
@@ -127,11 +127,6 @@ class InstallInterface(InstallInterfaceBase):
         errtxt += "\n(passphraseEntryWindow: '%s')" % (device,)
         raise RuntimeError(errtxt)
-    def getLUKSPassphrase(self, passphrase = "", isglobal = False):
-        errtxt = _("Can't have a question in command line mode!")
-        errtxt += "\n(getLUKSPassphrase)"
-        raise RuntimeError(errtxt)
     def enableNetwork(self):
         errtxt = "(enableNetwork)\n"
         errtxt += _("Can't have a question in command line mode!")
diff --git a/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py b/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py
index 9d902aa..e1ff351 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py
@@ -54,86 +54,6 @@ _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
 import logging
 log = logging.getLogger("storage")
-def getLUKSPassphrase(intf, device, passphrases):
-    """ Obtain a passphrase for a LUKS encrypted block device.
-        The format's mapping name must already be set and the backing
-        device must already be set up before calling this function.
-        If successful, this function leaves the device mapped.
-        Return value is the passphrase string, if obtained
-        Either or both can be None, depending on the outcome.
-    """
-    if device.format.type != "luks":
-        # this function only works on luks devices
-        raise ValueError("not a luks device")
-    if not device.status:
-        # the device should have already been set up
-        raise RuntimeError("device is not set up")
-    if device.format.status:
-        # the device is already mapped
-        raise RuntimeError("device is already mapped")
-    if not device.format.configured and passphrases:
-        for passphrase in passphrases:
-            device.format.passphrase =  passphrase
-            try:
-                device.format.setup()
-            except CryptoError as e:
-                device.format.passphrase = None
-            else:
-                # we've opened the device so we're done.
-                return passphrase
-    if not intf:
-        return None
-    buttons = [_("Back"), _("Continue")]
-    passphrase_incorrect = False
-    while True:
-        if passphrase_incorrect:
-            # TODO: add a flag to passphraseEntryWindow to say the last
-            #       passphrase was incorrect so try again
-            passphrase_incorrect = False
-        passphrase = intf.passphraseEntryWindow(device.name)
-        if not passphrase:
-            rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Confirm"),
-                                    _("Are you sure you want to skip "
-                                      "entering a passphrase for device "
-                                      "%s?\n\n"
-                                      "If you skip this step the "
-                                      "device's contents will not "
-                                      "be available during "
-                                      "installation.") % device.name,
-                                    type = "custom",
-                                    default = 0,
-                                    custom_buttons = buttons)
-            if rc == 0:
-                continue
-            else:
-                passphrase = None
-                log.info("skipping passphrase for %s" % (device.name,))
-                break
-        device.format.passphrase = passphrase
-        try:
-            device.format.setup()
-        except CryptoError as e:
-            device.format.passphrase = None
-            passphrase_incorrect = True
-        else:
-            # we've opened the device so we're done.
-            break
-    return passphrase
 class DeviceTree(object):
     """ A quasi-tree that represents the devices in the system.
diff --git a/tests/pyanaconda_test/cmdline_test.py b/tests/pyanaconda_test/cmdline_test.py
index e6a0a33..17cb16a 100644
--- a/tests/pyanaconda_test/cmdline_test.py
+++ b/tests/pyanaconda_test/cmdline_test.py
@@ -134,13 +134,6 @@ class CmdLineTest(mock.TestCase):
         self.assertRaises(Exception, intf.passphraseEntryWindow, DEVICE)
         self.assertTrue(DEVICE in self.fs[self.TMP_STDOUT])
-    def installinterface_getlukspassphrase_test(self):
-        import pyanaconda.cmdline
-        pyanaconda.cmdline.time.sleep = mock.Mock(side_effect=Exception)
-        intf = pyanaconda.cmdline.InstallInterface()
-        self.assertRaises(Exception, intf.getLUKSPassphrase, 'foo')
     def installinterface_enablenetwork_test(self):
         import pyanaconda.cmdline

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